DATE: February 17, 2015
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications - none
1. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute
2. Opinions February 2015
Old Business
1. Tiny Homes Community on Forsha Rd re: Planning Commission review and response
2. TRORC – FY2017 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
New Business
1. Pittsfield Blood Drive April 30, 2015
2. Liquor License Renewal re: Casa Bella
3. Town Meeting Review
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m.; Mark seconded. There were no Agenda Modifications. Jerry motioned to approve the February 3, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded. Mark motioned to approve the February 10, 2015 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute is scheduled for March 21, 2015 in Montpelier. Patty will keep the information on hand pending the outcome of Town Meeting elections.
2. Opinions Newsletter for February 2015 received and Don will review.
Old Business
1. The Planning Commission discussed the Tiny Homes project proposed for Forsha Road as it relates to the town plan. The area in which the developer wishes to build is deemed residential and would not support a commercial venture. The Commission finds that the septic issues are of more concern and would require a public water system. Hawk was unable to support the regulations for such a system and it had to be dismantled. At this point in time the project has to go through Act 250 Review.
2. TRORC – FY2017 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization draft was received. They are soliciting comments until 3/10/15. These are projects slated for 2017 and the only one related to Pittsfield is the bridge on Route 100 at the end of Lower Michigan Road. No action required.
New Business
1. The Library is sponsoring the Pittsfield Blood Drive scheduled for April 30, 2015 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. and they are requesting to reserve the Town Hall. Don will add to the calendar. Erica Hurd in the contact for the Library.
2. Casa Bella Inn and Restaurant has applied to renew their Liquor License and Outside Consumption Permit. Jerry motioned to approve both the liquor license and the outside consumption permit. Don seconded. Motion carried.
3. Patty asked if there is anything the Board needs for Town Meeting. Information to hand out on trash collection and recycling was requested. Patty will contact Jon Benson. No other requests were made.
1. Don commented that the snow from the plow makes clearing the entrances to the town buildings difficult. Mark wants to have a special meeting to discuss plowing and sanding with George Deblon, Road Commissioner. Patty will contact George to find out his availability on Monday February 23, 2015 and will warn accordingly.
2. Patty thanked Don Bass for his service as a Select Board member.
3. Due to Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 the regularly scheduled Select Board meetings will be moved to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month for March. The meetings will be warned for March 10 and March 24, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 3/10/15 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis - signed
Don Bass
David Larkin - signed
PRESENT: Mark Begin, Jerry Drugonis, Don Bass, Patty Haskins
Agenda Modifications - none
1. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute
2. Opinions February 2015
Old Business
1. Tiny Homes Community on Forsha Rd re: Planning Commission review and response
2. TRORC – FY2017 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization
New Business
1. Pittsfield Blood Drive April 30, 2015
2. Liquor License Renewal re: Casa Bella
3. Town Meeting Review
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 5:55 p.m.; Mark seconded. There were no Agenda Modifications. Jerry motioned to approve the February 3, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded. Mark motioned to approve the February 10, 2015 Special Select Board Meeting Minutes; Don seconded.
1. VLCT Spring Select Board Institute is scheduled for March 21, 2015 in Montpelier. Patty will keep the information on hand pending the outcome of Town Meeting elections.
2. Opinions Newsletter for February 2015 received and Don will review.
Old Business
1. The Planning Commission discussed the Tiny Homes project proposed for Forsha Road as it relates to the town plan. The area in which the developer wishes to build is deemed residential and would not support a commercial venture. The Commission finds that the septic issues are of more concern and would require a public water system. Hawk was unable to support the regulations for such a system and it had to be dismantled. At this point in time the project has to go through Act 250 Review.
2. TRORC – FY2017 Transportation Capital Projects Prioritization draft was received. They are soliciting comments until 3/10/15. These are projects slated for 2017 and the only one related to Pittsfield is the bridge on Route 100 at the end of Lower Michigan Road. No action required.
New Business
1. The Library is sponsoring the Pittsfield Blood Drive scheduled for April 30, 2015 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. and they are requesting to reserve the Town Hall. Don will add to the calendar. Erica Hurd in the contact for the Library.
2. Casa Bella Inn and Restaurant has applied to renew their Liquor License and Outside Consumption Permit. Jerry motioned to approve both the liquor license and the outside consumption permit. Don seconded. Motion carried.
3. Patty asked if there is anything the Board needs for Town Meeting. Information to hand out on trash collection and recycling was requested. Patty will contact Jon Benson. No other requests were made.
1. Don commented that the snow from the plow makes clearing the entrances to the town buildings difficult. Mark wants to have a special meeting to discuss plowing and sanding with George Deblon, Road Commissioner. Patty will contact George to find out his availability on Monday February 23, 2015 and will warn accordingly.
2. Patty thanked Don Bass for his service as a Select Board member.
3. Due to Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 the regularly scheduled Select Board meetings will be moved to the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month for March. The meetings will be warned for March 10 and March 24, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 p.m. Mark seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 3/10/15 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Mark Begin, Chair
Jerry Drugonis - signed
Don Bass
David Larkin - signed