Town of Pittsfield
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Moderator, George Deblon, called the Pittsfield Annual Town Meeting to order at 10:00 am. Approximately 60 people were in attendance at the Pittsfield Town Hall. George led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. The articles warned by the Select Board were acted upon at this time.
Article 1. To elect a moderator for the ensuing year. George Deblon nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Jerry Drugonis. Voice vote. George Deblon elected moderator for the ensuing year. Town Clerk, Patricia Haskins, administered the oath of office.
Article 2. Pittsfield School District warning will be acted upon at this time. The Town Meeting recessed at 10:10 am and the School District warning was acted upon. (See separate minutes). With no objections Representative Sandy Haas spoke to residents at 10:53 am. The Town Meeting reconvened at 11:04 am.
Article 3. To receive the report of the Town Officers for the year 2014. Erica Hurd made a motion to receive the report of the Town Officers. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. Voice vote. Carried
Article 4. To elect the following officers for terms indicated and to fill any other office vacant: a. Select Person for two years. Dave Larkin nominated by Joyce Stevens. Seconded by Erica Hurd. With no further nominations Sandy Begin moved nominations close and the Clerk cast one ballot for Dave Larkin. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Dave Larkin elected Select Person for two years.
b. Select Person for three years. Mark Begin nominated by Ray Colton. Nomination declined. Caleb Hawley nominated by Sandy Begin. Nomination declined. Peter Borden nominated by Mark Begin. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. With no further nominations, Jason Evans moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Peter Borden. Voice vote. Peter Borden elected Select Person for three years.
c. Lister for three years. Kathianne Mianulli nominated by Dave Larkin. Seconded by Kris Sperber. With no further nominations, Sandy Begin moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Kathianne Mianulli. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Voice vote. Kathianne Mianulli elected Lister for three years.
d. Auditor for three years. Joanne Mills nominated by Sandy Begin. Seconded by David Hunt. Meg Charlebois moved nominations cease and the Clerk cast one ballot for Joanne Mills. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice Vote. Joanne Mills elected Auditor for three years.
e. Trustee of Public Funds for three years. Peter Borden nominated by Sandy Begin. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Voice Vote. Peter Borden elected Trustee of Public Funds for three years.
f. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years. Erica Hurd nominated by Suana Bicek. Seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote. Erica Hurd elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for five years.
g. Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year. Jess Fuster nominated by Erica Hurd. Seconded by Joyce Stevens. Voice vote. Jess Fuster elected Trustee, Roger Clark Memorial Library for one year.
h. First Constable for two years. Tim Hunt nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. Voice vote. Tim Hunt elected First Constable for two years.
i. Second Constable for one year. Doug Mianulli nominated by Sandy Begin. Seconded by Dana Decker. Voice vote. Doug Mianulli elected Second Constable for one year.
j. Grand Juror for one year. Sandy Begin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Sandy Begin elected Grand Juror for one year.
k. Town Agent for one year. Sarah Gray nominated by Suana Bicek. Seconded by Erica Hurd. Voice vote. Sarah Gray elected Town Agent for one year.
l. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Chuck Colton nominated by Mark Begin. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Chuck Colton elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
m. Cemetery Commissioner for three years. Steve Martin nominated by Arline Drugonis. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Steve Martin elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years.
n. Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year. Ray Rice nominated by Sandy Begin. Nomination declined. Janice Stumpf nominated by Dave Larkin. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Janice Stumpf elected Collector of Delinquent Taxes for one year.
Article 5. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer unless otherwise noted? Arline Drugonis moved the voters of Pittsfield authorize all current taxes be paid to the Treasurer. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 6. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize the Treasurer to collect taxes on real property in two installments, due on or before August 15 and November 15, and due before 3 pm or the closing of the Town Office. Seconded by Mark Begin. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 7. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $15,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment? Arline Drugonis made a motion to authorize $15,000 to be placed in the reserve fund for Highway Equipment. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Voice Vote. Motion carried.
Article 8. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $15,000 to be placed in the Contingency Reserve Fund? Sandy Begin made a motion to authorize $15,000 to be placed in the contingency Reserve Fund. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Terry Manley asked if there were a goal that the Select Board was shooting for. Mark Begin said he was thinking around $50,000. Patty was asked how much was currently in the account. Patty reported that there is about $25,000 in the Contingency CD. If passed this would bring the total around $45,000. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 9. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $19,000 for maintenance of the Pittsfield Town Hall? Arline Drugonis made a motion to authorize $19,000 for maintenance of the Pittsfield Town Hall. Seconded by Sandy Begin. Doug Johnstone explained that the goal is to make the Town Hall more energy efficient. The frame is sound. Doug did the north side last year and came in under budget. He explained the process for removing the exterior clapboards, insulating and then replacing with new cement clapboards. The east side is bigger and scaffolding will be required so the east side will cost more to upgrade. The historical look of the building will be maintained inside and out. Voice vote. Motion carried. Article 10. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the change to make the office of Second Constable a two year term instead of a one year term? Sandy made a motion to make the office of Second Constable a two year term instead of a one year term. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 11. Will the voters of Pittsfield approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin made a motion to approve the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Terry Manley made a motion to raise the wage for the Road Commissioner by $3.00 per hour. Seconded by Caleb Hawley. Discussion ensued. With no further discussion a voice vote was called for. The amendment passed. With no further discussion the moderator called for a voice vote for the proposed budget to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town as amended. Voice vote. Motion carried as amended.
Article 12. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town? Sandy Begin moved to authorize the Select Board to set a tax rate sufficient to meet the expenses and liabilities of the town. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 13. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate? Judy Manley moved to authorize the Select Board to buy and sell real estate. Seconded by Meg Charlebois. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Article 14. To discuss any other business which may properly come before the meeting. Sandy made a motion to get Article 14 on the floor. Seconded by Judy Manley. Discussion ensued regarding the new Universal Recycling Act and how it would affect the town of Pittsfield. Voters were directed to page 54 of the town report and were also given handouts from the Alliance Solid Waste Management Facility and from John Benson. Patty Haskins made clear that Universal Recycling will start on June 1, 2015 in the Town of Pittsfield. With the new Universal Recycling Act, the municipality is no longer allowed to pay for refuse removal. Trash from residential customers must now be paid for by volume or weight. Different options were discussed. The unit based pricing provides an incentive to generate less refuse and to recycle more. Meg Charlebois asked the Select Board to look into having an ordinance to not allow trash dumping.
Patty Haskins read a tribute to Road Commissioner, George Deblon. She thanked him for his 24 years of excellent service to the town and also congratulated him for his upcoming appointment to Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Vermont. George was given a hearty round of applause.
With no further business to be discussed, Sandy Begin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Arline Drugonis. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 2015 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm.
Recorded by: Approved by:
Patricia S. Haskins Jerry Drugonis
Town Clerk Pittsfield Select Board
George Deblon