Pittsfield Rescue Plan Committee
Thursday, June 23, 2022
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link.
Present: A.J. Ruben (Select Board), Phil Lipari, Lynda Colton, Richard Gaston, Micheline
Open Meeting: AJ called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by Phil.
Agenda Modification: NA
Minutes Approval: Phil moved to approve the meeting minutes at 6:23pm. Richard seconded.
Public Present: none
Correspondence: None
Old Business
New Business
Next Meeting: NA
New Business:
AJ motioned to end the meeting at 7:42pm. Seconded by Lynda. All in favor.
Recorded by:
Katie Stiles
Thursday, June 23, 2022
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link.
Present: A.J. Ruben (Select Board), Phil Lipari, Lynda Colton, Richard Gaston, Micheline
Open Meeting: AJ called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Seconded by Phil.
Agenda Modification: NA
Minutes Approval: Phil moved to approve the meeting minutes at 6:23pm. Richard seconded.
Public Present: none
Correspondence: None
Old Business
- Review and wrap up all proposals to send to select board
New Business
- Submit our ranking to the select board
Next Meeting: NA
New Business:
- The committee reviewed all of the proposals sent and agreed on the following ranking as the top 8 project ideas:
- Replace rescue equipment for EMT and Firehouse (proposed $11,999 for a new snowmobile)
- Continue renovations to town hall for use as an emergency shelter ($100,000 already estimated. AC units add 16-18K, and a generator quote came in at $24,995 with stand)
- Assess water/septic system on town properties ($2,500 for a system assessment from Otter Creek Engineering; potential to spend a lot more to fix any septic issues)
- Update playground equipment: anywhere from $18,000-50,000 depending on the chosen equipment
- Village speed limit enforcement: $3,300 for one of those flashing speed limit signs
- Addition to firehouse: $7,500-10,000 to start working on design plans
- Big town hall sign to replace A-Frames: $500-17,000 depending on what we select
- Replace stanchions between fire department and post office: $400-1,000 per stanchion
- All other ideas were ranked based on information gathered from the committee and included in the excel sheet
- One idea brought to the committee that was not addressed for grant funds but deemed important to consider was adding Pittsfield to the Tri-Valley Transit bus route to take people from town to Killington. The committee agreed there was great benefit to the community to consider this, but also agreed this wasn’t an appropriate avenue for ARPA funding. AJ said he would discuss with the select board.
- It was also mentioned that the repaving of the basketball courts (an idea suggested on the list) was already being addressed by a grant writer hired by the select board.
AJ motioned to end the meeting at 7:42pm. Seconded by Lynda. All in favor.
Recorded by:
Katie Stiles