DATE: August 4, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Linda & Ray Colton, Martha Beyersdorf, Nancy Wisner, Jen & Charlie Howard, Lisa Unwin, Vern Haskins, Randy Wood, Ed Lindsay, Joyce Stevens, Colby Shaw, Joanne Mills, Dot Williamson, Carolynn Stockwell, Carl Oertel, Mary Lee Stevens, Bruce Shaw, Karen Marion, Jessica Fuster, Joseph & Donna Rivers, Chris & Erica Hurd, Suana Bicek, Bill Leimgruber, Mary Russ, Kevin Geiger, John Steele, Marsha Hopkins
Agenda Modifications: Public Present; Correspondence #11
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 7/7/2015
Public Present:
A. Mary Russ WRP, Kevin Geiger TRORC, John Steele Dubois & King – Proposed Pittsfield Tweed River Park; B. Bill Leimgruber – Proposed Park; C. Suana Bicek – Village Designation; D. Marsha Hopkins – Work Trucks
1. Municipal Highway Grant Application
2. Mascoma Savings Bank Letter
3. TRORC Thank You
4. Last Mile Ride 2015
5. VLCT Town Fair 2015
6. Tyler Wren Thank You Letter
7. VNH of Vermont and New Hampshire
8. VTrans Roadmap
9. M.A. Bean Associates
10. TRORC Regional Plan
11. National Forest Service
Old Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties easements
2. Illegal Dumping Sign
3. Fireworks
4. Park Project Contract
5. Buyout Property Design and Grant Information
6. Town Hall Construction
New Business
1. Town of Pittsfield Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
2. Tax Sale Properties
3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Fees
4. Town Hall Insulating Project
5. Planning Commission Recognition
6. Town wide Communication
7. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. July Financials
b. CV Oil Pre-buy
c. FEMA Site Visit July 29
Next Meeting Date: August 18, 2015
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Agenda modifications announced. Matt motioned to approve the July 7, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present – A. Mary Russ of White River Partnership, Kevin Geiger of TRORC, and John Steele of DuBois & King are present to give an overview and answer questions about the buyout property process and proposed Pittsfield Tweed River Park. Mary gave PowerPoint presentation from beginning to current status of the proposed park for the Parmenter Place properties. Handouts, maps and contact information were available for anyone in attendance. Floor was opened to discussion, questions and answers.
Q. Are all properties graded and seeded?
A. No, not yet.
Q. Are all properties slated to be parks?
A. No.
Q. Who maintains?
A. The town would be responsible for the maintenance and associated costs. No pavement or concrete is allowed, only gravel. Mary has resources for funding/stewardship for some maintenance of parks however does not include mowing.
Q. Why is river access necessary, it is very shallow, can’t swim or boat in it?
A. Other activities such as fishing, an area for people to enjoy being near the water, wading in it, skipping rocks, etc.
Q. What about erosions of the river banks?
A. FEMA does not allow ‘heavy armor’ erosion control however WRP is recommending riparian plantings to help stabilize the banks.
Q. The town has lost tax revenue from these properties and worried about cost and burden to the town residents, what else can be done with the properties?
A. Kevin stated the town does not have to own the property. It can be owned by a conservation type group; or it could be leased out for grazing; there are other options.
Q. Can we just reinforce the banks and not have tables, paths, etc.?
A. Yes, the use of willow branches will help firm up the banks; removal of some of the berms can also help alleviate erosion in other areas along the river.
Q. Can you keep just as a conservation property and not have public access (parking)?
A. Yes however you cannot block access.
Q. Resident living across from proposed park has river bank erosion; what happens if other side is reinforced and her property is not?
A. WRP works on issues like this; if there are man-made berms these would be removed and this would help the other side of the river.
Q. How come Desena was able to put his covered bridge back up when it caused some of the flooding issues?
A. Kevin stated it was a good question but a different discussion.
Q. VTrans will be using a portion of the proposed park area when the bridge is replaced. What happens with all the damage that will occur?
A. VTrans is aware and will fix any damage that occurs during the bridge replacement process.
Q. What about the road widening proposed for 2017/2018?
A. That is up to VTrans.
Q. Resident has not heard one thing in favor of the proposed park; gravel has to be maintained; what does the park do for the town?
A. Having a watershed has the potential for economic development value with the ongoing paddling trail that is underway. There’s no “bottom” amount for the grant; you can do just a sign, or just a picnic table, depends on what the town wants to do.
Q. There are other locations nearby with river access, so not much need to access here. Does the grant allow just bank improvement? Nothing else is required?
A. Yes you can just do bank improvement if that’s what the town wants to do.
Q. Currently the area looks dreadful as one drives into town. It needs to be mowed and what else can be done to make it look better?
A. John from DuBois & King addressed group: The park is a community decision and Pittsfield is 180 degrees from other towns in the region. Other towns in the region see it as an opportunity for economic development and the areas are part of community. There is no such option as “no maintenance” however the proposal is “low maintenance” requiring mowing, periodic maintenance of paths and street trees. The trees can soften the looks of a parking area and he recommends sycamores.
Q. Can trees cause an issue if the river floods again?
A. Pluses and minuses to trees – good for stabilization and can help with water flow. Established trees can help slow down the water. Trees can also block water flow if hung up on structures (bridges).
Q. Is this a dog park?
A. No.
Q. What is considered “natural”?
A. There are FEMA guidelines that give specifics on what can and cannot be done with these properties.
Q. Now that we’ve discussed, what happens next?
A. It is up to the town to decide what to do.
Q. How did other towns address water access liability?
A. Vermont law protects entities when there’s no fee for access. The town also contacted insurance carrier and there is no extra fee to include the proposed park; it is the same as having the “green” and the recreational area.
Q. The river is only ankle deep in places, how can there be a “paddle trail”?
A. The trail is not just for paddling, it encompasses all the other reasons one wants to access a park/green space.
The discussion wrapped up with Suana stating the proposed parking area is off Parmenter; access off Route 100 is not allowed. We can move forward with just bank stabilization and hold the money until the town makes a final decision. Kevin left the group with the question to answer: “Do you want to do anything?” Whatever is decided has to meet the grant agreement and permitting process. The funds are to be spent before the end of 2016. The discussion ended at 7:00 p.m.
B. Bill Leimgruber of 17 Lower Michigan Road has major concerns about proposed park. He lives across Route 100 from proposed park and several concerns have already been voiced during discussion. Other items of concern: noise, trash, mischief, ADA compliance, traffic and pedestrians entering and/or crossing Route 100. Bill stated the “park” across Lower Michigan Rd along river is not used much however there’s dog waste. This is private property, not town owned. Question of mowing raised again, thought at Town Meeting property was to be mowed twice a year. Suana stated park was not discussed at Town Meeting; the hearing was a year and half ago. River bank needs stabilization, eliminate berms and add trees for noise/sound barrier. Bill asked what is the next step? The Planning Commission is meeting the week of August 10, 2015 and will work on three options starting with minimal and layering on options to present to Select Board on August 18, 2015. Then town can meet again or wait until Town Meeting to put up for vote.
C. Suana representing the Planning Commission is requesting the Select Board to approve the renewal of the Village Designation for Pittsfield. Can the Village speed limit be reduced to 25 mph? Patty stated that the Select Board has pursued this previously and was told no state highways are posted at 25 mph. She suggested looking at how the town of Danville slows traffic with a median that also indicates one has arrived at the town. Matt motioned to approve the renewal of the Village Designation for Pittsfield; Wendy seconded the motion; renewal approved.
D. Marsha Hopkins has trucks coming in to do tree work on her property on Upper Michigan Road and will also check with George to be sure there’s no conflict with his planned work in that area.
1. Municipal Highway Grant Application – Applications for bridge work will be due either in January or February 2016. George will pursue funding for Bridge 11.
2. Mascoma Savings Bank Letter – Newsletter received, no action required.
3. TRORC Thank You – Received for annual contribution, no action required.
4. Last Mile Ride 2015 – Event will be held August 15, 2015 and the route goes through Pittsfield. No action required.
5. VLCT Town Fair 2015 – Announcement of October 8, 2015 sessions received, no action required at this time.
6. Tyler Wren Thank You Letter – Organizer of Farm to Fork Fondo event appreciates the town support for this event, no action required.
7. VNH of Vermont and New Hampshire – Visiting Nurse of VT & NH are seeking affiliation with DMHC to increase benefits to the surrounding area. They will keep towns informed of the progress. No action required.
8. VTrans Roadmap – Provides any changes that were reported on the Annual Mileage Certificate; also announced the sunset of Ancient Roads Acts 179 and 158 as of July 1, 2015. No action required.
9. M.A. Bean Associates - Information received on bridge services; pass along to George.
10. TRORC Regional Plan – Hearing for the Regional Plan is scheduled for August 27, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bethel Town Hall. The Plan is on file in the Pittsfield Town Office. No action required.
11. National Forest Service – Chris Mattrick and Jay Strand from Rochester District Office would like to inform Board of large project that is in the planning stages. Patty will let them know dates of future meetings so they can get on the agenda.
Old Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties easements – Board reviewed VHCB notice for easement that has to be published in the newspaper. Dave is not in agreement and it disgusts him. Purpose of easement is to ensure public access. Matt will contact Mary Russ for clarification.
2. Illegal Dumping Sign – Lisa Unwin and Ed Lindsay have put flyers on houses in their neighborhood to inform them of new trash pick-up process. Wendy contacted State Rep. Sandy Haas and they recognize there’s an issue with this and not much they can do at this point in time. Patty prepared a temporary sign for Lisa & Ed to post in the area where this is happening. The sign states “Illegal Dumping is Punishable” with details. They will monitor to see if the sign helps and a more permanent one may be posted in the future. Dave suggests someone from the town should drive around on Tuesday to pick-up any leftover trash, take to the transfer station and the town pay for it. Joyce suggests Jon Benson set-up his truck one day a week in town for people to pay and drop trash; Patty has looked into this option and there are strict regulations. Wendy wants curbside pick-up for trash. Action: Implement temporary sign and monitor effectiveness.
3. Fireworks – Marylou Scofield, town attorney reviewed materials and informed town they cannot overrule state.
4. Park Project Contract – Select Board decided to table the DuBois & King contract for now pending decision on what the townspeople want for the park.
5. Buyout Property Design and Grant Information – See Public Present A. for specifics on this topic.
6. Town Hall Construction – Patty provided a copy of Doug Johnstone’s January 2014 proposal for the first wall and a copy of the Energy Audit conducted on the building in 2009 for Board to review. Dave did not speak directly Doug, only e-mailed. Doug released his workers for this project when he did not hear from the town with a definitive start date. Dave was under the impression Doug would begin the work in September and thus felt he had time to contact Doug.
The Board discussed at length responsibilities, expectations, and the importance of fulfilling roles as accepted when taking the oath of the Select Board. Dave believes he is fulfilling his role by showing up for meetings and meeting people for chair and/or table rentals.
Matt suggested getting quotes to do the work both as originally proposed and per the 2009 energy audit focusing more on the basement and attic. Action: Dave states he will do an estimate on just the wall and get two to three quotes by the next Board meeting on August 18, 2015. Matt will contact Doug Johnstone regarding the job.
New Business
1. Town of Pittsfield Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Adoption of the 2015 plan passed by the Board and Resolution was signed. Action: Return signed Resolution to TRORC.
2. Tax Sale Properties – The sale is scheduled for September 2, 2015. The ‘roadway’ property in question at the last meeting is not in the sale. Marylou is asking if the Board wants her to conduct further research on this issue. The Board would like Marylou to conduct further research and Patty will follow-up with Marylou.
3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Fees – Released their new and increased fees that took effect July 1, 2015 in regards to watersheds. Action: Keep on file in the Town Office.
4. Town Hall Insulating Project – See Old Business #6
5. Planning Commission Recognition – Matt read aloud a letter of appreciation from the Select Board to the Planning Commission for all their diligent work on the Town Plan.
6. Town wide Communication – Jen Howard in attendance to discuss ideas for better Town wide communication. Information is posted in three locations however many do not read. Former resident use to do an e-mail newsletter that worked well for those on the internet. Wendy suggested neighbors could share information with non-computer neighbors. Other ideas: use sign board on the Green more; set-up a telephone tree; check with The Mountain Times for free announcements. Jen was also concerned the Planning Commission minutes are not detailed enough. Action: Patty will send out a format to each town commission to use as a guideline.
7. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. July Financials – No issues. No action required.
b. CV Oil Pre-buy – History of usage provided. Board reviewed. Amounts for each category were set so Patty could place order.
c. FEMA Site Visit July 29 – Patty met with FEMA representatives. They walked the properties and verified
demolitions had taken place.
Next Meeting Date: August 18, 2015 - The Select Board will conduct the Hearing for the proposed Town Plan followed immediately by the regular meeting of the Select Board.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 8/18/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: August 4, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Linda & Ray Colton, Martha Beyersdorf, Nancy Wisner, Jen & Charlie Howard, Lisa Unwin, Vern Haskins, Randy Wood, Ed Lindsay, Joyce Stevens, Colby Shaw, Joanne Mills, Dot Williamson, Carolynn Stockwell, Carl Oertel, Mary Lee Stevens, Bruce Shaw, Karen Marion, Jessica Fuster, Joseph & Donna Rivers, Chris & Erica Hurd, Suana Bicek, Bill Leimgruber, Mary Russ, Kevin Geiger, John Steele, Marsha Hopkins
Agenda Modifications: Public Present; Correspondence #11
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 7/7/2015
Public Present:
A. Mary Russ WRP, Kevin Geiger TRORC, John Steele Dubois & King – Proposed Pittsfield Tweed River Park; B. Bill Leimgruber – Proposed Park; C. Suana Bicek – Village Designation; D. Marsha Hopkins – Work Trucks
1. Municipal Highway Grant Application
2. Mascoma Savings Bank Letter
3. TRORC Thank You
4. Last Mile Ride 2015
5. VLCT Town Fair 2015
6. Tyler Wren Thank You Letter
7. VNH of Vermont and New Hampshire
8. VTrans Roadmap
9. M.A. Bean Associates
10. TRORC Regional Plan
11. National Forest Service
Old Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties easements
2. Illegal Dumping Sign
3. Fireworks
4. Park Project Contract
5. Buyout Property Design and Grant Information
6. Town Hall Construction
New Business
1. Town of Pittsfield Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
2. Tax Sale Properties
3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Fees
4. Town Hall Insulating Project
5. Planning Commission Recognition
6. Town wide Communication
7. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. July Financials
b. CV Oil Pre-buy
c. FEMA Site Visit July 29
Next Meeting Date: August 18, 2015
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Agenda modifications announced. Matt motioned to approve the July 7, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present – A. Mary Russ of White River Partnership, Kevin Geiger of TRORC, and John Steele of DuBois & King are present to give an overview and answer questions about the buyout property process and proposed Pittsfield Tweed River Park. Mary gave PowerPoint presentation from beginning to current status of the proposed park for the Parmenter Place properties. Handouts, maps and contact information were available for anyone in attendance. Floor was opened to discussion, questions and answers.
Q. Are all properties graded and seeded?
A. No, not yet.
Q. Are all properties slated to be parks?
A. No.
Q. Who maintains?
A. The town would be responsible for the maintenance and associated costs. No pavement or concrete is allowed, only gravel. Mary has resources for funding/stewardship for some maintenance of parks however does not include mowing.
Q. Why is river access necessary, it is very shallow, can’t swim or boat in it?
A. Other activities such as fishing, an area for people to enjoy being near the water, wading in it, skipping rocks, etc.
Q. What about erosions of the river banks?
A. FEMA does not allow ‘heavy armor’ erosion control however WRP is recommending riparian plantings to help stabilize the banks.
Q. The town has lost tax revenue from these properties and worried about cost and burden to the town residents, what else can be done with the properties?
A. Kevin stated the town does not have to own the property. It can be owned by a conservation type group; or it could be leased out for grazing; there are other options.
Q. Can we just reinforce the banks and not have tables, paths, etc.?
A. Yes, the use of willow branches will help firm up the banks; removal of some of the berms can also help alleviate erosion in other areas along the river.
Q. Can you keep just as a conservation property and not have public access (parking)?
A. Yes however you cannot block access.
Q. Resident living across from proposed park has river bank erosion; what happens if other side is reinforced and her property is not?
A. WRP works on issues like this; if there are man-made berms these would be removed and this would help the other side of the river.
Q. How come Desena was able to put his covered bridge back up when it caused some of the flooding issues?
A. Kevin stated it was a good question but a different discussion.
Q. VTrans will be using a portion of the proposed park area when the bridge is replaced. What happens with all the damage that will occur?
A. VTrans is aware and will fix any damage that occurs during the bridge replacement process.
Q. What about the road widening proposed for 2017/2018?
A. That is up to VTrans.
Q. Resident has not heard one thing in favor of the proposed park; gravel has to be maintained; what does the park do for the town?
A. Having a watershed has the potential for economic development value with the ongoing paddling trail that is underway. There’s no “bottom” amount for the grant; you can do just a sign, or just a picnic table, depends on what the town wants to do.
Q. There are other locations nearby with river access, so not much need to access here. Does the grant allow just bank improvement? Nothing else is required?
A. Yes you can just do bank improvement if that’s what the town wants to do.
Q. Currently the area looks dreadful as one drives into town. It needs to be mowed and what else can be done to make it look better?
A. John from DuBois & King addressed group: The park is a community decision and Pittsfield is 180 degrees from other towns in the region. Other towns in the region see it as an opportunity for economic development and the areas are part of community. There is no such option as “no maintenance” however the proposal is “low maintenance” requiring mowing, periodic maintenance of paths and street trees. The trees can soften the looks of a parking area and he recommends sycamores.
Q. Can trees cause an issue if the river floods again?
A. Pluses and minuses to trees – good for stabilization and can help with water flow. Established trees can help slow down the water. Trees can also block water flow if hung up on structures (bridges).
Q. Is this a dog park?
A. No.
Q. What is considered “natural”?
A. There are FEMA guidelines that give specifics on what can and cannot be done with these properties.
Q. Now that we’ve discussed, what happens next?
A. It is up to the town to decide what to do.
Q. How did other towns address water access liability?
A. Vermont law protects entities when there’s no fee for access. The town also contacted insurance carrier and there is no extra fee to include the proposed park; it is the same as having the “green” and the recreational area.
Q. The river is only ankle deep in places, how can there be a “paddle trail”?
A. The trail is not just for paddling, it encompasses all the other reasons one wants to access a park/green space.
The discussion wrapped up with Suana stating the proposed parking area is off Parmenter; access off Route 100 is not allowed. We can move forward with just bank stabilization and hold the money until the town makes a final decision. Kevin left the group with the question to answer: “Do you want to do anything?” Whatever is decided has to meet the grant agreement and permitting process. The funds are to be spent before the end of 2016. The discussion ended at 7:00 p.m.
B. Bill Leimgruber of 17 Lower Michigan Road has major concerns about proposed park. He lives across Route 100 from proposed park and several concerns have already been voiced during discussion. Other items of concern: noise, trash, mischief, ADA compliance, traffic and pedestrians entering and/or crossing Route 100. Bill stated the “park” across Lower Michigan Rd along river is not used much however there’s dog waste. This is private property, not town owned. Question of mowing raised again, thought at Town Meeting property was to be mowed twice a year. Suana stated park was not discussed at Town Meeting; the hearing was a year and half ago. River bank needs stabilization, eliminate berms and add trees for noise/sound barrier. Bill asked what is the next step? The Planning Commission is meeting the week of August 10, 2015 and will work on three options starting with minimal and layering on options to present to Select Board on August 18, 2015. Then town can meet again or wait until Town Meeting to put up for vote.
C. Suana representing the Planning Commission is requesting the Select Board to approve the renewal of the Village Designation for Pittsfield. Can the Village speed limit be reduced to 25 mph? Patty stated that the Select Board has pursued this previously and was told no state highways are posted at 25 mph. She suggested looking at how the town of Danville slows traffic with a median that also indicates one has arrived at the town. Matt motioned to approve the renewal of the Village Designation for Pittsfield; Wendy seconded the motion; renewal approved.
D. Marsha Hopkins has trucks coming in to do tree work on her property on Upper Michigan Road and will also check with George to be sure there’s no conflict with his planned work in that area.
1. Municipal Highway Grant Application – Applications for bridge work will be due either in January or February 2016. George will pursue funding for Bridge 11.
2. Mascoma Savings Bank Letter – Newsletter received, no action required.
3. TRORC Thank You – Received for annual contribution, no action required.
4. Last Mile Ride 2015 – Event will be held August 15, 2015 and the route goes through Pittsfield. No action required.
5. VLCT Town Fair 2015 – Announcement of October 8, 2015 sessions received, no action required at this time.
6. Tyler Wren Thank You Letter – Organizer of Farm to Fork Fondo event appreciates the town support for this event, no action required.
7. VNH of Vermont and New Hampshire – Visiting Nurse of VT & NH are seeking affiliation with DMHC to increase benefits to the surrounding area. They will keep towns informed of the progress. No action required.
8. VTrans Roadmap – Provides any changes that were reported on the Annual Mileage Certificate; also announced the sunset of Ancient Roads Acts 179 and 158 as of July 1, 2015. No action required.
9. M.A. Bean Associates - Information received on bridge services; pass along to George.
10. TRORC Regional Plan – Hearing for the Regional Plan is scheduled for August 27, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bethel Town Hall. The Plan is on file in the Pittsfield Town Office. No action required.
11. National Forest Service – Chris Mattrick and Jay Strand from Rochester District Office would like to inform Board of large project that is in the planning stages. Patty will let them know dates of future meetings so they can get on the agenda.
Old Business:
1. FEMA buyout properties easements – Board reviewed VHCB notice for easement that has to be published in the newspaper. Dave is not in agreement and it disgusts him. Purpose of easement is to ensure public access. Matt will contact Mary Russ for clarification.
2. Illegal Dumping Sign – Lisa Unwin and Ed Lindsay have put flyers on houses in their neighborhood to inform them of new trash pick-up process. Wendy contacted State Rep. Sandy Haas and they recognize there’s an issue with this and not much they can do at this point in time. Patty prepared a temporary sign for Lisa & Ed to post in the area where this is happening. The sign states “Illegal Dumping is Punishable” with details. They will monitor to see if the sign helps and a more permanent one may be posted in the future. Dave suggests someone from the town should drive around on Tuesday to pick-up any leftover trash, take to the transfer station and the town pay for it. Joyce suggests Jon Benson set-up his truck one day a week in town for people to pay and drop trash; Patty has looked into this option and there are strict regulations. Wendy wants curbside pick-up for trash. Action: Implement temporary sign and monitor effectiveness.
3. Fireworks – Marylou Scofield, town attorney reviewed materials and informed town they cannot overrule state.
4. Park Project Contract – Select Board decided to table the DuBois & King contract for now pending decision on what the townspeople want for the park.
5. Buyout Property Design and Grant Information – See Public Present A. for specifics on this topic.
6. Town Hall Construction – Patty provided a copy of Doug Johnstone’s January 2014 proposal for the first wall and a copy of the Energy Audit conducted on the building in 2009 for Board to review. Dave did not speak directly Doug, only e-mailed. Doug released his workers for this project when he did not hear from the town with a definitive start date. Dave was under the impression Doug would begin the work in September and thus felt he had time to contact Doug.
The Board discussed at length responsibilities, expectations, and the importance of fulfilling roles as accepted when taking the oath of the Select Board. Dave believes he is fulfilling his role by showing up for meetings and meeting people for chair and/or table rentals.
Matt suggested getting quotes to do the work both as originally proposed and per the 2009 energy audit focusing more on the basement and attic. Action: Dave states he will do an estimate on just the wall and get two to three quotes by the next Board meeting on August 18, 2015. Matt will contact Doug Johnstone regarding the job.
New Business
1. Town of Pittsfield Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Adoption of the 2015 plan passed by the Board and Resolution was signed. Action: Return signed Resolution to TRORC.
2. Tax Sale Properties – The sale is scheduled for September 2, 2015. The ‘roadway’ property in question at the last meeting is not in the sale. Marylou is asking if the Board wants her to conduct further research on this issue. The Board would like Marylou to conduct further research and Patty will follow-up with Marylou.
3. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Fees – Released their new and increased fees that took effect July 1, 2015 in regards to watersheds. Action: Keep on file in the Town Office.
4. Town Hall Insulating Project – See Old Business #6
5. Planning Commission Recognition – Matt read aloud a letter of appreciation from the Select Board to the Planning Commission for all their diligent work on the Town Plan.
6. Town wide Communication – Jen Howard in attendance to discuss ideas for better Town wide communication. Information is posted in three locations however many do not read. Former resident use to do an e-mail newsletter that worked well for those on the internet. Wendy suggested neighbors could share information with non-computer neighbors. Other ideas: use sign board on the Green more; set-up a telephone tree; check with The Mountain Times for free announcements. Jen was also concerned the Planning Commission minutes are not detailed enough. Action: Patty will send out a format to each town commission to use as a guideline.
7. Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. July Financials – No issues. No action required.
b. CV Oil Pre-buy – History of usage provided. Board reviewed. Amounts for each category were set so Patty could place order.
c. FEMA Site Visit July 29 – Patty met with FEMA representatives. They walked the properties and verified
demolitions had taken place.
Next Meeting Date: August 18, 2015 - The Select Board will conduct the Hearing for the proposed Town Plan followed immediately by the regular meeting of the Select Board.
Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 8/18/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese