Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to order. Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with A.J. in attendance. Ray sent his regrets but could not attend tonight’s meeting.
2. Consider amendments to the agenda. None, other than update and thanks to Ray on his attendance at the WCSU Board meetings.
3. Approve minutes: January 12, 2016 and January 18, 2016 - Kris moves to accept both sets of minutes and A.J. seconds and approved.
4. Public comment/Visitors: none.
5. Action/Discussion
New Business:
Payment Order #7: Hartford School District $81.40, Rutland Schools 3d qtr 2 hs students $7,000; Rochester ½ tuition 3 hs students $30,000; Sharon Academy ½ tuition 6 students $42,891; Cushing Academy ½ tuition one student $6,515; Stockbridge School ½ tuition 6 es students $36,285; the Medical Store 504 expense $462.46; U.S. Treasury FICA, SS and Medicare $175.19; WCSU SPED services (KES and WUHS) $29,054.99 and $34,904.72: Total $187,369.29. A.J. moves to approve and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Old business:
Review and approve checkbook reconciliation - We review the documents and A.J. moves to accept and Kris seconds approved and signed unanimously.
IRS bond letter report (tabled from last meeting)- Dir. of Finance- Richard is not here so we’ll table this issue until next meeting.
Update on Act 46 : We discuss that the Legislature amended the immediate tax penalty provisions but Pittsfield was not subject to them in the first place. No action was taken, and is not likely to be taken, on the issue of maintaining school choice. We discuss advising the town at Town Meeting on the concerns associated with maintaining school choice instead of taking the route intended by this legislation and consolidating with other towns, in effect loosing local control. This will be a lively topic of discussion at the Town Meeting.
6. Reports:
Superintendent - none.
Director of Finance – none.
7. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. A.J. seconds and meeting closed.
Approved: A. J. Ruben
Kris Sperber
Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to order. Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with A.J. in attendance. Ray sent his regrets but could not attend tonight’s meeting.
2. Consider amendments to the agenda. None, other than update and thanks to Ray on his attendance at the WCSU Board meetings.
3. Approve minutes: January 12, 2016 and January 18, 2016 - Kris moves to accept both sets of minutes and A.J. seconds and approved.
4. Public comment/Visitors: none.
5. Action/Discussion
New Business:
Payment Order #7: Hartford School District $81.40, Rutland Schools 3d qtr 2 hs students $7,000; Rochester ½ tuition 3 hs students $30,000; Sharon Academy ½ tuition 6 students $42,891; Cushing Academy ½ tuition one student $6,515; Stockbridge School ½ tuition 6 es students $36,285; the Medical Store 504 expense $462.46; U.S. Treasury FICA, SS and Medicare $175.19; WCSU SPED services (KES and WUHS) $29,054.99 and $34,904.72: Total $187,369.29. A.J. moves to approve and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Old business:
Review and approve checkbook reconciliation - We review the documents and A.J. moves to accept and Kris seconds approved and signed unanimously.
IRS bond letter report (tabled from last meeting)- Dir. of Finance- Richard is not here so we’ll table this issue until next meeting.
Update on Act 46 : We discuss that the Legislature amended the immediate tax penalty provisions but Pittsfield was not subject to them in the first place. No action was taken, and is not likely to be taken, on the issue of maintaining school choice. We discuss advising the town at Town Meeting on the concerns associated with maintaining school choice instead of taking the route intended by this legislation and consolidating with other towns, in effect loosing local control. This will be a lively topic of discussion at the Town Meeting.
6. Reports:
Superintendent - none.
Director of Finance – none.
7. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. A.J. seconds and meeting closed.
Approved: A. J. Ruben
Kris Sperber