Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Betty Warner, Tonia Mears, Kelly Ziegler, Dana Decker, Kris, Ray and A.J. present when Kris calls meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: November 8, 2017, Kris moves to approve and A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: Tonia Mears discusses her letter to the PSB i.e., options for use of town education funds. We discuss that each student who does not have their high school diploma and is attending an accredited school should have a right to at least the statewide average tuition paid to the school. A.J. moves to pay for the tuition when we get a bill directly from the school because we think that is what the law requires and has been the practice of the board. Ray seconds and Kris approves unanimously. If this process does not work, Tonia will report back and A.J. will look for alternatives to resolve the payment request.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders #4: Rutland City 2d semester 504 $6,905.93, 2d qtr secondary $3,650, Neuropsych and Concussion Mgmt. Assoc. SPED expense $4,700, Hartford secondary $2,040.77, Woodstock ½ tuition 20 secondary $109,860, KMS 13 29 $127,455: Total $254,611.70. A.J. moves and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
o Discuss Act 46/49 Status: Kris updates the group on the State Board of Ed that A.J. attended and notes that the SBE said our submission was insufficient and that the SBE wanted to maintain flexibility. We review the AOE recommendation where they say the SBE will consider our proposal as an Act 46, Sect 9 proposal (stand-alone). The AOE stated it was reasonable to assume Pittsfield would not be required to join any other district.
6. Reports: Ray reports on SU and WMUUD meeting December 11, 2017. Ray reports that the WMUUD is discussing intra district choice and the impacts that would have on the UD’s smaller schools. Ray notes Pittsfield’s payment of full tuition to each UD school in addition to the Admin and SPED and EEE payments to the SU is somewhat of a double payment. We note that our costs to WCSU are much less than when we were with the now-defunct WNWSU. But due to the UD recognizing this dynamic and being concerned about other similar issues, the UD is going to set district-wide elementary school tuition. This will result in Killington Elementary and Woodstock tuition going up much more than in recent years. Ray reports on various other aspects of the WCSU meeting (language proficiency program, etc.)
7. Agenda Setting for January Meeting: preparation for Town Meeting, Update on finding replacement for A.J. on School Board; Budget setting.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:45, Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Betty Warner, Tonia Mears, Kelly Ziegler, Dana Decker, Kris, Ray and A.J. present when Kris calls meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: November 8, 2017, Kris moves to approve and A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: Tonia Mears discusses her letter to the PSB i.e., options for use of town education funds. We discuss that each student who does not have their high school diploma and is attending an accredited school should have a right to at least the statewide average tuition paid to the school. A.J. moves to pay for the tuition when we get a bill directly from the school because we think that is what the law requires and has been the practice of the board. Ray seconds and Kris approves unanimously. If this process does not work, Tonia will report back and A.J. will look for alternatives to resolve the payment request.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders #4: Rutland City 2d semester 504 $6,905.93, 2d qtr secondary $3,650, Neuropsych and Concussion Mgmt. Assoc. SPED expense $4,700, Hartford secondary $2,040.77, Woodstock ½ tuition 20 secondary $109,860, KMS 13 29 $127,455: Total $254,611.70. A.J. moves and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation
o Discuss Act 46/49 Status: Kris updates the group on the State Board of Ed that A.J. attended and notes that the SBE said our submission was insufficient and that the SBE wanted to maintain flexibility. We review the AOE recommendation where they say the SBE will consider our proposal as an Act 46, Sect 9 proposal (stand-alone). The AOE stated it was reasonable to assume Pittsfield would not be required to join any other district.
6. Reports: Ray reports on SU and WMUUD meeting December 11, 2017. Ray reports that the WMUUD is discussing intra district choice and the impacts that would have on the UD’s smaller schools. Ray notes Pittsfield’s payment of full tuition to each UD school in addition to the Admin and SPED and EEE payments to the SU is somewhat of a double payment. We note that our costs to WCSU are much less than when we were with the now-defunct WNWSU. But due to the UD recognizing this dynamic and being concerned about other similar issues, the UD is going to set district-wide elementary school tuition. This will result in Killington Elementary and Woodstock tuition going up much more than in recent years. Ray reports on various other aspects of the WCSU meeting (language proficiency program, etc.)
7. Agenda Setting for January Meeting: preparation for Town Meeting, Update on finding replacement for A.J. on School Board; Budget setting.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:45, Ray seconds and approved unanimously.