DATE: November 3, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Henry Hotchkiss
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 9 & 10; New Business 3
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 10/20/2015
Public Present:
New Business:
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Agenda modifications: Old Business 9. CDBG Sub-grant Agreement – Buyout Amendment; 10. Rules of Procedure – Vice Chair;
New Business 3. Chloride Spreader. Matt motioned to approve the October 20, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
c. Cemetery Budget 2016 – Connie has no changes; Patty updated on proposed budget without wage information.
d. Highway Budget 2016 – George submitted his recommendations; Patty updated on proposed budget without wage information.
Job descriptions, 6-year wage guidelines and wage comparison report distributed. Patty would like descriptions to be reviewed and updated as needed. She would like board to consider the position of Town Administrator in the future based on the types of tasks being performed in the clerk’s role. Also may want to consider re-instating the Custodian position and think about what building maintenance needs could be included such as snow removal, office cleaning, check heat in buildings, etc.
Wage guidelines document has a 6-year history to help board to determine wages for upcoming budget.
Wage Comparison report compares current rate for Pittsfield with the 2015 VT Municipal Compensation Report. The report includes an average and median rate with difference between Pittsfield and VT average. Board will review the information.
3. Chloride Spreader – George requests Board approval to sell the town’s old chloride spreader and bagged chloride to Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating for a total of $1,518. The town has a liquid spreader and no longer needs the equipment or supplies. Matt motioned to approve the sale; Wendy seconded; motion carried
Meeting Schedule:
Public Participation Meeting on proposed park is Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
Regular Select Board meeting will be held Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.; Wendy seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: November 19, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Henry Hotchkiss
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 9 & 10; New Business 3
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 10/20/2015
Public Present:
- Michael Wuerthele - Artist/Craft Fair
- Henry Hotchkiss – Logging Operations
- Executive Session Use
- 2016 VLCT Municipal Policy
- Preservation Trust of Vermont
- Assistance from Senator Patrick Leahy
- Howards Fire Control
- Central Vermont Council on Aging
- Glen West Rd. Septic System Replacement
- Workers Compensation Coverage
- Pittsfield Artisan Event
- Village Speed Limit
- Proposed Park
- Proposed Park Flood Mitigation
- Health Insurance Renewal
- Advertising for 11/17 Proposed Park Presentation
- Review Appendix A: Plan Implementation Matrix Update
- CDBG Sub-grant Agreement – Buyout Amendment
- Rules of Procedure – Vice Chair
New Business:
- Appoint Green up Coordinator
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report
- October Financials
- Asst. Clerk/Treasurer
- Cemetery Budget 2016
- Highway Budget 2016
- Chloride Spreader
- Shaping Energies contract
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Agenda modifications: Old Business 9. CDBG Sub-grant Agreement – Buyout Amendment; 10. Rules of Procedure – Vice Chair;
New Business 3. Chloride Spreader. Matt motioned to approve the October 20, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
- Michael Wuerthele - Artist/Craft Fair: Mr. Wuerthele could not attend and will re-schedule.
- Henry Hotchkiss – Logging Operations: Jason Carrara has started a logging operation off of Fellows Road and Mr. Hotchkiss is concerned with ruts the trucks are creating near the bridge and over the embankment. The trucks have a difficult time negotiating the turn. Mr. Hotchkiss shared a video of the trucks traveling through this section. The logger does have a proper permit and is responsible for repairing any damages. Mr. Hotchkiss is concerned the ruts will cause erosion at the river bank and heavy rains could cause more damage. George is checking on the operations periodically. The Board recommends Mr. Hotchkiss document how the area looks now and then document any damage.
- Executive Session Use – Bill Oren contacted the Board stating they are using Executive Sessions improperly, specifically October 6, 2015 meeting. Wendy verified that proper procedures were followed and the issue was the exact wording of the motion in the minutes. The exact the wording is as follows: “I move that we go into executive session to discuss a disciplinary matter involving a public official, in accordance with Title 1, Section 313(a)(4).” No further action required.
- 2016 VLCT Municipal Policy – received via e-mail October 16. No action.
- Preservation Trust of Vermont – requesting support against the proposed development of farmland in Randolph near Exit 4. No action.
- Assistance from Senator Patrick Leahy – literature highlighting several types of assistance available. No action.
- Howards Fire Control – is now part of the Royal Group. No action.
- Central Vermont Council on Aging – newsletter received. No action.
- Glen West Rd. Septic System Replacement – Wynne Paterson application has been received by Dept. of Environmental Conservation, project #W-3-5785.
- Workers Compensation Coverage – VLCT supports this change to protect towns. More information is still needed in order to craft a policy. Dave to contact VLCT to find out what the workers compensation class codes and rates are for sole proprietorships. Table until next meeting.
- Pittsfield Artisan Event – tabled until Mike Wuerthele can attend a meeting.
- Village Speed Limit – Rita Seto, TRORC, sent a map with suggested speed limits through Pittsfield. Patty noted additional speed limit suggestions and will ask Rita to add various landmarks such as the proposed park and Swiss Farm Inn, as well as the Village designation area to the map. The board will review again before sending to VTrans.
- Proposed Park – Wendy will invite Mary Russ and a rep from CDBG to attend November 17th meeting. Wendy shared proposed meeting guidelines for review. These will be handed out to attendees as well as read at the beginning of the meeting. Matt will find out if George Deblon is available to moderate the meeting. Wendy will encourage people to visit proposed park area in the Mountain Times update. Comment forms will be available at the Town Office for residents to provide input as well. Matt Murawski asked permission to send the electronic version of the map to Bill Leimgruber. The Board approved the request and Patty will inform Matt. Wendy moved to sign revised DuBois & King contract for the final design, bid and construction engineering of the buyout properties; Matt seconded; motion carried. Dave wants to have a firm answer as to whether the proposed park will be voted on at Town Meeting. Both Wendy and Matt want to wait until after the November 17th meeting.
- Proposed Park Flood Mitigation – Wendy supports shoring up the banks of the river as it addresses part of the Hazard Mitigation plan adopted by the town. Dave does not believe it will help with water flow and erosion. Wendy will ask Mary Russ for scientific information that documents the effectiveness.
- Health Insurance Renewal – George would like to stay with the plan he is currently enrolled in with no changes. Matt motioned to approve the health insurance renewal; Dave seconded; motion carried.
- Advertising for 11/17 Proposed Park Presentation – DuBois & King has installed a sign at the site of the proposed park as discussed at the October 20th meeting. Patty will put information on website and also a poster of the map will be posted around town. Add text stating registered voters may submit written questions/comments to be addressed at the meeting.
- Review Appendix A: Plan Implementation Matrix Update – Tabled for now; address at a future meeting.
- CDBG Sub-grant Agreement – Buyout Amendment – Peyton property buyout modification for additional funds has been approved by FEMA. Town needs to approve for CDBG funds to cover balance. Matt motioned to approve additional CDBG funds for the Peyton property buyout; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
- Rules of Procedure – Vice Chair: Dave motioned to elect Wendy as the Vice Chair of the Select Board; Matt seconded; motion carried. Sue Wuerthele, Health Officer, can contact Wendy in Matt’s absence as needed.
- Appoint Green up Coordinator – Matt will ask Becky Ruben if Zev is interested in taking this position.
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report
c. Cemetery Budget 2016 – Connie has no changes; Patty updated on proposed budget without wage information.
d. Highway Budget 2016 – George submitted his recommendations; Patty updated on proposed budget without wage information.
Job descriptions, 6-year wage guidelines and wage comparison report distributed. Patty would like descriptions to be reviewed and updated as needed. She would like board to consider the position of Town Administrator in the future based on the types of tasks being performed in the clerk’s role. Also may want to consider re-instating the Custodian position and think about what building maintenance needs could be included such as snow removal, office cleaning, check heat in buildings, etc.
Wage guidelines document has a 6-year history to help board to determine wages for upcoming budget.
Wage Comparison report compares current rate for Pittsfield with the 2015 VT Municipal Compensation Report. The report includes an average and median rate with difference between Pittsfield and VT average. Board will review the information.
3. Chloride Spreader – George requests Board approval to sell the town’s old chloride spreader and bagged chloride to Harvey’s Plumbing and Excavating for a total of $1,518. The town has a liquid spreader and no longer needs the equipment or supplies. Matt motioned to approve the sale; Wendy seconded; motion carried
- Wendy has Shaping Energies contract for Town Hall insulation project. They can start November 16th however board will change start date to November 18th due to public meeting scheduled for the 17th. Contract requires a 50% deposit to start project with the remaining 50% due upon completion of the project. Matt motioned to approve the contract; Dave seconded; motion carried.
Meeting Schedule:
Public Participation Meeting on proposed park is Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
Regular Select Board meeting will be held Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office.
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.; Wendy seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: November 19, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese