DATE: November 19, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Michael Wuerthele, Martha Beyersdorf
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 4 and 5: New Business 2, 3, 4, and 5
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting November 3, 2015
Public Present:
1.Michael Wuerthele – Artist/Craft Fare
2.Martha Beyersdorf – Veterans Exemption
1.VT Tennis Court Surfacing
2.Irasburg Seeking Support
3.Bears in garbage on Trillium Hill Road
4.VLCT News
5.Deputy Health Officer Appointment
6.TRORC Village Designation
7.Bond Buyer Article
8.Glen West Road Septic Permit
Old Business:
1.Workers Compensation Coverage
2.Pittsfield Artisan Event
3.Village Speed Limit
4.Maintenance Issues f/u
5.Town Hall Insulation
New Business:
1.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Payroll Budget
2.SB Secretary request for extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting
3.Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed
4.SB Annual Report
Next Regular Meeting: December 1, 2015
Matt made a motion to open the meeting. Seconded by Wendy. The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 4: Maintenance Issues f/u; 5: Town Hall Insulation. New Business 2: SB Secretary request – extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting; 3: Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed; 4: SB Annual Report.
Wendy motioned to approve the November 3, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Matt. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
1.Michael Wuerthele – Artist/Craft Fair. Michael said that he has noticed that the Pitt-Stop is showing more artist/craft items. He said he would like to hold a craft fair. The Crafts Council holds an Open Studio Weekend over Memorial Day weekend and he would like to hold it then but not in conjunction with their event. There are a lot of artists in Pittsfield and in surrounding towns who do not have a studio and this would give them a venue to display and sell their wares. The cost to hold it in the Town Hall, between the rental fee and insurance makes it impossible to use that area, but if held on the Village Green, it could be much less costly. He proposed a fee of $25.00 per vendor and will check with VLCT as to what the insurance cost might be if held there. He said he would limit the event to 50 participants but probably wouldn’t get that many. The Board was unanimously in favor of the event. Michael will pursue and report monthly to the Board on his progress.
2.Martha Beyersdorf – Veterans Exemption. Martha stated that she was approaching the Board not as the wife of a disabled veteran, but representing the Board of Listers. She stated that currently the Town extends a $10,000 property tax exemption each year. As of 2011, 217 towns have increased their exemptions to $40,000 following the passing of Act 207. This leaves 27 towns extending less than that. Using figures from the 2014 Town Report, adding $30,000 to the Grand List, increasing the exemption would not have any impact on the municipal tax rate. Wendy made a motion to increase the exemption amount from $10,000 of appraised value to $40,000. Seconded by Matt. This will need to be voted on at Town Meeting 2016.
1.VT Tennis Court Surfacing – This information will be passed on to Erica Hurd. Patty said that she has been fundraising for the playground. Wendy said that there is also a Recreation Grant that the Town can apply for, but the deadline is November 30th.
2.Irasburg Seeking Support – They are looking for support from other towns to make the Public Service Board and Legislature aware that towns want a voice in the decision making that affects a town. This pertains to the industrial wind turbine project proposed for the Town of Irasburg. They are just trying to get word out to other towns. Brief discussion. No action was taken.
3.Bears in garbage on Trillium Hill Road – Michael Wuerthele, a resident at 45 Trillium Hill Road, said that bears have gotten into a neighbor’s trash. There was a trash house, and some of the trash had been there several weeks. Michael said that he spoke with Benson’s driver and the neighbor does not get pick up from them. He felt that a letter from the Town should be sent to the homeowner explaining the situation and include the photographs he included with his email. There was some discussion about enforcement. The Town will contact the homeowner.
4.VLCT News - November, 2015 issue. No action was required.
5.Deputy Health Officer Appointment – This is the Town’s copy of the appointment of Clairetta Corron to the position.
6.TRORC Village Designation – This is the Town’s copy. It will be kept on file.
7.Bond Buyer Article – This email from Robert Giroux includes an article highlighting the recently negotiated federal budget deal between the House of Representatives and Administration. Under the budget deal, sequestration will be continued for an additional year and is now set to expire in FFY 2025. Patty explained how the sequestration has affected the Town. She said the bonds are still a better deal than a bank loan. It will affect the budget each year. Dave questioned whether it was a fixed rate bond and though the Board should consult the Town’s attorney for her opinion. Patty felt that Robert Giroux would be the first person to contact. No action taken by the Board.
8.Glen West Road Septic Permit – Patty said that this permit will be filed but not recorded as there were some errors in parcel number and book/page that needed correction. When the corrected copy comes, it will be recorded at that time.
Old Business:
1.Workers Compensation Coverage – Dave said that he did not follow up on this after the last meeting. Wendy said that she contacted VLCT and the non-employee contract was not valid after August, 2015, however the Statute has not changed yet. VLCT doesn’t know how an audit at year end would go. If audited the Town’s Attorney should probably be consulted for her opinion as there are too many loopholes. Wendy said she will ask for a breakdown in hours from the party involved and that perhaps the Board should come up with a policy to address this situation in the future. Wendy said she would contact VLCT for a sample policy.
2.Pittsfield Artisan Event – see Public Present 1.
3.Village Speed Limit – Patty passed out a map showing the speed study locations in the area involved. Discussion. It was felt that the State would not approve the speed change. This will be forwarded to Rita Seto of TRORC and to Robert Faley of VTrans. Dave asked about what will happen now and how will changes be enforced. Wendy said she will contact VLCT for clarification.
4.Maintenance Issues f/u – Door closures for the Town Office Building restrooms, mold removal and rear door installation at the Town Hall have not been done. David said he would obtain quotes for these jobs.
5.Town Hall Insulation – David said he looked over the project and could not locate a vapor seal. Patty pulled the original bid and it was reviewed. David also noted that the electric boxes have been sprayed over versus removing them enough to spray behind. The bid refers to an air seal. Wendy composed and sent an email to Shaping Energies requesting clarification on this issue. She said that she sent out an email to Patty and the other Board members this morning with the final invoice. Patty said that she did not receive it. Wendy resent it. She said she will contact the Board members and Patty with the results of her conversation with Shaping Energies. If the discussion is satisfactory, she will do a special order for their payment.
New Business:
1.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Payroll Budget – Patty outlined the duties she has performed over the years that would be handled by a Town Manager or Administrator. She explained the history of previous Select Boards and how this had been handled in the past. Patty and the Board discussed proposed wage increases and its overall impact to Retirement and Social Security for the Town Clerk/Treasurer and Road Foreman. The other town positions were reviewed and discussed individually. This part of the budget will be addressed further at the next meeting.
2.SB Secretary request for extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting – Matt made a motion to approve this request. Seconded by Wendy.
3.Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed – Discussion. Dave will contact George to discuss this repair. Tabled for now.
4.SB Annual Report – Wendy passed out a draft of her report for inclusion in Town Report explaining that they were all new and that the report might not appear typical, but it covers most everything. Discussion. Wendy will finish it and submit it.
Next Regular Meeting:
December 1, 2015 at 6:00pm in the Town Office.
Matt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by David. The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
Approved: 12/1/15 Recorded by: Martha L. Beyersdorf
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: November 19, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Michael Wuerthele, Martha Beyersdorf
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 4 and 5: New Business 2, 3, 4, and 5
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting November 3, 2015
Public Present:
1.Michael Wuerthele – Artist/Craft Fare
2.Martha Beyersdorf – Veterans Exemption
1.VT Tennis Court Surfacing
2.Irasburg Seeking Support
3.Bears in garbage on Trillium Hill Road
4.VLCT News
5.Deputy Health Officer Appointment
6.TRORC Village Designation
7.Bond Buyer Article
8.Glen West Road Septic Permit
Old Business:
1.Workers Compensation Coverage
2.Pittsfield Artisan Event
3.Village Speed Limit
4.Maintenance Issues f/u
5.Town Hall Insulation
New Business:
1.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Payroll Budget
2.SB Secretary request for extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting
3.Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed
4.SB Annual Report
Next Regular Meeting: December 1, 2015
Matt made a motion to open the meeting. Seconded by Wendy. The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.
Agenda Modifications: Old Business 4: Maintenance Issues f/u; 5: Town Hall Insulation. New Business 2: SB Secretary request – extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting; 3: Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed; 4: SB Annual Report.
Wendy motioned to approve the November 3, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Matt. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
1.Michael Wuerthele – Artist/Craft Fair. Michael said that he has noticed that the Pitt-Stop is showing more artist/craft items. He said he would like to hold a craft fair. The Crafts Council holds an Open Studio Weekend over Memorial Day weekend and he would like to hold it then but not in conjunction with their event. There are a lot of artists in Pittsfield and in surrounding towns who do not have a studio and this would give them a venue to display and sell their wares. The cost to hold it in the Town Hall, between the rental fee and insurance makes it impossible to use that area, but if held on the Village Green, it could be much less costly. He proposed a fee of $25.00 per vendor and will check with VLCT as to what the insurance cost might be if held there. He said he would limit the event to 50 participants but probably wouldn’t get that many. The Board was unanimously in favor of the event. Michael will pursue and report monthly to the Board on his progress.
2.Martha Beyersdorf – Veterans Exemption. Martha stated that she was approaching the Board not as the wife of a disabled veteran, but representing the Board of Listers. She stated that currently the Town extends a $10,000 property tax exemption each year. As of 2011, 217 towns have increased their exemptions to $40,000 following the passing of Act 207. This leaves 27 towns extending less than that. Using figures from the 2014 Town Report, adding $30,000 to the Grand List, increasing the exemption would not have any impact on the municipal tax rate. Wendy made a motion to increase the exemption amount from $10,000 of appraised value to $40,000. Seconded by Matt. This will need to be voted on at Town Meeting 2016.
1.VT Tennis Court Surfacing – This information will be passed on to Erica Hurd. Patty said that she has been fundraising for the playground. Wendy said that there is also a Recreation Grant that the Town can apply for, but the deadline is November 30th.
2.Irasburg Seeking Support – They are looking for support from other towns to make the Public Service Board and Legislature aware that towns want a voice in the decision making that affects a town. This pertains to the industrial wind turbine project proposed for the Town of Irasburg. They are just trying to get word out to other towns. Brief discussion. No action was taken.
3.Bears in garbage on Trillium Hill Road – Michael Wuerthele, a resident at 45 Trillium Hill Road, said that bears have gotten into a neighbor’s trash. There was a trash house, and some of the trash had been there several weeks. Michael said that he spoke with Benson’s driver and the neighbor does not get pick up from them. He felt that a letter from the Town should be sent to the homeowner explaining the situation and include the photographs he included with his email. There was some discussion about enforcement. The Town will contact the homeowner.
4.VLCT News - November, 2015 issue. No action was required.
5.Deputy Health Officer Appointment – This is the Town’s copy of the appointment of Clairetta Corron to the position.
6.TRORC Village Designation – This is the Town’s copy. It will be kept on file.
7.Bond Buyer Article – This email from Robert Giroux includes an article highlighting the recently negotiated federal budget deal between the House of Representatives and Administration. Under the budget deal, sequestration will be continued for an additional year and is now set to expire in FFY 2025. Patty explained how the sequestration has affected the Town. She said the bonds are still a better deal than a bank loan. It will affect the budget each year. Dave questioned whether it was a fixed rate bond and though the Board should consult the Town’s attorney for her opinion. Patty felt that Robert Giroux would be the first person to contact. No action taken by the Board.
8.Glen West Road Septic Permit – Patty said that this permit will be filed but not recorded as there were some errors in parcel number and book/page that needed correction. When the corrected copy comes, it will be recorded at that time.
Old Business:
1.Workers Compensation Coverage – Dave said that he did not follow up on this after the last meeting. Wendy said that she contacted VLCT and the non-employee contract was not valid after August, 2015, however the Statute has not changed yet. VLCT doesn’t know how an audit at year end would go. If audited the Town’s Attorney should probably be consulted for her opinion as there are too many loopholes. Wendy said she will ask for a breakdown in hours from the party involved and that perhaps the Board should come up with a policy to address this situation in the future. Wendy said she would contact VLCT for a sample policy.
2.Pittsfield Artisan Event – see Public Present 1.
3.Village Speed Limit – Patty passed out a map showing the speed study locations in the area involved. Discussion. It was felt that the State would not approve the speed change. This will be forwarded to Rita Seto of TRORC and to Robert Faley of VTrans. Dave asked about what will happen now and how will changes be enforced. Wendy said she will contact VLCT for clarification.
4.Maintenance Issues f/u – Door closures for the Town Office Building restrooms, mold removal and rear door installation at the Town Hall have not been done. David said he would obtain quotes for these jobs.
5.Town Hall Insulation – David said he looked over the project and could not locate a vapor seal. Patty pulled the original bid and it was reviewed. David also noted that the electric boxes have been sprayed over versus removing them enough to spray behind. The bid refers to an air seal. Wendy composed and sent an email to Shaping Energies requesting clarification on this issue. She said that she sent out an email to Patty and the other Board members this morning with the final invoice. Patty said that she did not receive it. Wendy resent it. She said she will contact the Board members and Patty with the results of her conversation with Shaping Energies. If the discussion is satisfactory, she will do a special order for their payment.
New Business:
1.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Payroll Budget – Patty outlined the duties she has performed over the years that would be handled by a Town Manager or Administrator. She explained the history of previous Select Boards and how this had been handled in the past. Patty and the Board discussed proposed wage increases and its overall impact to Retirement and Social Security for the Town Clerk/Treasurer and Road Foreman. The other town positions were reviewed and discussed individually. This part of the budget will be addressed further at the next meeting.
2.SB Secretary request for extra correspondence pay for 11/3 meeting – Matt made a motion to approve this request. Seconded by Wendy.
3.Roof Repair Town Equipment Shed – Discussion. Dave will contact George to discuss this repair. Tabled for now.
4.SB Annual Report – Wendy passed out a draft of her report for inclusion in Town Report explaining that they were all new and that the report might not appear typical, but it covers most everything. Discussion. Wendy will finish it and submit it.
Next Regular Meeting:
December 1, 2015 at 6:00pm in the Town Office.
Matt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by David. The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.
Approved: 12/1/15 Recorded by: Martha L. Beyersdorf
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese