Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with Ray and A.J. in attendance.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: none.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: March 22, 2017 Ray moves to approve and Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #6 – Killington Elementary 1/3 tuition 23 students $98,141, Woodstock M/HS 1/3 tuition 21 students $111,993, KMS ½ tuition 3 students $22,159.50, Rutland Public Schools 3rd and 4th Qtr for 4 students and Stafford Tech Tuition and 504 expenses $27,754.14, Killington Preschool ¼ 3 students $2,319, U.S. Treasury for annual federal tax returns $191.25 for a total of $262,557.89. A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: After review, Kris moves to approve and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
o Update on Jean Colver Scofield Award Process: We are waiting on the letters of application and will vote on them at our May meeting.
o Update on Act 46 Process: A.J. updates on Senate bill passed today that should allow a choice district like ours to join with a non-choice educational district (like what is forming out of some districts that are part of the WCSU now) to comply with Act 46 requirements. This will be confirmed when the bill is through a conference committee and/or signed by the Governor and we should have more clarity at next month’s meeting.
6. Reports: No WCSU representatives present.
7. Agenda Setting for May Meeting: payment orders, check reconciliation, scholarship update, Act 46 update, WCSU reports.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:30p.m., approved unanimously.
Approved May 10, 2017
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, A.J. Ruben
Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with Ray and A.J. in attendance.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: none.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: March 22, 2017 Ray moves to approve and Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #6 – Killington Elementary 1/3 tuition 23 students $98,141, Woodstock M/HS 1/3 tuition 21 students $111,993, KMS ½ tuition 3 students $22,159.50, Rutland Public Schools 3rd and 4th Qtr for 4 students and Stafford Tech Tuition and 504 expenses $27,754.14, Killington Preschool ¼ 3 students $2,319, U.S. Treasury for annual federal tax returns $191.25 for a total of $262,557.89. A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: After review, Kris moves to approve and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
o Update on Jean Colver Scofield Award Process: We are waiting on the letters of application and will vote on them at our May meeting.
o Update on Act 46 Process: A.J. updates on Senate bill passed today that should allow a choice district like ours to join with a non-choice educational district (like what is forming out of some districts that are part of the WCSU now) to comply with Act 46 requirements. This will be confirmed when the bill is through a conference committee and/or signed by the Governor and we should have more clarity at next month’s meeting.
6. Reports: No WCSU representatives present.
7. Agenda Setting for May Meeting: payment orders, check reconciliation, scholarship update, Act 46 update, WCSU reports.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:30p.m., approved unanimously.
Approved May 10, 2017
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, A.J. Ruben