DATE: March 24, 2015
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Janice Stumpf, Gary Stumpf, Peter Borden Verna Borden, Tyler Wren, Marion Abrams, Kris Sperber
Agenda Modifications: Public Present #4 Kris Sperber – School District Loan;
Old Business #2 Sheriff Contract
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/10/2015
Public Present:
1. Tyler Wren – Farm to Fork Fondo
2. Marion Abrams – EC Fiber
3. Janice Stumpf – Delinquent Tax
4. Kris Sperber – School District Loan
1. Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405
2. Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Project Review Sheet WW-3-2405
3. Katie Stiles/Marsha Hopkins – Original General Store parking
4. State of Vermont – Property Inspectors
5. VLCT News – March 2015
6. U.S. Forest Service – Open Houses
Old Business:
1. 2015 Appointments
2. Sheriff Contract
New Business:
1. Vermont Farms Catering – Request to Cater Malt
2. Vermont Farms Catering – 2015 Liquor License Renewal
3. Standard Mileage Rate for 2015 – 57.5 cents per mile
4. TRORC – Local Emergency Operations Plan
5. TRORC – Regional Plan Amendments
6. Pittsfield School District Loan - options
Next Meeting Date: April 7, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:11 p.m.; David seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the March 10, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Tyler Wren – Farm to Fork Fondo event scheduled for July 12, 2015. This is a community event for all types of bicycle riders that have stops along the way at local stores and farms. It is a fundraiser and a fun event, not a race. Limited to 500 participants. It is being staged at Riverside Farm and goes north towards Rochester. Tyler will contact State Police regarding traffic control at busy intersections. More detailed information is on file at town office.
2. Marion Abrams – EC Fiber will be holding an informational meeting at the Roger Clark Memorial Library on April 2, 2015. Jerry motioned to appoint Marion as the ECFiber Delegate; David seconded; motion carried. Jerry motioned to appoint Peter Border as the ECFiber Alternate Delegate; David seconded; motion carried. Pittsfield is one of 24 member towns and each town should be represented at meetings of ECFiber’s Governing Board.
3. Janice Stumpf – Delinquent Tax Collector presented the Board with a Policy for Collection of Delinquent Taxes that she would like to include with mailing to tax payers. She asked the Select Board for joint approval of the policy. David motioned to accept the policy; Jerry seconded; motion carried.
4. Kris Sperber – School Board Director is requesting the town to loan funds to School Board fund to pay School District bills. The other option is to take out a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) through the bank and pay associated fees and interest. Patty conducted an analysis of town finances and could loan up to $200,000 to the School Board. If the Town needed the funds re-paid before
taxes are collected, the School Board could then take out a TAN to re-pay the town. Jerry motioned to approve the loan to the School Board; David seconded; motion carried. A promissory note was signed by the Select Board. David is on the record expressing his consternation over the School District bill issues presented by Kris Sperber, School Board Director.
1. VT Environmental Conservation issued Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit: Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405.
2. VT Environmental Conservation Project Review for Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit: Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405.
3. Parking issue at Original General Store on March 14, 2015 was resolved between the parties involved. Katie Stiles initiated an e-mail conversation to alert Marsha Hopkins that the guests were directed to move their vehicles. Katie also asked Marsha to call whenever she notices a problem. Katie plans to put up the signs as outlined in the permit however she is waiting for the snow to melt so the signs can be installed permanently and properly. No action required.
4. Information from State of Vermont on Property Inspectors seminar for proposed rules of practice scheduled for 3/17/15 was forwarded to the Listers.
5. March 2015 VLCT News received and David will take to review.
6. U.S. Forest Service will be holding Open Houses to address concerns about future sustainability of national forest road systems. March 30 at 6 p.m. at Bromley Mountain Ski Resort and April 1, 2015 at Grand Summit Hotel at Mount Snow Ski Resort. No action required.
Old Business
1. Reviewed the four Town Officer appointed positions that are now optional. David motioned to eliminate the appointments of Weigher of Coal, Inspector of Lumber, Fence Viewers and Pound Keeper. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously.
2. Jerry has called the Sheriff’s department three times to go over the contract and has not had a returned call. He will continue to pursue.
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering for events on March 30 and 31, 2015 were approved via e-mail by the Select Board.
2. Request to approve Vermont Farms Catering – 2015 Liquor License Renewal received. Jerry motioned to approve the renewal; David seconded; motion carried.
3. Patty requests Board to approve increasing the standard mileage rate for 2015 to 57.5 cents per mile. Jerry motioned to approve the new mileage rate; David seconded; motion carried.
4. TRORC requesting updates for the town’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP). Peter and Patty are meeting next week to review materials and provide updates for the Select Board at the next meeting.
5. TRORC forwarded a copy of the Regional Plan Amendments that will be kept on file at the Town Office.
6. Pittsfield School District Loan – options were discussed under #4 of Public Present.
Next meeting is Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. David seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 7, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Janice Stumpf, Gary Stumpf, Peter Borden Verna Borden, Tyler Wren, Marion Abrams, Kris Sperber
Agenda Modifications: Public Present #4 Kris Sperber – School District Loan;
Old Business #2 Sheriff Contract
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/10/2015
Public Present:
1. Tyler Wren – Farm to Fork Fondo
2. Marion Abrams – EC Fiber
3. Janice Stumpf – Delinquent Tax
4. Kris Sperber – School District Loan
1. Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405
2. Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Project Review Sheet WW-3-2405
3. Katie Stiles/Marsha Hopkins – Original General Store parking
4. State of Vermont – Property Inspectors
5. VLCT News – March 2015
6. U.S. Forest Service – Open Houses
Old Business:
1. 2015 Appointments
2. Sheriff Contract
New Business:
1. Vermont Farms Catering – Request to Cater Malt
2. Vermont Farms Catering – 2015 Liquor License Renewal
3. Standard Mileage Rate for 2015 – 57.5 cents per mile
4. TRORC – Local Emergency Operations Plan
5. TRORC – Regional Plan Amendments
6. Pittsfield School District Loan - options
Next Meeting Date: April 7, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:11 p.m.; David seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the March 10, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Tyler Wren – Farm to Fork Fondo event scheduled for July 12, 2015. This is a community event for all types of bicycle riders that have stops along the way at local stores and farms. It is a fundraiser and a fun event, not a race. Limited to 500 participants. It is being staged at Riverside Farm and goes north towards Rochester. Tyler will contact State Police regarding traffic control at busy intersections. More detailed information is on file at town office.
2. Marion Abrams – EC Fiber will be holding an informational meeting at the Roger Clark Memorial Library on April 2, 2015. Jerry motioned to appoint Marion as the ECFiber Delegate; David seconded; motion carried. Jerry motioned to appoint Peter Border as the ECFiber Alternate Delegate; David seconded; motion carried. Pittsfield is one of 24 member towns and each town should be represented at meetings of ECFiber’s Governing Board.
3. Janice Stumpf – Delinquent Tax Collector presented the Board with a Policy for Collection of Delinquent Taxes that she would like to include with mailing to tax payers. She asked the Select Board for joint approval of the policy. David motioned to accept the policy; Jerry seconded; motion carried.
4. Kris Sperber – School Board Director is requesting the town to loan funds to School Board fund to pay School District bills. The other option is to take out a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) through the bank and pay associated fees and interest. Patty conducted an analysis of town finances and could loan up to $200,000 to the School Board. If the Town needed the funds re-paid before
taxes are collected, the School Board could then take out a TAN to re-pay the town. Jerry motioned to approve the loan to the School Board; David seconded; motion carried. A promissory note was signed by the Select Board. David is on the record expressing his consternation over the School District bill issues presented by Kris Sperber, School Board Director.
1. VT Environmental Conservation issued Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit: Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405.
2. VT Environmental Conservation Project Review for Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit: Colton, Stephanie and Charles ID #01-1275-000 – Permit WW-3-2405.
3. Parking issue at Original General Store on March 14, 2015 was resolved between the parties involved. Katie Stiles initiated an e-mail conversation to alert Marsha Hopkins that the guests were directed to move their vehicles. Katie also asked Marsha to call whenever she notices a problem. Katie plans to put up the signs as outlined in the permit however she is waiting for the snow to melt so the signs can be installed permanently and properly. No action required.
4. Information from State of Vermont on Property Inspectors seminar for proposed rules of practice scheduled for 3/17/15 was forwarded to the Listers.
5. March 2015 VLCT News received and David will take to review.
6. U.S. Forest Service will be holding Open Houses to address concerns about future sustainability of national forest road systems. March 30 at 6 p.m. at Bromley Mountain Ski Resort and April 1, 2015 at Grand Summit Hotel at Mount Snow Ski Resort. No action required.
Old Business
1. Reviewed the four Town Officer appointed positions that are now optional. David motioned to eliminate the appointments of Weigher of Coal, Inspector of Lumber, Fence Viewers and Pound Keeper. Jerry Drugonis seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously.
2. Jerry has called the Sheriff’s department three times to go over the contract and has not had a returned call. He will continue to pursue.
New Business
1. Request to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering for events on March 30 and 31, 2015 were approved via e-mail by the Select Board.
2. Request to approve Vermont Farms Catering – 2015 Liquor License Renewal received. Jerry motioned to approve the renewal; David seconded; motion carried.
3. Patty requests Board to approve increasing the standard mileage rate for 2015 to 57.5 cents per mile. Jerry motioned to approve the new mileage rate; David seconded; motion carried.
4. TRORC requesting updates for the town’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP). Peter and Patty are meeting next week to review materials and provide updates for the Select Board at the next meeting.
5. TRORC forwarded a copy of the Regional Plan Amendments that will be kept on file at the Town Office.
6. Pittsfield School District Loan – options were discussed under #4 of Public Present.
Next meeting is Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. David seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 7, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin