DATE: December 1, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 3
Minutes Approval: Special Meeting 11/17/15 and Regular Meeting 11/19/2015
Public Present:
Next Regular Meeting: December 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 5:59 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence 3 - CERT. Matt motioned to approve the November 17, 2015 Special Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the November 19, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Old Business:
Wendy Reese shard her views on the proposed park by answering the 18 concerns listed in flyer handed out at the meeting titled: ‘Say No!!! To an expensive and wasteful park proposal’ A full copy will be at the town office in the Select Board file. To summarize some key points, the area is a flood zone and proposed plans include actions to improve the flood plain; parks do not decrease property values unless they are not maintained; open spaces in towns are beneficial providing additional community gathering areas; mowed areas conducive for walking only not for recreational activities such as soccer, volleyball; low seasonal maintenance costs of approximately $150; parking area too small for trucks to use as a “truck stop”; people can urinate in a vacant lot just as easily as a well maintained area although it may be less inviting to take such action in a public place; Pittsfield Pride could include a memorial tribute to Don Flynn and Mel Colton as well a flood marker and description of the event that led to the green space. Wendy is in favor of green infrastructure and some gray infrastructure.
VLCT stated there would be no insurance increase to have the green spaces when Patty checked a year ago and today. A preventative loss control rep could look at the property to review if Select Board would like them to send someone. Patty will put in a request to have a rep visit.
Patty spoke with Garrett Baxter, Senior Staff Attorney at VLCT, about voting on the park. No matter how the town puts the matter up for vote, from the floor during Town Meeting or by Australian vote as part of the Presidential Primary election, it will be a non-binding vote. Attorney Baxter emphasized the public needs to be educated that the vote is non-binding. The Select Board can take the vote into consideration when deciding the matter however the vote in non-binding.
Dave thinks Marylou Scofield should be consulted. No one else supported this option as Attorney Baxter is well versed in municipal law.
Matt is in favor of the green infrastructure and would like to have a vote on the gray infrastructure. Dave wants a vote. Information would need to be mailed to residents and this costs money. Wendy will inquire as to whether or not grant funds can be used for such a mailing.
Dave does not believe Knotweed is invasive and it helped during TS Irene. Perhaps over time it will not be considered invasive. Matt stated willows are native and proven to aid in river bank stabilization.
Matt motioned to have the town do the green infrastructure; Wendy seconded the motion; all in favor say “yes” – 2 “yes” votes; all opposed – no one opposed; Dave abstained from the vote. Motion carried.
2. Workers Compensation (WC) Coverage – The State Statute has not changed yet and VLCT is getting push-back from towns. The requirement will go into effect next year. VLCT may or may not be able to help with policy guidance. The non-employee worker’s agreement can be used for the time being. Wendy will contact VLCT again and propose idea to have non-employee workers without WC insurance add or deduct the cost from their invoice based on insurance schedule provided by carrier.
3. Town Hall Mold – Dave unable to secure quotes from anyone so he prepared one. Wendy got an estimate from Corey Novotny. Costs were significantly different between the two estimates. Put Corey on speaker phone to clarify what his estimate encompassed. After discussion, Dave and Corey will meet Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. to review project and determine what exactly needs to be done. Dave will ask Corey if he can have a quote ready by Thursday, December 3, 2015. Wendy motioned to accept Corey Novotny’s written estimate to repair the Town Hall mold and install the Town Office door closers if cost is less than $4,000 and he fills out non-employee paperwork prior to commencing on the project. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
4. Village Speed Limit – Tabled to a future meeting as Matt has not heard back from Rob Faley at VTrans.
5. FEMA Buyout for Peyton Property – Bob Ennis of TRORC forwarded “FEMA Voluntary Transaction Agreement” to Board for signature and date. FEMA has approved and the Peytons have signed. Board signed and dated.
New Business:
1. Clerk/ Treasurer Report
a. November Financials – Key notes include $668,000 will be disbursed from the GF to Highway and School for second half payments; $9,664.95 Town Hall expense is for insulating project; $1,232.02 TS Irene line is progress billing for TRORC administration services for Peyton buyout; income of $4,180 in HW fund is insurance payment for York rake; and Capital Equipment Purchase amount of $7,543.75 is for the Liquid Chloride Spreader.
b. General Fund Budget 2016 – Patty went through budget line by line sharing suggested amounts based on history. Changes discussed and questions answered. Budget will be updated again when missing amounts can be filled in after the first of the year. Board members will walk around town buildings to inspect for any maintenance that may need to be added to the budget. Warning for Town Meeting will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Meeting Schedule: Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Adjournment: Wendy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: Dec. 15, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: December 1, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, Patty Haskins, Dave Larkin
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 3
Minutes Approval: Special Meeting 11/17/15 and Regular Meeting 11/19/2015
Public Present:
- Tweed River Drive Water Line
- Riverside Horse Farm Act 250 Amendment
- Community Emergency Response Team - CERT
- Proposed Park
- Workers Compensation Coverage
- Town Hall Mold
- RT 100 Speed Limit
- FEMA Buyout - Peyton
- Clerk/ Treasurer Report
- November Financials
- General Fund Budget 2016
Next Regular Meeting: December 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 5:59 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence 3 - CERT. Matt motioned to approve the November 17, 2015 Special Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved. Matt motioned to approve the November 19, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
- Steve and Donna Brown thank you to town for enabling them to secure a water line under Tweed River Drive dated 11/16/15. Mr. Brown shared concern he received from his neighbor Herb Kuendig regarding the road improvement by the town. Mr. Brown informed Mr. Kuendig the road is not owned by them and the town is within their jurisdiction to fill the ditching with gravel. No action required.
- Environmental District #3 has denied Land Use Permit Application #3W0948-2 for Riverside Horse Farm to amend their Act 250 Permit to allow fireworks. Ruling will be filed.
- Notice from Brad Salzmann regarding Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) meeting for LEPC 12 on December 9, 2015 at 7 pm at Royalton Academy building. LEPC encompasses parts of Orange and Windsor Counties. Patty has asked TRORC to advise town as Pittsfield is in Rutland County. Matt is tentatively planning on attending. Notice has been forwarded to Peter Borden.
Old Business:
- Proposed Park – Patty shared her thoughts about the comments and concerns from the special meeting held November 17, 2015. In summary, privacy in that area will improve with green infrastructure and no dwellings; Parmenter Place is a town road and public, people do not need to have a reason to drive in. Residents can pursue privatizing it, thus assuming all maintenance and repair of road and bridge. Traffic/speed issue is currently being pursued with VTrans. Different type of park, more of a naturalized area for walking and relaxing by the river with minimal maintenance required. Area is a gateway to the community and would be more attractive as a planted and mowed naturalized area versus unkempt. A full copy will be at the town office in the Select Board file.
Wendy Reese shard her views on the proposed park by answering the 18 concerns listed in flyer handed out at the meeting titled: ‘Say No!!! To an expensive and wasteful park proposal’ A full copy will be at the town office in the Select Board file. To summarize some key points, the area is a flood zone and proposed plans include actions to improve the flood plain; parks do not decrease property values unless they are not maintained; open spaces in towns are beneficial providing additional community gathering areas; mowed areas conducive for walking only not for recreational activities such as soccer, volleyball; low seasonal maintenance costs of approximately $150; parking area too small for trucks to use as a “truck stop”; people can urinate in a vacant lot just as easily as a well maintained area although it may be less inviting to take such action in a public place; Pittsfield Pride could include a memorial tribute to Don Flynn and Mel Colton as well a flood marker and description of the event that led to the green space. Wendy is in favor of green infrastructure and some gray infrastructure.
VLCT stated there would be no insurance increase to have the green spaces when Patty checked a year ago and today. A preventative loss control rep could look at the property to review if Select Board would like them to send someone. Patty will put in a request to have a rep visit.
Patty spoke with Garrett Baxter, Senior Staff Attorney at VLCT, about voting on the park. No matter how the town puts the matter up for vote, from the floor during Town Meeting or by Australian vote as part of the Presidential Primary election, it will be a non-binding vote. Attorney Baxter emphasized the public needs to be educated that the vote is non-binding. The Select Board can take the vote into consideration when deciding the matter however the vote in non-binding.
Dave thinks Marylou Scofield should be consulted. No one else supported this option as Attorney Baxter is well versed in municipal law.
Matt is in favor of the green infrastructure and would like to have a vote on the gray infrastructure. Dave wants a vote. Information would need to be mailed to residents and this costs money. Wendy will inquire as to whether or not grant funds can be used for such a mailing.
Dave does not believe Knotweed is invasive and it helped during TS Irene. Perhaps over time it will not be considered invasive. Matt stated willows are native and proven to aid in river bank stabilization.
Matt motioned to have the town do the green infrastructure; Wendy seconded the motion; all in favor say “yes” – 2 “yes” votes; all opposed – no one opposed; Dave abstained from the vote. Motion carried.
2. Workers Compensation (WC) Coverage – The State Statute has not changed yet and VLCT is getting push-back from towns. The requirement will go into effect next year. VLCT may or may not be able to help with policy guidance. The non-employee worker’s agreement can be used for the time being. Wendy will contact VLCT again and propose idea to have non-employee workers without WC insurance add or deduct the cost from their invoice based on insurance schedule provided by carrier.
3. Town Hall Mold – Dave unable to secure quotes from anyone so he prepared one. Wendy got an estimate from Corey Novotny. Costs were significantly different between the two estimates. Put Corey on speaker phone to clarify what his estimate encompassed. After discussion, Dave and Corey will meet Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. to review project and determine what exactly needs to be done. Dave will ask Corey if he can have a quote ready by Thursday, December 3, 2015. Wendy motioned to accept Corey Novotny’s written estimate to repair the Town Hall mold and install the Town Office door closers if cost is less than $4,000 and he fills out non-employee paperwork prior to commencing on the project. Dave seconded. Motion carried.
4. Village Speed Limit – Tabled to a future meeting as Matt has not heard back from Rob Faley at VTrans.
5. FEMA Buyout for Peyton Property – Bob Ennis of TRORC forwarded “FEMA Voluntary Transaction Agreement” to Board for signature and date. FEMA has approved and the Peytons have signed. Board signed and dated.
New Business:
1. Clerk/ Treasurer Report
a. November Financials – Key notes include $668,000 will be disbursed from the GF to Highway and School for second half payments; $9,664.95 Town Hall expense is for insulating project; $1,232.02 TS Irene line is progress billing for TRORC administration services for Peyton buyout; income of $4,180 in HW fund is insurance payment for York rake; and Capital Equipment Purchase amount of $7,543.75 is for the Liquid Chloride Spreader.
b. General Fund Budget 2016 – Patty went through budget line by line sharing suggested amounts based on history. Changes discussed and questions answered. Budget will be updated again when missing amounts can be filled in after the first of the year. Board members will walk around town buildings to inspect for any maintenance that may need to be added to the budget. Warning for Town Meeting will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Meeting Schedule: Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Adjournment: Wendy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: Dec. 15, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese