DATE: January 6, 2015
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Bob Ennis – TRORC,
Marylou Scofield – legal counsel, Steve & Donna Brown, Rick Schirm
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #3 – Bob Ennis, TRORC – review & answer questions re: Grants for 113 Park Pl.
Public Present
1. Marylou Scofield re: Buyout property at 113 Park Place
1. December 2014 Opinions
2. “Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards” for LEOP
3. Comprehensive conservation plan update for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge.
4. FY2016 List of Priorities for Re-Surfacing Roads
Old Business
1. Determination Memo re: Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit
2. Efficiency Vermont rebate check
New Business
1. VT Dept. of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value
2. Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors requests
3. Buyout of 113 Park Place
4. Town Meeting Warning review
5. 2015 Budget prep re: Funding requests and wage changes
6. Easement agreement from VHCB for the Parmenter buyout properties
7. Watkins property tax sale
Executive Session
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:52 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the December 16, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
Public Present
1. Marylou is present to participate in discussion re: buyout of 113 Park Place. Details under New Business #3.
1. December 2014 Opinions newsletter received. Don will take to review.
2. Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security has provided information on a thumb drive for municipalities to include “Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards” in LEOP. The Act became law in 2006. The law requires pets to be included in the operational plans of the LEOP if the state or town seeks reimbursement from FEMA for disaster related costs. Patty will keep on file for the LEOP update.
3. U.S. Fish & Wildlife service has provided a comprehensive conservation planning update for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. No action required.
4. TRORC – TAC committee provided FY2016 List of Priorities for Re-Surfacing Roads in the region and seeks input. No projects scheduled in the Pittsfield area (Route 100) for FY2016. No action.
Old Business
1. Environmental District issued a Memorandum of Decision, Certificate of Service, Altered permit and Findings of fact for Permit to the Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit #3W1060. On file in Town Clerk’s office.
2. Efficiency Vermont issued a rebate check in the amount of $1,587.10 for energy efficiency projects completed at the town office building.
New Business
1. VT Dept. of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value information received. This is sent annually to the listers. Martha said listers are in agreement with the value and no need to appeal. The current rate is at 116.80% common level of appraisal.
2. Two requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from VT Farms Catering LLC and approved via e-mail by the Select Board:
a. December 31, 2014 at 4275 Route 100
b. January 10, 2015 at 57 Tweed River Drive
3. Buyout of 113 Park Place is the last property to process through HMGP. Bob Ennis of TRORC is administering the project for the town and has the grant paperwork for this along with the FEMA grant and TRORC/HUD sub-grant agreements. FEMA Award Grant is $192,173 (75% of total); TRORC/HUD sub-grant award is $64,057 (25% of total). Mark signed the agreements on behalf of the Select Board. The TRORC management sub-grant is $3,843. There is no cost to the town for the buyout. Marylou shared that neither the Homeowner’s Association nor the Water & Sewer Association have released the property from future assessments. Bob stated they have dealt with similar issues and a separate document can be drawn up to get the property owner to clear the title. Marylou understood the Peytons have paid assessment bills received. Rick stated water bill has not been paid. Marylou asked if Peytons were billed and Rick affirmed bills were sent but payments were not enforced. The Browns are one of the ten properties in the shared Water & Sewer Association and they still have a water issue. The state gave approval for a well to be drilled across the road but they are still waiting on an easement to do so. They never know when they will have water and are trying to find out why their well is not working. They have someone coming in to test it for leaks. Currently the Water & Sewer Association is not active; they need to be active to pursue past and future obligations. Rick states they are concerned about liability and assessment shares but the goal is not to block the transfer of the property. Marylou needs to work with the Association to resolve but it doesn’t exist. Bob recommends waiting until the grants are issued before Marylou spends more time on trying to resolve the issue.
4. Revised Town Meeting warning distributed. Final warning will be completed at January 20, 2015 meeting.
5. 2015 Budget in Town Report format was reviewed. Funding requests were presented and approved by Select Board. Wage Guidelines and Compensation Comparison report was reviewed again. It was noted the town’s Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) over the past 6 years was 5% less than federal recommendation. Salary changes were discussed for the Town Clerk/Treasurer and the Assistant Clerk/Treasurer positions to bring closer to state average. Jerry motioned to increase hourly rate for Town Clerk/Treasurer to $19.95 per hour and the Assistant Clerk/Treasurer to $13.95 per hour; all other positions are to receive 1.7% COLA. Don seconded; motion passed. Patty noted she will calculate the rate change to a salaried rate for Town Clerk/Treasurer position as it is not paid hourly.
6. Easement agreement from VHCB for the Parmenter buyout properties has been received and there are specific requirements to be fulfilled. Patty will give Marylou contact information for Mary Russ to pursue.
7. Watkins property tax sale is moving forward.
Executive Session
Mark made motion to adjourn the Regular Select Board Meeting at 6:40 p.m. to enter an Executive Session. Don seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Mark made motion to enter Executive Session to discuss further action by the town regarding buyout property at 113 Park Place. Don seconded the motion.
The Board has given the town counsel guidance on how to proceed.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Mark and a second by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: January 20, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass
DATE: January 6, 2015
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins, Bob Ennis – TRORC,
Marylou Scofield – legal counsel, Steve & Donna Brown, Rick Schirm
Agenda Modifications
§ New business #3 – Bob Ennis, TRORC – review & answer questions re: Grants for 113 Park Pl.
Public Present
1. Marylou Scofield re: Buyout property at 113 Park Place
1. December 2014 Opinions
2. “Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards” for LEOP
3. Comprehensive conservation plan update for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge.
4. FY2016 List of Priorities for Re-Surfacing Roads
Old Business
1. Determination Memo re: Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit
2. Efficiency Vermont rebate check
New Business
1. VT Dept. of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value
2. Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors requests
3. Buyout of 113 Park Place
4. Town Meeting Warning review
5. 2015 Budget prep re: Funding requests and wage changes
6. Easement agreement from VHCB for the Parmenter buyout properties
7. Watkins property tax sale
Executive Session
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:52 p.m.; Don seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the December 16, 2014 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
Public Present
1. Marylou is present to participate in discussion re: buyout of 113 Park Place. Details under New Business #3.
1. December 2014 Opinions newsletter received. Don will take to review.
2. Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security has provided information on a thumb drive for municipalities to include “Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards” in LEOP. The Act became law in 2006. The law requires pets to be included in the operational plans of the LEOP if the state or town seeks reimbursement from FEMA for disaster related costs. Patty will keep on file for the LEOP update.
3. U.S. Fish & Wildlife service has provided a comprehensive conservation planning update for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. No action required.
4. TRORC – TAC committee provided FY2016 List of Priorities for Re-Surfacing Roads in the region and seeks input. No projects scheduled in the Pittsfield area (Route 100) for FY2016. No action.
Old Business
1. Environmental District issued a Memorandum of Decision, Certificate of Service, Altered permit and Findings of fact for Permit to the Original General Store re: Motion to Alter Act 250 Permit #3W1060. On file in Town Clerk’s office.
2. Efficiency Vermont issued a rebate check in the amount of $1,587.10 for energy efficiency projects completed at the town office building.
New Business
1. VT Dept. of Taxes – Certified Equalized Education Property Value information received. This is sent annually to the listers. Martha said listers are in agreement with the value and no need to appeal. The current rate is at 116.80% common level of appraisal.
2. Two requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from VT Farms Catering LLC and approved via e-mail by the Select Board:
a. December 31, 2014 at 4275 Route 100
b. January 10, 2015 at 57 Tweed River Drive
3. Buyout of 113 Park Place is the last property to process through HMGP. Bob Ennis of TRORC is administering the project for the town and has the grant paperwork for this along with the FEMA grant and TRORC/HUD sub-grant agreements. FEMA Award Grant is $192,173 (75% of total); TRORC/HUD sub-grant award is $64,057 (25% of total). Mark signed the agreements on behalf of the Select Board. The TRORC management sub-grant is $3,843. There is no cost to the town for the buyout. Marylou shared that neither the Homeowner’s Association nor the Water & Sewer Association have released the property from future assessments. Bob stated they have dealt with similar issues and a separate document can be drawn up to get the property owner to clear the title. Marylou understood the Peytons have paid assessment bills received. Rick stated water bill has not been paid. Marylou asked if Peytons were billed and Rick affirmed bills were sent but payments were not enforced. The Browns are one of the ten properties in the shared Water & Sewer Association and they still have a water issue. The state gave approval for a well to be drilled across the road but they are still waiting on an easement to do so. They never know when they will have water and are trying to find out why their well is not working. They have someone coming in to test it for leaks. Currently the Water & Sewer Association is not active; they need to be active to pursue past and future obligations. Rick states they are concerned about liability and assessment shares but the goal is not to block the transfer of the property. Marylou needs to work with the Association to resolve but it doesn’t exist. Bob recommends waiting until the grants are issued before Marylou spends more time on trying to resolve the issue.
4. Revised Town Meeting warning distributed. Final warning will be completed at January 20, 2015 meeting.
5. 2015 Budget in Town Report format was reviewed. Funding requests were presented and approved by Select Board. Wage Guidelines and Compensation Comparison report was reviewed again. It was noted the town’s Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) over the past 6 years was 5% less than federal recommendation. Salary changes were discussed for the Town Clerk/Treasurer and the Assistant Clerk/Treasurer positions to bring closer to state average. Jerry motioned to increase hourly rate for Town Clerk/Treasurer to $19.95 per hour and the Assistant Clerk/Treasurer to $13.95 per hour; all other positions are to receive 1.7% COLA. Don seconded; motion passed. Patty noted she will calculate the rate change to a salaried rate for Town Clerk/Treasurer position as it is not paid hourly.
6. Easement agreement from VHCB for the Parmenter buyout properties has been received and there are specific requirements to be fulfilled. Patty will give Marylou contact information for Mary Russ to pursue.
7. Watkins property tax sale is moving forward.
Executive Session
Mark made motion to adjourn the Regular Select Board Meeting at 6:40 p.m. to enter an Executive Session. Don seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Mark made motion to enter Executive Session to discuss further action by the town regarding buyout property at 113 Park Place. Don seconded the motion.
The Board has given the town counsel guidance on how to proceed.
The meeting came out of Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. Motion to come out of Executive Session and resume regular Select Board meeting made by Mark and a second by Jerry. Motion carried unanimously.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: January 20, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis
Don Bass