DATE: April 7, 2015
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron, Sheriff Benard, Jen Barker
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/24/2015
Public Present:
New Business:
4. TRORC – Public Facilities Grant
5. Select Board Pay
6. Lister Pay Scale
7. VLCT Municipal Construction Contracts Seminar – April 9
Next Meeting Date: April 21, 2015
David motioned to open the meeting at 5:58 p.m.; Jerry seconded. No agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the March 24, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Sheriff Benard was present to review the new contract for services. Jerry told the Sheriff he was pleased with last year’s service, liked how the patrol worked in the area, they provided good reports and enforcement. Sheriff Benard commented they are service based and likely to follow through a case to completion whereas the State Police may get pulled to address another case. Hours of patrol will be random at the discretion of the Sheriff’s department not to exceed $5,000. Jerry made a motion to accept the new contract; seconded by David. Contract signed by both parties.
1. Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force – Grant Program – This replaces the Dry Hydrant Grant Program. It offers expanded options with three staggered deadlines for the application process. Patty will forward to Dave Colton, Fire Chief.
2. VLCT – Effective Property Tax Appeals Workshop – There are four officers from town attending the May 12th session in Montpelier.
3. Vermont Tennis Court – Provide surfacing and re-surfacing services. Patty will pass along the information to Erica Hurd
4. Velco is hosting public meetings April 15th and May 8th on Long Range Transmission Plans. No action required.
5.Timberline Events – 2015 Green Mountain Relay – received a notice the event has been canceled for this year due to lack of interest.
6. April 2015 VLCT News received and David will take to review.
7. White River Partnership/TRORC – Upper White Resilience Meeting will be held April 9th from
6-8 p.m. in Rochester. They will share what they learned at the 2015 Leahy Center Environmental Summit.
8. Rutland County Women’s Shelter – Spring 2015 Newsletter received. The town makes an annual contribution to this organization.
9. Stagecoach – Thank you for support. The town makes an annual contribution to this organization.
10. Original General Store/Hopkins – emails between Marsha Hopkins and Kevin Lasko were copied to the town to keep Select Board apprised of ongoing issues. Delivery truck used Hopkins driveway to turn around and Marsha messaged the store to let them know this is not acceptable. Kevin contacted the company to let them know the neighbor’s driveway cannot be used to turn around. Kevin also informed Marsha they would be installing motion sensitive cameras in the back parking lot and Upper Michigan Road in front of the Hopkins driveway to better manage the situation. Marsha has asked that the cameras not view her property.
Old Business
1. 2015 Appointments – WRVA Representative, Lister, Select Board member. Dennis O’Brien is interested in the Lister position. Jerry motioned to approve Dennis O’Brien to fill the open position; David seconded; motion carried. Board members will think about possible appointees for the WRVA representative and have tabled until next meeting. Matt Corron is present at tonight’s meeting because he is interested in the position. Jerry remarked that there is another candidate that Peter Borden has suggested but Jerry has not spoken to the other candidate yet. Matt will need to become a registered voter in the town before an appointment can be made. Select Board appointment to be discussed further at the next meeting.
2. Universal Recycling Act 148
a. White River Alliance Solid Waste District – Review and Sign Ordinance – David would like to read through the request before making a decision. Tabled until the next meeting.
b. Communicate with land owners – town wide mailing. Patty has been handing information to residents that stop in the town office. It will be important to get the information out to all home/property owners and a mailing will be the best alternative. The main concern is making sure everyone knows this service will no longer be handled through the town with Jon Benson. Each home/property owner is responsible for arranging trash disposal.
c. Communicate with Park & Cemetery Commissioner – waste containers. Secretary will send a letter informing commissioner that the town will no longer provide trash receptacles in public areas.
3. Solid Waste/Recycling – tabled until next meeting.
New Business
4. TRORC – Public Facilities Grant – this is the construction grant for Parmenter properties open space. The application was approved.
5. Select Board Pay – David stated he is spending a lot of time on Select Board activities and is not being compensated fairly for a part-time position. David does not agree with the rates in the VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report on compensation. Jerry responded the position is not a part-time job nor is it a money maker; in addition David questions town expenses yet he wants a raise; even if he agrees with David the rate cannot be changed at this time. Patty informed David the rates are determined when the Board works on the budget for the next year.
6. Lister Pay Scale – Patty consulted Martha Beyersdorf about the current Lister pay. As the Chairperson Martha was satisfied with the current rates and she will review again at budget time.
7. VLCT Municipal Construction Contracts Seminar – April 9, 2015. David would like to attend the seminar as he feels it is important for the town. He is concerned there’s no contract for the Town Hall repair and that it did not go out to bid. Jerry approved David attending the seminar if he wants to go.
Next meeting is Tuesday, April 21, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. as he had an urgent telephone conference to attend at 8:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 21, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron, Sheriff Benard, Jen Barker
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/24/2015
Public Present:
- Sheriff Benard - Contract
- Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force – Grant Program
- VLCT – Effective Property Tax Appeals Workshop
- Vermont Tennis Court – Surfacing
- Velco – Public Meetings
- Timberline Events – 2015 Green Mountain Relay
- VLCT News – April 2015
- White River Partnership/TRORC – Upper White Resilience Meeting
- Rutland County Women’s Shelter – Spring 2015 Newsletter
- Stagecoach – Thank you for support
- Original General Store/Hopkins - emails
- 2015 Appointments – WRVA Representative, Lister, Select Board member
- Universal Recycling Act 148
a. White River Alliance Solid Waste District – Review and Sign Ordinance
b. Communicate with land owners – town wide mailing
c. Communicate with Park & Cemetery Commissioner – waste containers
New Business:
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Financials
b. Town Credit Card - Vermont Farms Catering – Requests to Cater Malt
a. 57 Tweed River Drive 5/29 & 5/30
b. 57 Tweed River Drive 6/5 & 6/6
c. 57 Tweed River Drive 6/26 & 6/27
4. TRORC – Public Facilities Grant
5. Select Board Pay
6. Lister Pay Scale
7. VLCT Municipal Construction Contracts Seminar – April 9
Next Meeting Date: April 21, 2015
David motioned to open the meeting at 5:58 p.m.; Jerry seconded. No agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the March 24, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Sheriff Benard was present to review the new contract for services. Jerry told the Sheriff he was pleased with last year’s service, liked how the patrol worked in the area, they provided good reports and enforcement. Sheriff Benard commented they are service based and likely to follow through a case to completion whereas the State Police may get pulled to address another case. Hours of patrol will be random at the discretion of the Sheriff’s department not to exceed $5,000. Jerry made a motion to accept the new contract; seconded by David. Contract signed by both parties.
1. Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force – Grant Program – This replaces the Dry Hydrant Grant Program. It offers expanded options with three staggered deadlines for the application process. Patty will forward to Dave Colton, Fire Chief.
2. VLCT – Effective Property Tax Appeals Workshop – There are four officers from town attending the May 12th session in Montpelier.
3. Vermont Tennis Court – Provide surfacing and re-surfacing services. Patty will pass along the information to Erica Hurd
4. Velco is hosting public meetings April 15th and May 8th on Long Range Transmission Plans. No action required.
5.Timberline Events – 2015 Green Mountain Relay – received a notice the event has been canceled for this year due to lack of interest.
6. April 2015 VLCT News received and David will take to review.
7. White River Partnership/TRORC – Upper White Resilience Meeting will be held April 9th from
6-8 p.m. in Rochester. They will share what they learned at the 2015 Leahy Center Environmental Summit.
8. Rutland County Women’s Shelter – Spring 2015 Newsletter received. The town makes an annual contribution to this organization.
9. Stagecoach – Thank you for support. The town makes an annual contribution to this organization.
10. Original General Store/Hopkins – emails between Marsha Hopkins and Kevin Lasko were copied to the town to keep Select Board apprised of ongoing issues. Delivery truck used Hopkins driveway to turn around and Marsha messaged the store to let them know this is not acceptable. Kevin contacted the company to let them know the neighbor’s driveway cannot be used to turn around. Kevin also informed Marsha they would be installing motion sensitive cameras in the back parking lot and Upper Michigan Road in front of the Hopkins driveway to better manage the situation. Marsha has asked that the cameras not view her property.
Old Business
1. 2015 Appointments – WRVA Representative, Lister, Select Board member. Dennis O’Brien is interested in the Lister position. Jerry motioned to approve Dennis O’Brien to fill the open position; David seconded; motion carried. Board members will think about possible appointees for the WRVA representative and have tabled until next meeting. Matt Corron is present at tonight’s meeting because he is interested in the position. Jerry remarked that there is another candidate that Peter Borden has suggested but Jerry has not spoken to the other candidate yet. Matt will need to become a registered voter in the town before an appointment can be made. Select Board appointment to be discussed further at the next meeting.
2. Universal Recycling Act 148
a. White River Alliance Solid Waste District – Review and Sign Ordinance – David would like to read through the request before making a decision. Tabled until the next meeting.
b. Communicate with land owners – town wide mailing. Patty has been handing information to residents that stop in the town office. It will be important to get the information out to all home/property owners and a mailing will be the best alternative. The main concern is making sure everyone knows this service will no longer be handled through the town with Jon Benson. Each home/property owner is responsible for arranging trash disposal.
c. Communicate with Park & Cemetery Commissioner – waste containers. Secretary will send a letter informing commissioner that the town will no longer provide trash receptacles in public areas.
3. Solid Waste/Recycling – tabled until next meeting.
New Business
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
a. Financials for the month of March and the quarter were reviewed.
b. Town Credit Card – Patty is requesting a town credit card because more and more businesses are requiring one for purchases and transactions. Currently she uses her personal credit card. The Board has asked Patty to put together some guidelines for use of a town credit card and present the information at the next meeting. - Vermont Farms Catering – Requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors from Vermont Farms Catering for the following dates were approved by the Select Board. Jerry motioned to approve and David seconded. All events will end by 10:00 p.m.
a. 57 Tweed River Drive 5/29/15 & 5/30/15
b. 57 Tweed River Drive 6/5/15 & 6/6/15
c. 57 Tweed River Drive 6/26/15 & 6/27/15
4. TRORC – Public Facilities Grant – this is the construction grant for Parmenter properties open space. The application was approved.
5. Select Board Pay – David stated he is spending a lot of time on Select Board activities and is not being compensated fairly for a part-time position. David does not agree with the rates in the VLCT 2014 Vermont Municipal Compensation Report on compensation. Jerry responded the position is not a part-time job nor is it a money maker; in addition David questions town expenses yet he wants a raise; even if he agrees with David the rate cannot be changed at this time. Patty informed David the rates are determined when the Board works on the budget for the next year.
6. Lister Pay Scale – Patty consulted Martha Beyersdorf about the current Lister pay. As the Chairperson Martha was satisfied with the current rates and she will review again at budget time.
7. VLCT Municipal Construction Contracts Seminar – April 9, 2015. David would like to attend the seminar as he feels it is important for the town. He is concerned there’s no contract for the Town Hall repair and that it did not go out to bid. Jerry approved David attending the seminar if he wants to go.
Next meeting is Tuesday, April 21, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. as he had an urgent telephone conference to attend at 8:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 21, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin