MARCH 15, 2016
1. Call to Order: Alice Worth, WCSU Superintendent, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with Kris and A.J. present, Ray notified us he would not be available tonight.
2. Reorganization of the Board: Alice asks for motion, A.J. moves to elect Kris as chair, Kris seconds, approved unanimously; Kris moves to elect A.J. as secretary, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously; Kris moves to elect Ray as WCSU representative, with caveat that if he’s unable to go either Kris or A.J. is authorized to attend and vote for Pittsfield, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
3. Consider agenda amendment: None
4. Review minutes of February 9th PSB meeting and review minutes of March 1st Annual School Directors. Kris moves to approve both, A.J. seconds approved unanimously.
5. Public comment: Kris reports a Pittsfield parent noted appreciation for services received from the WCSU and we conveyed that to Alice with thanks.
6. Action Discussion:
a. New business Payment orders #8: Randolph Tech one student $8221.68; Stafford Tech 2nd semester $424.32; Rutland City 504 second and third quarter $11,884.83: Total $20,562.51 Kris moves A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
b. Old business Review check book reconciliation. Kris moves to approve, A.J. seconds. Approved unanimously.
a. IRS bond letter: Alice will follow up with Richard as we last got information on this in October 2015. Tabled until next meeting.
b. Update on Act 46: Alice reports on WCSU’s meetings with Peter Clarke. They requested data to address the issue of whether schools were substantially equal across the WCSU schools. Data assessed against new educational standards that are not quantitative. The result was a determination that it would be impossible to provide substantially equal education amongst all schools in WCSU. Next week they will start assessing the financial equality among WCSU districts. They will consider allowing Peter to add Pittsfield in this part of their evaluation. Alice reports WCSU met with Plymouth, a WCSU choice town, and have been told Plymouth is not sure whether to give up school choice or to try and form a side by side Educational District, perhaps with Pittsfield, connected to the forthcoming WCSU ED and maintain choice that way. Kris agrees to follow up with Plymouth’s board chair to discuss this option which could be a new alternative to keep choice without having to join with Granville and Hancock and go back to the White River SU. Alice will ask Peter to evaluate how a new side by side would look with Plymouth and Pittsfield and WCSU’s larger ED. We discuss how our high spending increase and high equalized pupil costs will make it hard to get a partner as our joining will increase their costs as our equalized pupil expenses would be merged and averaged. Kris asks that Peter consider that our equalized pupil expenses should be going down. We agree to hold off on asking for a “706” evaluation to join Hancock and Granville until we know if joining with Plymouth.
7. Reports Superintendent: Alice notes she does a monthly report prior to the WCSU board meeting and Ray gets those. Otherwise she would contact us if any new policies impacted us.
8. Director of Finance: none.
9. Adjourn: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:30 and A.J. seconds, adjourned.
For next meeting: review minutes, check book reconciliation, Act 46 Update, payment orders, IRS letter.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Signed by: Kristin Sperber, A. J. Ruben, Ray Rice
April 20, 2016
MARCH 15, 2016
1. Call to Order: Alice Worth, WCSU Superintendent, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with Kris and A.J. present, Ray notified us he would not be available tonight.
2. Reorganization of the Board: Alice asks for motion, A.J. moves to elect Kris as chair, Kris seconds, approved unanimously; Kris moves to elect A.J. as secretary, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously; Kris moves to elect Ray as WCSU representative, with caveat that if he’s unable to go either Kris or A.J. is authorized to attend and vote for Pittsfield, A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
3. Consider agenda amendment: None
4. Review minutes of February 9th PSB meeting and review minutes of March 1st Annual School Directors. Kris moves to approve both, A.J. seconds approved unanimously.
5. Public comment: Kris reports a Pittsfield parent noted appreciation for services received from the WCSU and we conveyed that to Alice with thanks.
6. Action Discussion:
a. New business Payment orders #8: Randolph Tech one student $8221.68; Stafford Tech 2nd semester $424.32; Rutland City 504 second and third quarter $11,884.83: Total $20,562.51 Kris moves A.J. seconds, approved unanimously.
b. Old business Review check book reconciliation. Kris moves to approve, A.J. seconds. Approved unanimously.
a. IRS bond letter: Alice will follow up with Richard as we last got information on this in October 2015. Tabled until next meeting.
b. Update on Act 46: Alice reports on WCSU’s meetings with Peter Clarke. They requested data to address the issue of whether schools were substantially equal across the WCSU schools. Data assessed against new educational standards that are not quantitative. The result was a determination that it would be impossible to provide substantially equal education amongst all schools in WCSU. Next week they will start assessing the financial equality among WCSU districts. They will consider allowing Peter to add Pittsfield in this part of their evaluation. Alice reports WCSU met with Plymouth, a WCSU choice town, and have been told Plymouth is not sure whether to give up school choice or to try and form a side by side Educational District, perhaps with Pittsfield, connected to the forthcoming WCSU ED and maintain choice that way. Kris agrees to follow up with Plymouth’s board chair to discuss this option which could be a new alternative to keep choice without having to join with Granville and Hancock and go back to the White River SU. Alice will ask Peter to evaluate how a new side by side would look with Plymouth and Pittsfield and WCSU’s larger ED. We discuss how our high spending increase and high equalized pupil costs will make it hard to get a partner as our joining will increase their costs as our equalized pupil expenses would be merged and averaged. Kris asks that Peter consider that our equalized pupil expenses should be going down. We agree to hold off on asking for a “706” evaluation to join Hancock and Granville until we know if joining with Plymouth.
7. Reports Superintendent: Alice notes she does a monthly report prior to the WCSU board meeting and Ray gets those. Otherwise she would contact us if any new policies impacted us.
8. Director of Finance: none.
9. Adjourn: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:30 and A.J. seconds, adjourned.
For next meeting: review minutes, check book reconciliation, Act 46 Update, payment orders, IRS letter.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J. Ruben
Signed by: Kristin Sperber, A. J. Ruben, Ray Rice
April 20, 2016