DATE: October 20, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Sue Wuerthele, George Deblon, Dave
Larkin, Bill Leimgruber, Melissa Borgornie, Marion Abrams, Matt Murawski
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 9; Old Business 6; New Business 8.b; 8.c., and 9
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 10/6/2015
Public Present:
New Business:
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence 9. Fire Dept. Coin Drop; Old Business 6. Matt Murawski from DuBois & King; New Business 8.b. Opening deposit account; 8.c. job posting; 9. Village designation renewal. Matt motioned to approve the October 6, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
Old Business:
8a. HRA Questionnaire: The Board completed the questionnaire for the Health Reimbursement Account coverage.
8b. Authority to open deposit account: The best rate to invest the General Fund monies short term, but still keep it available is a 7-day CD account. Wendy motioned to authorize Patty to open the deposit account to get the best interest rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
8c. Patty would like to do another round of ads for Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer as she only had two interviews and one candidate was only temporary. Additional locations to post include Craigslist, FPF, Clear River Tavern and Original General Store bulletin boards.
8d. Village designation renewal: Matt motioned to renew the Village Designation for Pittsfield; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
Meeting Schedule: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m and Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office;
Public Participation Meeting on park is Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.; Wendy seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: 11/3/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: October 20, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Sue Wuerthele, George Deblon, Dave
Larkin, Bill Leimgruber, Melissa Borgornie, Marion Abrams, Matt Murawski
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 9; Old Business 6; New Business 8.b; 8.c., and 9
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 10/6/2015
Public Present:
- Bill Oren - Rules and Regulations
- Sue Wuerthele - Pittsfield Health Officer
- Marion Abrams - EC Fiber
- Capstone Community Action 50th Anniversary
- The Independent: Publication for Elders and People with Disabilities
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Community Meeting
- GMP Solar Powered EV Charging Station Grants
- Secretary of State Jim Condos Transparency Tour
- Riverside Horse Farm Act 250
- Pittsfield Radon test
- VLCT News
- Fire Department coin drop
- Village Speed Limit Update
- Health Officer Appointment
- Town Hall Insulating Project - Update
- Charging Station - Update
- Review Appendix A: Plan Implementation Matrix Update
- Matt Murawski, DuBois & King, re: proposed park
New Business:
- Insurance Requirements for Functions on Town Green
- Workers Compensation Coverage
- Health Insurance Renewal
- EC Fiber Update
- FPF Contribution
- Town York Rake
- Winter Snow Removal - Town Office and Town Hall Shoveling
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report
- HRA Questionnaire
- Authority to open deposit account
- Job posting
- Village designation renewal
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence 9. Fire Dept. Coin Drop; Old Business 6. Matt Murawski from DuBois & King; New Business 8.b. Opening deposit account; 8.c. job posting; 9. Village designation renewal. Matt motioned to approve the October 6, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
- Bill Oren - Rules and Regulations – Mr. Oren did not attend.
- Sue Wuerthele - Pittsfield Health Officer: Sue shared information from recent Health Officer training. The primary function of the position is to investigate public health hazards including documentation. The local Board of Health is comprised of the Health Officer and members of the Select Board. If Sue has to handle a Health Order she will report and update the Board at the next scheduled meeting; if there is an Emergency Health Order she will contact Matt, and in turn he would alert the other Select Board members. Wendy motioned to have Matt as the primary contact; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- Marion Abrams – EC Fiber: Reviewed the Resolution Requesting Membership in the East Central Vermont Telecommunications District form and its purpose. EC Fiber is making an organizational transition to be more recognizable to potential large-scale investors. As with the previous structure it cannot be supported from municipal taxes, therefore no tax liability to the town. There is funding now to place fiber from Stockbridge to Tweed River Road along Route 100 with possible installation beginning in the Spring of 2016. Matt motioned to join the district; Wendy seconded; motion carried. Matt motioned to appoint Marion Abrams as the town’s representative on the governing board and appoint Peter Borden as the alternate; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Capstone Community Action 50th Anniversary: Invitation to the 50th Anniversary Celebration on Monday, October 19, 2015 in Randolph. No action required.
- The Independent: Publication for Elders and People with Disabilities: Autumn 2015 issue received. No action.
- Blue Cross Blue Shield invitation to attend Community Meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. in Rutland. Presentation includes overview of the changing health care landscape and seeks the perspectives and opinions of Vermont business leaders. No action required.
- GMP Solar Powered EV Charging Station Grants: Four separate grants totally $50,000 to install solar-powered EV Charging Stations available. Applications accepted until 10/23/15. No action required.
- Secretary of State Jim Condos Transparency Tour schedule for 12 events. The discussion will focus on Vermont’s public records and open meeting laws. He will be in Rutland on November 17 at 6 pm in the library. No action required.
- Riverside Horse Farm Act 250: Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. forwarded their response to the Hearing Recess Order and Certificate of Service for #3W0948-2 via e-mail on October 6, 2015. Natural Resource Board, District #2&3 responded with a memo dated October 8, 2015 informing all parties they may respond to the most recent submittal by the applicant related to the fireworks display until October 19, 2015. No action required.
- Pittsfield Radon test: VT Dept. of Health letter stating the radon measurement in the Town Office is below the EPA and Health Department’s recommended action level. No action required.
- VLCT News October 2015 issue received. No action required.
- Fire Department held a coin drop over Columbus Day weekend: Brian Sanderson, Project Manager-District 3, VTrans sent e-mail to inform the town a coin-drop activity requires a permit from VTrans. Mr. Sanderson attached the form for a Coin-Drop Permit Application and requested contact information for the Fire Department for his records. Patty will forward information to Dave Colton.
Old Business:
- Village Speed Limit Update: Patty has been in contact with Robert Faley of VTrans. He is asking where are the Village lines, what does the town want for a speed limit and how far out from the town center. Matt will follow-up with Mr. Faley. Rita from TRORC removed the traffic counters for the speed study due to early snow and can resume in the spring.
- Health Officer Appointment: The State recommends appointing a Deputy Town Health Officer to back up Sue. Matt motioned to appoint Clairetta Corron to this position; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Town Hall Insulating Project – Dave was not able to connect with Brian Merrill until last night therefore he does not have a comparable quote for the project. The Board compared Shaping Energies and Central Vermont Insulation bids, with quotes of $7,785 and $16,500 respectively. Dave expressed concern about the weight however Mr. Reuter did a site visit and is a Mechanical Engineer. Matt motioned to contract Shaping Energies, LLC to perform the Town Hall insulation project; Dave seconded; motions carried. Wendy will contact Shaping Energies, LLC about starting the project.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station – Wendy updated the board on pricing and requirements for a station. $4,500 to purchase plus $5,000 to install, grants up to $25,000. Units are also available to rent. One reference is a business owner in Waitsfield. He offers the service free because it fits his business model and brings him customers. The city of Barre has two metered stations that are used regularly plus they have EV’s as part of their fleet so it is a good fit for them. Applications for the grants are due 10/31/15. After discussing pros and cons; possible increase in tourism versus maintenance of stations, snow removal, location; the board decided this is not something the town should pursue at this time. Wendy will inform the Planning Commission.
- Review Appendix A: Plan Implementation Matrix Update: Tabled for a future meeting.
- Matt Murawski, DuBois & King, present to discuss changes to the proposed park contract and set date(s) for public participation meeting(s). The meeting will be held November 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. The goal is to collect input and come up with plans for the townspeople to make an informed decision. Mr. Murawski will lead the discussion and Matt Corron will facilitate for the Board. Future meetings will be determined as needed. South Royalton is currently going through a similar process. Mr. Leimgruber is concerned townspeople will not know about the meeting. It will be posted in the usual locations around town, posted on the website, Wendy will include for the Mountain Times opinion editorial and Mr. Murawski will have a laminated map with meeting information posted at the site of the proposed park. Mr. Murawski will re-work the contract and will contact Mary Russ to find out if this will affect any of the funding. Wendy thanked Mr. Leimgruber for his participation.
- Insurance Requirements for Functions on Town Green: Mike Wuerthele inquiring about use of the Green for a 2-day Arts Event as the insurance coverage to use the Town Hall is too expensive. His goal is to bring in more people to town at a different time from the bazaar. On a case by case basis the Board could require an Insurance Certificate for functions. The Board is not opposed to Mr. Wuerthele’s event and it is okay for him to continue with planning.
- Workers Compensation Coverage – VLCT PACIF 2016 Renewal Application memo states towns have two choices: (1.) Towns need to hire someone with a certificate of insurance or (2.) Town will have to pay workers comp coverage for anyone without a certificate of insurance. The memo lists various rates based on the type of work. Fees for this coverage will be charged to the town after the 2016 audit. Wendy will pursue policy samples for the Board to review.
- Health Insurance Renewal: Open enrollment to make changes is December 1, 2015. Patty will check with George to find out if he wants to make any changes. She may consider the health insurance as well.
- EC Fiber Update: See Public Present #3 – Marion Abrams
- FPF Contribution: Front Porch Forum is seeking contributions from towns to help support the website. Currently the library uses the Forum. Table for budgeting meetings.
- Town York Rake: George reported Buck Kendall logging backed over the York rake in the Town Garage parking lot on October 7, 2015. He parks there when Colton Enterprises is closed. Mr. Kendall said he would pay to repair it, upon further investigation it was determined the rake had to be replace. The rake was 25 years old and the repair estimate is $3,000 compared to $5,180 to purchase a new one. Mr. Kendall’s insurance company will pay for the new rake and reimburse the deductible. Matt motioned to approve the purchase of a new unit; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Winter Snow Removal - Town Office and Town Hall Shoveling: Job will be posted at $10 per shovel; Wendy will put job on Front Porch Forum (FPF); and Patty will ask the new Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer when one is hired but it is not a requirement of the position.
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report
8a. HRA Questionnaire: The Board completed the questionnaire for the Health Reimbursement Account coverage.
8b. Authority to open deposit account: The best rate to invest the General Fund monies short term, but still keep it available is a 7-day CD account. Wendy motioned to authorize Patty to open the deposit account to get the best interest rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
8c. Patty would like to do another round of ads for Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer as she only had two interviews and one candidate was only temporary. Additional locations to post include Craigslist, FPF, Clear River Tavern and Original General Store bulletin boards.
8d. Village designation renewal: Matt motioned to renew the Village Designation for Pittsfield; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
Meeting Schedule: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 6:00 p.m and Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office;
Public Participation Meeting on park is Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.; Wendy seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: 11/3/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese