DATE: June 16, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Bill Oren, Suana Bicek
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 & 4; New Business #11, 12 & 13
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 6/2/2015
Public Present: Bill Oren – Fireworks & Death Race; Pittsfield Planning Commission
1. VLCT News – June 2015
2. VLCT 2015 Legislative wrap up
Old Business:
1. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – update from Dave
2. Appointments – WRVA Representative
3. Doug Johnstone re: Town Hall
4. Sheriff Dept. contract
New Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties construction bid opening
2. FEMA buyout properties easements
3. Invite town attorney to future meeting
4. Renewal of Village Center Designation
5. Town Bridge Inspections
6. 911 Dispatch Center Options
7. ICS training for new Select Board Chair
8. Chuck Colton New Driveway Construction
9. Vermont Farms Catering Request to Cater Malt for dates - 7/3, 7/4, 7/17, 7/18, 7/31, 8/1, 8/7, 8/8
10. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure
b. Payment Procedure
c. Financial Management Questionnaire
11. Select Board on-site training
12. Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion re: 2015 Death Race
13. Tables & Chairs at Town Hall
1. Scheduling of Town Meeting
2. Dog License update
Next Meeting Date: July 7, 2015
Adjournment: Adjourned 8:52 pm
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. Agenda modifications were added. Matt motioned to approve the June 2, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded.
Public Present: Bill Oren to share concerns about fireworks and the Death Race; Suana Bicek representing Planning Commission re: Updated Town Plan.
1. Bill Oren – Concerned over fireworks at Riverside that woke him up recently. He has contacted District 3 Environmental Commission as he believes this is not allowable per Act 250. Patty informed Mr. Oren that the Fire Department issues fireworks permits, not the town. Mr. Oren is waiting for Jurisdictional Opinion (JO) on this issue and if fireworks are not allowed he wants the town to pull the permit for the July 4th 2015 event otherwise he will hold the town liable.
2. Bill Oren – Mr. Oren has filed an appeal with District 3 Environmental Commission regarding their Jurisdictional Opinion allowing the Death Race to bus participants to Riverside at 2:00 a.m. on June 26, 2015. He is concerned over the noise this may cause. He also believes Riverside is following criteria outlined in their Act 250 Permit. Mr. Oren also believes residents in proximity of Trailside and Riverside are unaware of the bussing plan. The Select Board will review the JO closely.
3. Suana Bicek – Pittsfield Planning Commission hearing on the proposed revisions to the Town Plan is scheduled for July 14, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office. In order to maintain the Village Designation the plan has to be approved and submitted by September 28, 2015.
1. VLCT News – June 2015 – no action required. Each Select Board should be receiving their own copy.
2. VLCT 2015 Legislative Wrap-up received – no action required.
Old Business:
1. Dave has e-mailed Doug Johnstone regarding door closers for the bathroom and library. No response yet.
2. Pittsfield First Response shared the need for a representative on the White River Valley Ambulance Board. Jonathan Prendergast has agreed to volunteer. Matt motioned to appoint Jonathan Prendergast as the town’s representative on WRVA board; Wendy seconded.
3. Doug Johnstone e-mailed Dave asking if he can start the Town Hall project at the end of July. Dave will follow up with Doug to get a copy of the project quote, plan and general liability certificate for review at the next Select Board meeting.
4. Wendy would like a copy of the Sheriff’s contract so she knows what is covered when processing invoices. She would also like to have more timely and detailed reports; and communication from the Sheriff’s Dept. especially if they are investigating complaints like theft/burglaries. Is there a way to alert town residents of any possible threats? Wendy will review contract and then contact the Sheriff’s Dept. to review questions and concerns.
New Business
1. Town has received bid from DuBois & King for FEMA buyout properties construction at Parmenter Place. Requests for bids went out to three parties and are due June 18, 2015. Planning Commission and Select Board will review bids after the BCA meeting on June 24, 2015.
2. Received FEMA buyout properties easements for town attorney Marylou Scofield. Work to be completed by December 31, 2015.
3. Wendy motioned to invite town attorney, Marylou Scofield, to the next Select Board meeting to bring the current board up to speed on various items that require legal assistance. Matt seconded the motion. Patty will contact Marylou.
4. Renewal of Village Center Designation has been received and will be forwarded to Planning Commission.
5. VTrans completed inspections of Town bridges and are all okay except for Bridge #11, Tweed River Drive. The deck needs rehabilitation. Matt will touch base with George to find out what this entails.
6. The state is holding an informational meeting on June 25, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Vermont Fire Academy to discuss 911 Dispatch Center Options. There are four options for towns to choose from: (1 )choose to utilize one of the two remaining dispatch centers (Rockingham or Williston); (2) contract with a local PSAP; (3) set-up own dispatching using one of the discontinued Rutland or Derby facilities; or (4) set-up own dispatch facility. Matt motioned to select option #1; Wendy seconded. Matt will contact them with the town’s selection.
7. Matt will attend ICS training for the town. This is a requirement as part of the Town’s LEOP.
8. George has reviewed and approved the specs for the New Driveway Construction application for Chuck and Stephanie Colton on Upper Michigan Road. Matt motioned to approved permit; Wendy seconded.
9. Requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering for the following dates were approved by the Select Board. Matt motioned to approve; Wendy seconded. Dates - 7/3/15, 7/4/15, 7/17/15, 7/18/15, 7/31/15, 8/1/15, 8/7/15 and 8/8/15 and all events will end by 10:00 p.m.
10. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure – Patty shared recommended procedure from the School Board audit. The School Board approved procedure. Matt motioned to approve; Dave seconded.
b. Payment Procedure – This is also a recommended procedure from the School Board audit and was approved by the School Board. Matt motioned to approve; Dave seconded.
c. Annual Financial Management Questionnaire from State of Vermont Auditor of Accounts was completed by Patty and reviewed with Board. The key is separation of duties to reduce/eliminate possibility of mismanagement of funds. Matt signed off on questionnaire.
d. Patty asked the Board to consider a car-pooling policy for town officers attending conferences/workshops to reduce expenses to the town. She will work on a draft.
11. VLCT offers Select Board training shortly after Town Meeting. Patty inquired about on-site training because the Town has a completely new Select Board and only one member was in office at the time of the annual training. The cost $415 and they can tailor the program to cover any topics the Board would like. Patty will e-mail other surrounding towns to find out if any are interested in sharing this training and costs.
12. Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion re: 2015 Death Race was received from District 3 Environmental Commission. The Death Race as described is not a material change to what has been permitted. This is the JO Mr. Bill Oren is appealing.
13. Dave reports that several tables and chairs at the Town Hall are getting beat up and may need to start replacing some of the items. Should there be a rental fee? Dave will look into pricing for rentals. Becky Ruben returned borrowed items and noted the corner of one table was breaking. She told Dave to keep the $25 deposit. Dave will let Becky know she can donate the $25 towards a replacement fund otherwise her deposit will be returned. There are approximately 10 tables and 120-130 chairs.
1. Wendy asked why Town Meeting is held during the day versus at night when possibly more townspeople could attend. What is required to make this type of change? Patty will check into this further.
2. Patty updated the Board on dog licenses. One of the outstanding parties has since licensed their dogs. The other outstanding party has not and has been sent a certified/return receipt letter with notice of $250 fine if they do not comply within 21 days.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: July 7, 2105 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: June 16, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin, Bill Oren, Suana Bicek
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #3 & 4; New Business #11, 12 & 13
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 6/2/2015
Public Present: Bill Oren – Fireworks & Death Race; Pittsfield Planning Commission
1. VLCT News – June 2015
2. VLCT 2015 Legislative wrap up
Old Business:
1. Bathroom and Library Door Closers – update from Dave
2. Appointments – WRVA Representative
3. Doug Johnstone re: Town Hall
4. Sheriff Dept. contract
New Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties construction bid opening
2. FEMA buyout properties easements
3. Invite town attorney to future meeting
4. Renewal of Village Center Designation
5. Town Bridge Inspections
6. 911 Dispatch Center Options
7. ICS training for new Select Board Chair
8. Chuck Colton New Driveway Construction
9. Vermont Farms Catering Request to Cater Malt for dates - 7/3, 7/4, 7/17, 7/18, 7/31, 8/1, 8/7, 8/8
10. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure
b. Payment Procedure
c. Financial Management Questionnaire
11. Select Board on-site training
12. Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion re: 2015 Death Race
13. Tables & Chairs at Town Hall
1. Scheduling of Town Meeting
2. Dog License update
Next Meeting Date: July 7, 2015
Adjournment: Adjourned 8:52 pm
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. Agenda modifications were added. Matt motioned to approve the June 2, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded.
Public Present: Bill Oren to share concerns about fireworks and the Death Race; Suana Bicek representing Planning Commission re: Updated Town Plan.
1. Bill Oren – Concerned over fireworks at Riverside that woke him up recently. He has contacted District 3 Environmental Commission as he believes this is not allowable per Act 250. Patty informed Mr. Oren that the Fire Department issues fireworks permits, not the town. Mr. Oren is waiting for Jurisdictional Opinion (JO) on this issue and if fireworks are not allowed he wants the town to pull the permit for the July 4th 2015 event otherwise he will hold the town liable.
2. Bill Oren – Mr. Oren has filed an appeal with District 3 Environmental Commission regarding their Jurisdictional Opinion allowing the Death Race to bus participants to Riverside at 2:00 a.m. on June 26, 2015. He is concerned over the noise this may cause. He also believes Riverside is following criteria outlined in their Act 250 Permit. Mr. Oren also believes residents in proximity of Trailside and Riverside are unaware of the bussing plan. The Select Board will review the JO closely.
3. Suana Bicek – Pittsfield Planning Commission hearing on the proposed revisions to the Town Plan is scheduled for July 14, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office. In order to maintain the Village Designation the plan has to be approved and submitted by September 28, 2015.
1. VLCT News – June 2015 – no action required. Each Select Board should be receiving their own copy.
2. VLCT 2015 Legislative Wrap-up received – no action required.
Old Business:
1. Dave has e-mailed Doug Johnstone regarding door closers for the bathroom and library. No response yet.
2. Pittsfield First Response shared the need for a representative on the White River Valley Ambulance Board. Jonathan Prendergast has agreed to volunteer. Matt motioned to appoint Jonathan Prendergast as the town’s representative on WRVA board; Wendy seconded.
3. Doug Johnstone e-mailed Dave asking if he can start the Town Hall project at the end of July. Dave will follow up with Doug to get a copy of the project quote, plan and general liability certificate for review at the next Select Board meeting.
4. Wendy would like a copy of the Sheriff’s contract so she knows what is covered when processing invoices. She would also like to have more timely and detailed reports; and communication from the Sheriff’s Dept. especially if they are investigating complaints like theft/burglaries. Is there a way to alert town residents of any possible threats? Wendy will review contract and then contact the Sheriff’s Dept. to review questions and concerns.
New Business
1. Town has received bid from DuBois & King for FEMA buyout properties construction at Parmenter Place. Requests for bids went out to three parties and are due June 18, 2015. Planning Commission and Select Board will review bids after the BCA meeting on June 24, 2015.
2. Received FEMA buyout properties easements for town attorney Marylou Scofield. Work to be completed by December 31, 2015.
3. Wendy motioned to invite town attorney, Marylou Scofield, to the next Select Board meeting to bring the current board up to speed on various items that require legal assistance. Matt seconded the motion. Patty will contact Marylou.
4. Renewal of Village Center Designation has been received and will be forwarded to Planning Commission.
5. VTrans completed inspections of Town bridges and are all okay except for Bridge #11, Tweed River Drive. The deck needs rehabilitation. Matt will touch base with George to find out what this entails.
6. The state is holding an informational meeting on June 25, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Vermont Fire Academy to discuss 911 Dispatch Center Options. There are four options for towns to choose from: (1 )choose to utilize one of the two remaining dispatch centers (Rockingham or Williston); (2) contract with a local PSAP; (3) set-up own dispatching using one of the discontinued Rutland or Derby facilities; or (4) set-up own dispatch facility. Matt motioned to select option #1; Wendy seconded. Matt will contact them with the town’s selection.
7. Matt will attend ICS training for the town. This is a requirement as part of the Town’s LEOP.
8. George has reviewed and approved the specs for the New Driveway Construction application for Chuck and Stephanie Colton on Upper Michigan Road. Matt motioned to approved permit; Wendy seconded.
9. Requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering for the following dates were approved by the Select Board. Matt motioned to approve; Wendy seconded. Dates - 7/3/15, 7/4/15, 7/17/15, 7/18/15, 7/31/15, 8/1/15, 8/7/15 and 8/8/15 and all events will end by 10:00 p.m.
10. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure – Patty shared recommended procedure from the School Board audit. The School Board approved procedure. Matt motioned to approve; Dave seconded.
b. Payment Procedure – This is also a recommended procedure from the School Board audit and was approved by the School Board. Matt motioned to approve; Dave seconded.
c. Annual Financial Management Questionnaire from State of Vermont Auditor of Accounts was completed by Patty and reviewed with Board. The key is separation of duties to reduce/eliminate possibility of mismanagement of funds. Matt signed off on questionnaire.
d. Patty asked the Board to consider a car-pooling policy for town officers attending conferences/workshops to reduce expenses to the town. She will work on a draft.
11. VLCT offers Select Board training shortly after Town Meeting. Patty inquired about on-site training because the Town has a completely new Select Board and only one member was in office at the time of the annual training. The cost $415 and they can tailor the program to cover any topics the Board would like. Patty will e-mail other surrounding towns to find out if any are interested in sharing this training and costs.
12. Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion re: 2015 Death Race was received from District 3 Environmental Commission. The Death Race as described is not a material change to what has been permitted. This is the JO Mr. Bill Oren is appealing.
13. Dave reports that several tables and chairs at the Town Hall are getting beat up and may need to start replacing some of the items. Should there be a rental fee? Dave will look into pricing for rentals. Becky Ruben returned borrowed items and noted the corner of one table was breaking. She told Dave to keep the $25 deposit. Dave will let Becky know she can donate the $25 towards a replacement fund otherwise her deposit will be returned. There are approximately 10 tables and 120-130 chairs.
1. Wendy asked why Town Meeting is held during the day versus at night when possibly more townspeople could attend. What is required to make this type of change? Patty will check into this further.
2. Patty updated the Board on dog licenses. One of the outstanding parties has since licensed their dogs. The other outstanding party has not and has been sent a certified/return receipt letter with notice of $250 fine if they do not comply within 21 days.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: July 7, 2105 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese