DATE: June 2, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin
Meeting called to order by Clerk/Treasurer in absence of Select Board Chair
Appointment – Chair Pro Tem: Matt Corron
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/5/2015
Public Present: Wendy Reese
1. VLCT News – May 2015
2. TRORC Kevin Geiger – tree planting
3. TRORC Kevin Geiger – contracts and procurement for construction grants plus Davis Bacon
4. TRORC Rita Seto – TAC Meeting Notes
5. State of Vermont Jon Kaplan – 2015 VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
6. Forest Service Holly Knox – Proposed Trail Activities
7. Brook Field Service - information
8. VLCT – Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium
9. Project Review Sheet – Steven and Donna Brown replacement well
Old Business:
1. Town of Pittsfield Vermont Civil Ordinance – Variable Rate Pricing By Volume or Weight for Municipal Solid Waste Collection
2. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – update from Dave
3. Appointments – WRVA Representative, Select Board member
New Business
1. Oaths of Office – new Select Board Members
2. Board Re-organization
a. Chair – create agenda, comply w/ open meeting law, run meetings
b. Select Board Orders – write and approve payments
c. Buildings – oversee town buildings
3. Conflict of Interest Policy – signature needed
4. Select Board Rules of Procedure – signature needed
5. Issue Keys
6. Application for Special Event Permit – Neshobe River Co LLC
7. Set Meeting Dates
a. Town Plan – Select Board Hearing and Adoption
b. July and August Select Board Meetings
8. Unlicensed Dog List – further action
9. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. May Financials
b. Highway, General Fund and Cemetery Orders
c. Office Closure
d. Town Credit Card
Next Meeting Date: June 16, 2015
Adjournment: Adjourned 7:42 pm
The Clerk/Treasurer called the meeting to order in absence of a Select Board Chair at 6:03 p.m.
Dave motioned to have Matt chair the meeting pro tem; Matt seconded; motion carried. There are no agenda modifications. Matt motioned to approve the May 5, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Dave seconded.
Public Present: Wendy Reese is observing meeting to determine if she is interested in filling open position.
1. VLCT News – May 2015 – no action required
2. TRORC Kevin Geiger – received e-mail stating Parmenter Place does not require further environmental clearance for tree planting as long as excavation is shallow and there are no contracts in place to perform the work. Use of volunteers is acceptable.
3. TRORC Kevin Geiger – e-mail regarding Parmenter Place. Site has FEMA clearance for the buyout however HUD clearance is also needed. TRORC is working on this. He also explains what is required for contracts and procurement for construction grants plus Davis Bacon wage rate reporting. TRORC will get back to the planning commission with next steps.
4. TRORC Rita Seto – Received minutes from last TAC Meeting. No action required.
5. State of Vermont Jon Kaplan – 2015 VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program: Soliciting for new bicycle and pedestrian projects to improve access and safety for bicyclists and/or pedestrians through planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects. No action taken.
6. US Forest Service, Rochester and Middlebury Ranger Districts, Holly Knox a District Recreation Program Manager forwarded Scoping Letter and associated maps detailing Fat Bike Proposed Trail Activities utilizing 37 miles of existing trails. Comments are due by June 19, 2015. No action taken.
7. Brook Field Service – information on generator sales and service. No action taken.
8. VLCT – Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium will be held June 16, 2015. No one attending.
9. Steven and Donna Brown who live in Our World submitted an Act 250 Project Review Sheet #EC543 for a replacement well.
Old Business:
1. Town of Pittsfield Vermont Civil Ordinance – Variable Rate Pricing By Volume or Weight for Municipal Solid Waste Collection. Haulers of refuse need to comply with the ordinance that is included at the end of the minutes. The Board agreed to adopt the ordinance and signed the document. Town clerk will warn the ordinance as required.
2. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – Dave has not been able to attend to these so he will contact Doug Johnstone to see Patty for details.
3. WRVA Representative and a third Select Board member are needed. Patty will ask First Response team to bring up the need for a WRVA rep at their next meeting. Someone in this group may be interested or may know someone who would be willing to represent the town at the WRVA monthly meetings. The Select Board position until next Town Meeting is of interest to Wendy. Dave motioned to appoint Wendy Reese to the vacant Select Board position; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried and Wendy accepted.
New Business
1. Patty administered the Select Board Oath of Office to Wendy Reese.
2. Board Re-organization occurred after a brief discussion about responsibilities for each category.
a. Chair – create agenda, comply w/ open meeting law, run meetings. Dave motioned to have Matt chair the board; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
b. Select Board Orders – write and approve payments. Dave motioned that Wendy has permission to sign orders on behalf of the board; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
c. Buildings – oversee town buildings. Dave will continue in this capacity.
3. Conflict of Interest Policy was circulated and signed by the new Select Board.
4. Select Board Rules of Procedure was circulated and signed by the new Select Board.
5. Wendy was issued key to access her Select Board mail slot.
6. Neshobe River Co LLC, doing business as Foley Brothers Brewing, submitted an application for Special Event Permit on July 12, 2015 at Riverside Farm from 11 am to 5 pm. Matt motioned to approve permit; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
7. Set Meeting Dates
a. Town Plan – The Planning Commission will have Public Hearing on July 14, 2015 to adopt the Town Plan. It is recommended the Select Board attend.
b. Matt motioned to set July 7 as Select Board Meeting; Wendy seconded motion; motion carried. Wendy motioned to set August 18 at 6:00 p.m. as the Select Board Hearing for the Town Plan with the regular board meeting to follow; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
8. Unlicensed Dog List – Two dog owners have not licensed their dogs. They are Sean O’Keefe and Timothy Kevin. This is in violation of the State Statute requiring licenses to prove the animal has a valid rabies vaccination. Late notices were sent. May 30th was the cut-off to comply before further action would be taken including fines. Wendy motioned to send the letters; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried. Town Clerk’s office will send certified/return receipt letters.
9. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. May Financials were reviewed and there were no questions of note.
b. Highway, General Fund and Cemetery Orders need to be processed. Patty will review these with Wendy after the meeting.
c. Office Closure – the office will be closed July 21, 22 and 23, 2015. Notice will be posted.
d. Town Credit Card – Patty has not been able to secure a credit card yet and will continue to pursue.
The next meeting is June 16, 2015.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm and Dave seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: June 16, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: June 2, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin
Meeting called to order by Clerk/Treasurer in absence of Select Board Chair
Appointment – Chair Pro Tem: Matt Corron
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/5/2015
Public Present: Wendy Reese
1. VLCT News – May 2015
2. TRORC Kevin Geiger – tree planting
3. TRORC Kevin Geiger – contracts and procurement for construction grants plus Davis Bacon
4. TRORC Rita Seto – TAC Meeting Notes
5. State of Vermont Jon Kaplan – 2015 VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
6. Forest Service Holly Knox – Proposed Trail Activities
7. Brook Field Service - information
8. VLCT – Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium
9. Project Review Sheet – Steven and Donna Brown replacement well
Old Business:
1. Town of Pittsfield Vermont Civil Ordinance – Variable Rate Pricing By Volume or Weight for Municipal Solid Waste Collection
2. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – update from Dave
3. Appointments – WRVA Representative, Select Board member
New Business
1. Oaths of Office – new Select Board Members
2. Board Re-organization
a. Chair – create agenda, comply w/ open meeting law, run meetings
b. Select Board Orders – write and approve payments
c. Buildings – oversee town buildings
3. Conflict of Interest Policy – signature needed
4. Select Board Rules of Procedure – signature needed
5. Issue Keys
6. Application for Special Event Permit – Neshobe River Co LLC
7. Set Meeting Dates
a. Town Plan – Select Board Hearing and Adoption
b. July and August Select Board Meetings
8. Unlicensed Dog List – further action
9. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. May Financials
b. Highway, General Fund and Cemetery Orders
c. Office Closure
d. Town Credit Card
Next Meeting Date: June 16, 2015
Adjournment: Adjourned 7:42 pm
The Clerk/Treasurer called the meeting to order in absence of a Select Board Chair at 6:03 p.m.
Dave motioned to have Matt chair the meeting pro tem; Matt seconded; motion carried. There are no agenda modifications. Matt motioned to approve the May 5, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Dave seconded.
Public Present: Wendy Reese is observing meeting to determine if she is interested in filling open position.
1. VLCT News – May 2015 – no action required
2. TRORC Kevin Geiger – received e-mail stating Parmenter Place does not require further environmental clearance for tree planting as long as excavation is shallow and there are no contracts in place to perform the work. Use of volunteers is acceptable.
3. TRORC Kevin Geiger – e-mail regarding Parmenter Place. Site has FEMA clearance for the buyout however HUD clearance is also needed. TRORC is working on this. He also explains what is required for contracts and procurement for construction grants plus Davis Bacon wage rate reporting. TRORC will get back to the planning commission with next steps.
4. TRORC Rita Seto – Received minutes from last TAC Meeting. No action required.
5. State of Vermont Jon Kaplan – 2015 VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program: Soliciting for new bicycle and pedestrian projects to improve access and safety for bicyclists and/or pedestrians through planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects. No action taken.
6. US Forest Service, Rochester and Middlebury Ranger Districts, Holly Knox a District Recreation Program Manager forwarded Scoping Letter and associated maps detailing Fat Bike Proposed Trail Activities utilizing 37 miles of existing trails. Comments are due by June 19, 2015. No action taken.
7. Brook Field Service – information on generator sales and service. No action taken.
8. VLCT – Governmental Accounting and Auditing Symposium will be held June 16, 2015. No one attending.
9. Steven and Donna Brown who live in Our World submitted an Act 250 Project Review Sheet #EC543 for a replacement well.
Old Business:
1. Town of Pittsfield Vermont Civil Ordinance – Variable Rate Pricing By Volume or Weight for Municipal Solid Waste Collection. Haulers of refuse need to comply with the ordinance that is included at the end of the minutes. The Board agreed to adopt the ordinance and signed the document. Town clerk will warn the ordinance as required.
2. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – Dave has not been able to attend to these so he will contact Doug Johnstone to see Patty for details.
3. WRVA Representative and a third Select Board member are needed. Patty will ask First Response team to bring up the need for a WRVA rep at their next meeting. Someone in this group may be interested or may know someone who would be willing to represent the town at the WRVA monthly meetings. The Select Board position until next Town Meeting is of interest to Wendy. Dave motioned to appoint Wendy Reese to the vacant Select Board position; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried and Wendy accepted.
New Business
1. Patty administered the Select Board Oath of Office to Wendy Reese.
2. Board Re-organization occurred after a brief discussion about responsibilities for each category.
a. Chair – create agenda, comply w/ open meeting law, run meetings. Dave motioned to have Matt chair the board; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
b. Select Board Orders – write and approve payments. Dave motioned that Wendy has permission to sign orders on behalf of the board; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
c. Buildings – oversee town buildings. Dave will continue in this capacity.
3. Conflict of Interest Policy was circulated and signed by the new Select Board.
4. Select Board Rules of Procedure was circulated and signed by the new Select Board.
5. Wendy was issued key to access her Select Board mail slot.
6. Neshobe River Co LLC, doing business as Foley Brothers Brewing, submitted an application for Special Event Permit on July 12, 2015 at Riverside Farm from 11 am to 5 pm. Matt motioned to approve permit; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
7. Set Meeting Dates
a. Town Plan – The Planning Commission will have Public Hearing on July 14, 2015 to adopt the Town Plan. It is recommended the Select Board attend.
b. Matt motioned to set July 7 as Select Board Meeting; Wendy seconded motion; motion carried. Wendy motioned to set August 18 at 6:00 p.m. as the Select Board Hearing for the Town Plan with the regular board meeting to follow; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried.
8. Unlicensed Dog List – Two dog owners have not licensed their dogs. They are Sean O’Keefe and Timothy Kevin. This is in violation of the State Statute requiring licenses to prove the animal has a valid rabies vaccination. Late notices were sent. May 30th was the cut-off to comply before further action would be taken including fines. Wendy motioned to send the letters; Matt seconded the motion; motion carried. Town Clerk’s office will send certified/return receipt letters.
9. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. May Financials were reviewed and there were no questions of note.
b. Highway, General Fund and Cemetery Orders need to be processed. Patty will review these with Wendy after the meeting.
c. Office Closure – the office will be closed July 21, 22 and 23, 2015. Notice will be posted.
d. Town Credit Card – Patty has not been able to secure a credit card yet and will continue to pursue.
The next meeting is June 16, 2015.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm and Dave seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: June 16, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese