DATE: March 10, 2015
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications - none
Select Board Reorganization
1. Jerry will chair the Select Board for now
2. Jerry will continue to write and sign weekly orders
3. David will oversee town buildings
4. Conflict of Interest Policy adopted
5. Select Board Rules of Procedure adopted
1. VTrans District 3 – sandbag information
2. Efficiency Vermont – improvements for new construction and major renovations
3. Jack Wallace inquiry for Town Hall rental
4. 9th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summer
5. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce member solicitation
6. Upper White River Planning Meeting minutes
7. 100 on 100 event
8. DEC – receipt of application for Parcel ID#01-1275-000
Old Business
1. GCK Climate Control summary of findings
2. Spring Select Board Institute
New Business
1. Sheriff contract
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
a. February financials for review.
b. Employment forms and information for David Larkin
3. Appointments for 2015
a. Representatives for ECFiber to be determined; update from ECFiber
b. Other Town Officer positions in question
1. Buffy Stevens appointed to vacant Lister position for one year
2. Possible contacts to fill third Select Board position
3. Additional pay for Secretary
4. Next meeting Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:04 p.m.; David seconded. There were no Agenda Modifications.
Select Board Reorganization
1. Peter Borden has declined the Select Board position therefore Jerry will chair the Select Board until the third position is filled. At that time the board can reorganize.
2. Jerry has been given authorization to sign the weekly orders on behalf of the Select Board.
3. David will handle overseeing the town buildings and Patty will give him keys and other materials related to this assignment.
4. Jerry and David both read and signed the Conflict of Interest Policy.
5. Jerry and David both read and signed the Select Board Rules of Procedure.
Jerry motioned to approve the February 17, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the February 23, 2015 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
1. VTrans District 3 Project Manager distributed a memo regarding sandbags. The state will no longer provide sandbags although they encourage towns to have some on hand for flood control. Information on where to purchase sandbags was included. Patty will forward the information to the Road Commissioner and Emergency Management Coordinator.
2. Efficiency Vermont informational letter and brochure for new construction and major renovations on services available to help achieve efficiency levels. No action required.
3. Jack Wallace inquiring about renting the Town Hall kitchen facility to prepare food for 500 people April 11, 2015. It would be best for Mr. Wallace to come by to see the facility to see if it would fit his needs. Jerry motioned to update the Town Hall rental policy to reflect the fees are on a per day basis. David seconded the motion; motion approved.
4. The 9th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit is being held in April. David will review information to decide if he will attend.
5. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce invitation to join as a member received. No action at this time.
6. Mary Russ of the White River Partnership submitted minutes from the January 28, 2015 meeting on “Building Resilience in the Upper White River Watershed”. Erica Capuana represented Pittsfield. The group will work on final list of feasible high-priority projects and associated next steps to solicit grant funds for 2015-2016.
7. 100 on 100 submitted letter outlining their August 15, 2015 event and seeking town approval. Jerry motioned to approve; David seconded; motion carried.
8. Dept of Environmental Conservation letter dated March 4, 2015 acknowledging receipt of application from Charles & Stephanie Colton to construct a single family house on parcel
ID#01-1275-000 on Upper Michigan Road. Project # ww-3-2405 has been assigned to the application.
Old Business
1. GCK Climate Control inspected the HVAC system and provided Patty with a list of issues to be addressed: basement meeting room zone valve is leaking and overheating; boiler needs a new pressure switch and CV Oil will fix; need to extend pipe on backflow preventer and CV Oil will fix; windows in entire building are to remain closed so HVAC can maintain proper humidity levels; both bathroom doors need closers to maintain interior heat without heating the hallway; need to adjust automatic closers on both front doors on library level so doors close to maintain temperatures between zones. Thermostats now have a code so settings cannot be changed. The library is on a timer and they need to keep the windows closed. HVAC system circulates fresh air and has filters to capture allergens. The Board secretary will send a memo to library with this information. David will check into door closers for the bathrooms and will contact Doug Johnstone to install. David will check the adjustments on upper level library door closers.
2. Spring Select Board Institute is March 21, 2015 and David will check his calendar to determine if he can attend. If so, he will let Patty know so she can handle the registration.
New Business
1. Sheriff budget is $5,000 and Jerry will look up old contract this week so he can make a plan with the sheriff for this year.
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
a. Patty distributed February financials for review. Nothing unusual to discuss.
b. Patty reviewed required employment forms and information with David.
3. Board reviewed list of appointments for 2015.
a. Board not sure if representatives for ECFiber are needed. Patty received an e-mail from them March 10, 2015 stating they are willing to attend a Select Board meeting to update the town on what they can offer for fiber network. They are currently submitting an application for the Connectivity Initiative however the due date is March 18, 2015 which does not allow enough time for the board to review the information.
b. Patty will contact VLCT about some of the appointed Town Officers as she remembers reading that it is not required to appoint all positions. It is at the discretion of the Board.
1. Board received letter from Listers recommending Colleen “Buffy” Stevens for the vacant position. Jerry made a motion for Buffy Stevens to fill the vacant Lister position until Town Meeting 2016 at which time the position will be put to vote. David seconded the motion; motion carried.
2. Jerry and David will work on suggestions of who might be interested in filling the third Select Board position.
3. Secretary requested additional pay of $25.00 to process appointment letters. Board approved.
4. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 24, 2015.
David motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 3/24/15 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications - none
Select Board Reorganization
1. Jerry will chair the Select Board for now
2. Jerry will continue to write and sign weekly orders
3. David will oversee town buildings
4. Conflict of Interest Policy adopted
5. Select Board Rules of Procedure adopted
1. VTrans District 3 – sandbag information
2. Efficiency Vermont – improvements for new construction and major renovations
3. Jack Wallace inquiry for Town Hall rental
4. 9th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summer
5. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce member solicitation
6. Upper White River Planning Meeting minutes
7. 100 on 100 event
8. DEC – receipt of application for Parcel ID#01-1275-000
Old Business
1. GCK Climate Control summary of findings
2. Spring Select Board Institute
New Business
1. Sheriff contract
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
a. February financials for review.
b. Employment forms and information for David Larkin
3. Appointments for 2015
a. Representatives for ECFiber to be determined; update from ECFiber
b. Other Town Officer positions in question
1. Buffy Stevens appointed to vacant Lister position for one year
2. Possible contacts to fill third Select Board position
3. Additional pay for Secretary
4. Next meeting Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:04 p.m.; David seconded. There were no Agenda Modifications.
Select Board Reorganization
1. Peter Borden has declined the Select Board position therefore Jerry will chair the Select Board until the third position is filled. At that time the board can reorganize.
2. Jerry has been given authorization to sign the weekly orders on behalf of the Select Board.
3. David will handle overseeing the town buildings and Patty will give him keys and other materials related to this assignment.
4. Jerry and David both read and signed the Conflict of Interest Policy.
5. Jerry and David both read and signed the Select Board Rules of Procedure.
Jerry motioned to approve the February 17, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded. Jerry motioned to approve the February 23, 2015 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
1. VTrans District 3 Project Manager distributed a memo regarding sandbags. The state will no longer provide sandbags although they encourage towns to have some on hand for flood control. Information on where to purchase sandbags was included. Patty will forward the information to the Road Commissioner and Emergency Management Coordinator.
2. Efficiency Vermont informational letter and brochure for new construction and major renovations on services available to help achieve efficiency levels. No action required.
3. Jack Wallace inquiring about renting the Town Hall kitchen facility to prepare food for 500 people April 11, 2015. It would be best for Mr. Wallace to come by to see the facility to see if it would fit his needs. Jerry motioned to update the Town Hall rental policy to reflect the fees are on a per day basis. David seconded the motion; motion approved.
4. The 9th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit is being held in April. David will review information to decide if he will attend.
5. Rutland Region Chamber of Commerce invitation to join as a member received. No action at this time.
6. Mary Russ of the White River Partnership submitted minutes from the January 28, 2015 meeting on “Building Resilience in the Upper White River Watershed”. Erica Capuana represented Pittsfield. The group will work on final list of feasible high-priority projects and associated next steps to solicit grant funds for 2015-2016.
7. 100 on 100 submitted letter outlining their August 15, 2015 event and seeking town approval. Jerry motioned to approve; David seconded; motion carried.
8. Dept of Environmental Conservation letter dated March 4, 2015 acknowledging receipt of application from Charles & Stephanie Colton to construct a single family house on parcel
ID#01-1275-000 on Upper Michigan Road. Project # ww-3-2405 has been assigned to the application.
Old Business
1. GCK Climate Control inspected the HVAC system and provided Patty with a list of issues to be addressed: basement meeting room zone valve is leaking and overheating; boiler needs a new pressure switch and CV Oil will fix; need to extend pipe on backflow preventer and CV Oil will fix; windows in entire building are to remain closed so HVAC can maintain proper humidity levels; both bathroom doors need closers to maintain interior heat without heating the hallway; need to adjust automatic closers on both front doors on library level so doors close to maintain temperatures between zones. Thermostats now have a code so settings cannot be changed. The library is on a timer and they need to keep the windows closed. HVAC system circulates fresh air and has filters to capture allergens. The Board secretary will send a memo to library with this information. David will check into door closers for the bathrooms and will contact Doug Johnstone to install. David will check the adjustments on upper level library door closers.
2. Spring Select Board Institute is March 21, 2015 and David will check his calendar to determine if he can attend. If so, he will let Patty know so she can handle the registration.
New Business
1. Sheriff budget is $5,000 and Jerry will look up old contract this week so he can make a plan with the sheriff for this year.
2. Clerk/Treasurer Report:
a. Patty distributed February financials for review. Nothing unusual to discuss.
b. Patty reviewed required employment forms and information with David.
3. Board reviewed list of appointments for 2015.
a. Board not sure if representatives for ECFiber are needed. Patty received an e-mail from them March 10, 2015 stating they are willing to attend a Select Board meeting to update the town on what they can offer for fiber network. They are currently submitting an application for the Connectivity Initiative however the due date is March 18, 2015 which does not allow enough time for the board to review the information.
b. Patty will contact VLCT about some of the appointed Town Officers as she remembers reading that it is not required to appoint all positions. It is at the discretion of the Board.
1. Board received letter from Listers recommending Colleen “Buffy” Stevens for the vacant position. Jerry made a motion for Buffy Stevens to fill the vacant Lister position until Town Meeting 2016 at which time the position will be put to vote. David seconded the motion; motion carried.
2. Jerry and David will work on suggestions of who might be interested in filling the third Select Board position.
3. Secretary requested additional pay of $25.00 to process appointment letters. Board approved.
4. Next meeting is Tuesday, March 24, 2015.
David motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Jerry seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 3/24/15 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin