Town of Pittsfield, Vermont
Planning Commission
Minutes of October 11, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Rubin, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard and Emily Jarecki.
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
2. Agenda Modifications –
Two pieces of mail, review under correspondence
3. The minutes from the April 12th meeting were read-
Emily noted that plaque was spelled incorrectly. Suana corrected and made a motion to accept the corrected minutes, Jennifer seconded, all in favor.
4. Correspondence
One item from Two Rivers which was expired Sept 26-Oct 7 was Way to Go Commuter Challenge
Notice from Town of Rochester that they will be making improvements on the West Branch of the Tweed near Wing Farm.
5. Discussion on the Matrix
Utilities and Facilities Capital Budget was left with Selectboard to discuss, PC will follow up in a while.
Flood Resilience – Flood Hazard Regs have been updated, no further discussion needed, up to date. Watershed level planning will move to 2017 with Selectboard and RPC
Energy- Increase public awareness, Marsha will contact library to see if they want to do something with us along the lines of a public forum on energy saving practices and products. The PC will meet with the Selectboard again to discuss the formal appointment of an Energy Committee.
Economic Development- PC already inventoried local businesses to determine services and goods available in town and where market gaps may exist.
Natural, Historic, Scenic Resources- Suana will find out if our wetlands have been identified by the state. Public access to rivers is being improved on new park area through Grant program. Jen already contacted Fish and Game, no wildlife corridors in Pittsfield, since we are 90% forest land. Jen will contact RPC regarding a possible study that might have been done on groundwater resources in town. Marsha said town website already advises on management of invasives.
Relationship to other plans-held until next meeting. PC felt this was an ongoing issue already being accomplished.
Emily said she was resigning as of October 12, 2016 as she will be moving up to Burlington. Suana said Sarah Gallagher may be interested and she will contact her.
Next meeting set for January 10, 2017.
7. Adjournment-
Meeting adjourned 7:20pm, motion by Suana, seconded Emily, all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of October 11, 2016 were duly APPROVED
on May 9, 2017
Suana Rubin, chair
Planning Commission
Minutes of October 11, 2016
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Rubin, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard and Emily Jarecki.
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
2. Agenda Modifications –
Two pieces of mail, review under correspondence
3. The minutes from the April 12th meeting were read-
Emily noted that plaque was spelled incorrectly. Suana corrected and made a motion to accept the corrected minutes, Jennifer seconded, all in favor.
4. Correspondence
One item from Two Rivers which was expired Sept 26-Oct 7 was Way to Go Commuter Challenge
Notice from Town of Rochester that they will be making improvements on the West Branch of the Tweed near Wing Farm.
5. Discussion on the Matrix
Utilities and Facilities Capital Budget was left with Selectboard to discuss, PC will follow up in a while.
Flood Resilience – Flood Hazard Regs have been updated, no further discussion needed, up to date. Watershed level planning will move to 2017 with Selectboard and RPC
Energy- Increase public awareness, Marsha will contact library to see if they want to do something with us along the lines of a public forum on energy saving practices and products. The PC will meet with the Selectboard again to discuss the formal appointment of an Energy Committee.
Economic Development- PC already inventoried local businesses to determine services and goods available in town and where market gaps may exist.
Natural, Historic, Scenic Resources- Suana will find out if our wetlands have been identified by the state. Public access to rivers is being improved on new park area through Grant program. Jen already contacted Fish and Game, no wildlife corridors in Pittsfield, since we are 90% forest land. Jen will contact RPC regarding a possible study that might have been done on groundwater resources in town. Marsha said town website already advises on management of invasives.
Relationship to other plans-held until next meeting. PC felt this was an ongoing issue already being accomplished.
Emily said she was resigning as of October 12, 2016 as she will be moving up to Burlington. Suana said Sarah Gallagher may be interested and she will contact her.
Next meeting set for January 10, 2017.
7. Adjournment-
Meeting adjourned 7:20pm, motion by Suana, seconded Emily, all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of October 11, 2016 were duly APPROVED
on May 9, 2017
Suana Rubin, chair