DATE: April 21, 2015
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron, Martha Beyersdorf, Buffy Stevens, Dot Williamson, Jan and John Carbone
Agenda Modifications: Change Old Business 8 to New Business 8; New Business 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 4/7/2015
Public Present: Board of Listers
1. EC Fiber – update from Marion Abrams
2. Opinions – March/April 2015
3. Long Trail Century Ride – Info on June 27 ride
4. Town of Rochester – US Forest Service Application
5. Blow & Cote, Inc. - brochure
6. TRORC News – April 2015
7. Chittenden Access/Evacuation Routes – request to work with Pittsfield
8. VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop
9. TRORC – Culvert Sizes and VT ANR Permits
Old Business:
1. White River Alliance Solid Waste District – Review and signatures
2. Solid Waste/Recycling
3. Bathroom and Library door closers – Update
4. Draft credit card policy
5. Construction Contracts Seminar – Update
6. Local Emergency Operations Plan – Review and Update
7. Appointments – WRVA representative, Select Board member (post vacancy notice)
New Business
1. Town Wide Reappraisal
2. Use of Town Roads Impact Fees
3. Town Handbooks – 2 Select Board, 1 Delinquent Tax Collector, 1 Town Officers Handbook
4. Playground Portable Toilet Rental
5. Buyout site – tree planting event
6. Bandstand stairs
7. First Class Liquor License & Outside Consumption Permit – Joyy Productions
8. Requests to Cater Malt – Occasions Catering
a. Riverside Farm – 7/24
b. Riverside Farm – 7/25
c. 1669 Route 100 – 8/22
9. Mascoma Savings Bank – change from Collateralization to Insured Cash Sweep
Next Meeting Date: May 5, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:05 p.m.; David seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the April 7, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Martha Beyersdorf and Buffy Stevens present to address reappraisal questions posed by David Larkin. See New Business #1.
1. EC Fiber update e-mail was passed along by Marion Abrams. It is important to note almost all the funding for the network has been provided by grants and individuals. There is no charge to a property owner to have the network go past their property.
2. Opinions newsletter March/April 2015 received and David took it.
3. The Long Trail Century Ride will go through Pittsfield June 27, 2015. Benefits Vermont Adaptive.
4. Town of Rochester – US Forest Service Conditional Use Application regarding proposed stream restoration project along the West Branch of the White River. It is the section up and down from the CCC camp on Route 73 and needed to repair damage from Tropical Storm Irene.
5. Blow & Cote, Inc. - informational brochure on their buildings and bridge services. No action.
6. TRORC News for April 2015 received via e-mail. Copy given to Matt Corron to review
7. E-mail from Jan Sotirakis, Emergency Management Director from Chittenden is requesting to work with Pittsfield to map out access/egress routes for one of their hazard mitigation strategies. She will contact Peter Borden, Dave Colton and George Deblon to set up a meeting.
8. VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop is May 20, 2015 at the Three Stallion Inn. Janice Stumpf will be attending.
9. E-mail from TRORC providing web link to help answer questions on the new VT ANR Permits and Culvert Sizes. Some roads may require a culvert size larger than what the Town Codes and Standards require. Be sure to consult your town’s River Engineer. George has a copy.
Old Business
1. White River Alliance Solid Waste District ordinance still needs Dave’s signature; Jerry has signed. Dave was to call and review document after April 7, 2015 meeting but did not get to it. Patty did call Chet about the enforcement wording and was told it came directly from the state. Dave is questioning who can enforce it. Jerry stated the town could contact the Sheriff if needed. Tabled until next meeting so Dave can review and call Chet. Patty provided Dave with another copy.
2. Solid Waste/Recycling – Dot, Jan and John are present to discuss their concerns about trash collection. Want to take to the Rutland facility on Gleason Road as they do not go towards Royalton location. The town is a member of Royalton however the manager said they get people from outside their membership as does the Rutland facility. David has concerns about the Town relying so much on Benson for the Town's obligations to comply with Act 148; wants to look at the bigger picture; possible town transfer station; believes town needs to take more action; and concerned about enforcement of proper disposal. Jerry suggests David bring a proposal to the meeting and proceed from there. For now property owners will be responsible for arranging trash removal with a hauler of their choice. This topic was discussed at Town Meeting. A mailing will go out to all property owners informing them of the changes for trash removal. Patty will draft a document for review.
3. Bathroom and Library door closers update – David has not taken care of yet. He will check the adjustments on the Library doors and needs to contact Doug Johnstone for the bathroom closers.
4. Patty provided a Credit Card Policy draft for review. Jerry motioned to approve the policy; David seconded. Patty will finalize and look for a vendor to provide a card.
5. Construction Contracts Seminar update – David attended and has concerns specifically the work slated for the Town Hall. Jerry reviewed the history of the project and the town uses local contractors whenever possible. Doug provides a quote outlining the details of the project. Select Board reviews quote and approves once any questions are clarified. Doug does quality work and within/under budget. The project was presented at Town Meeting and approved by the voters. In light of the information presented at the seminar, David feels there should be a construction contract for the work to be performed on the Town Hall.
6. LEOP review and update is due May 1, 2015. Need to appoint a new Town Hall Shelter Manager. Patty will contact Keith Mills to ask if he is willing to take the appointment. Jerry will take the ICS (Incident Commander System) training that is required.
7. Select Board vacancy needs to be posted as per statutory requirements. It will be posted with a deadline of May 5, 2015 to submit interest in the position. Matt Corron is interested. Jerry made a motion to appoint Matt as the Alternate Representative to TRORC; David seconded. Matt will attend the next meeting scheduled for April 22, 2015. WRVA representative still needs to be appointed and neither Jerry nor David had any suggestions. Patty will post this position as well.
New Business
3. Patty is requesting approval to purchase updated Town Handbooks – 2 Select Board, 1 Delinquent Tax Collector, 1 Town Officers Handbook. Jerry motioned to approve purchase; David seconded; Patty will order handbooks.
4. Patty is requesting approval to have Playground Portable Toilet Rental installed. Jerry motioned to approve; David seconded; Patty will order.
5. Suana’s e-mails seeking Select Board input on tree planting event at Buyout site. Possible involve some school groups. Jerry suggests Patty contact George about it.
6. Bandstand stairs are removable and when the steps are down the light bulbs get broken. This usually requires an electrician to remove from the sockets. Jerry suggests pulling up the steps and keep in place with a chain and padlock. Patty will pass along this information.
7. First Class Liquor License & Outside Consumption Permit – Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) submitted for approval. Select Board approved and signed.
8. Occasions Catering – Requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors for the following dates were approved by the Select Board: 7/24/15, 7/25/15 and 8/22/15. Jerry motioned to approve and David seconded. All events will end by 10:00 p.m.
9. Patty explained FDIC insures up to $250,000 in the Bank, then they add collateralization to increase the amount of funds covered. Mascoma Savings Bank has a new program called Insured Cash Sweep for insuring funds by farming out the funds to other banks. David motioned to make the change to this program for insuring funds; Jerry seconded. Patty will move forward with the process.
Next meeting is Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. and David seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: May 5, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin
PRESENT: Jerry Drugonis, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Matt Corron, Martha Beyersdorf, Buffy Stevens, Dot Williamson, Jan and John Carbone
Agenda Modifications: Change Old Business 8 to New Business 8; New Business 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 4/7/2015
Public Present: Board of Listers
1. EC Fiber – update from Marion Abrams
2. Opinions – March/April 2015
3. Long Trail Century Ride – Info on June 27 ride
4. Town of Rochester – US Forest Service Application
5. Blow & Cote, Inc. - brochure
6. TRORC News – April 2015
7. Chittenden Access/Evacuation Routes – request to work with Pittsfield
8. VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop
9. TRORC – Culvert Sizes and VT ANR Permits
Old Business:
1. White River Alliance Solid Waste District – Review and signatures
2. Solid Waste/Recycling
3. Bathroom and Library door closers – Update
4. Draft credit card policy
5. Construction Contracts Seminar – Update
6. Local Emergency Operations Plan – Review and Update
7. Appointments – WRVA representative, Select Board member (post vacancy notice)
New Business
1. Town Wide Reappraisal
2. Use of Town Roads Impact Fees
3. Town Handbooks – 2 Select Board, 1 Delinquent Tax Collector, 1 Town Officers Handbook
4. Playground Portable Toilet Rental
5. Buyout site – tree planting event
6. Bandstand stairs
7. First Class Liquor License & Outside Consumption Permit – Joyy Productions
8. Requests to Cater Malt – Occasions Catering
a. Riverside Farm – 7/24
b. Riverside Farm – 7/25
c. 1669 Route 100 – 8/22
9. Mascoma Savings Bank – change from Collateralization to Insured Cash Sweep
Next Meeting Date: May 5, 2015
Jerry motioned to open the meeting at 6:05 p.m.; David seconded. Agenda modifications added. Jerry motioned to approve the April 7, 2015 Regular Select Board Meeting Minutes; David seconded.
Public Present
1. Martha Beyersdorf and Buffy Stevens present to address reappraisal questions posed by David Larkin. See New Business #1.
1. EC Fiber update e-mail was passed along by Marion Abrams. It is important to note almost all the funding for the network has been provided by grants and individuals. There is no charge to a property owner to have the network go past their property.
2. Opinions newsletter March/April 2015 received and David took it.
3. The Long Trail Century Ride will go through Pittsfield June 27, 2015. Benefits Vermont Adaptive.
4. Town of Rochester – US Forest Service Conditional Use Application regarding proposed stream restoration project along the West Branch of the White River. It is the section up and down from the CCC camp on Route 73 and needed to repair damage from Tropical Storm Irene.
5. Blow & Cote, Inc. - informational brochure on their buildings and bridge services. No action.
6. TRORC News for April 2015 received via e-mail. Copy given to Matt Corron to review
7. E-mail from Jan Sotirakis, Emergency Management Director from Chittenden is requesting to work with Pittsfield to map out access/egress routes for one of their hazard mitigation strategies. She will contact Peter Borden, Dave Colton and George Deblon to set up a meeting.
8. VLCT – Delinquent Tax Collectors Workshop is May 20, 2015 at the Three Stallion Inn. Janice Stumpf will be attending.
9. E-mail from TRORC providing web link to help answer questions on the new VT ANR Permits and Culvert Sizes. Some roads may require a culvert size larger than what the Town Codes and Standards require. Be sure to consult your town’s River Engineer. George has a copy.
Old Business
1. White River Alliance Solid Waste District ordinance still needs Dave’s signature; Jerry has signed. Dave was to call and review document after April 7, 2015 meeting but did not get to it. Patty did call Chet about the enforcement wording and was told it came directly from the state. Dave is questioning who can enforce it. Jerry stated the town could contact the Sheriff if needed. Tabled until next meeting so Dave can review and call Chet. Patty provided Dave with another copy.
2. Solid Waste/Recycling – Dot, Jan and John are present to discuss their concerns about trash collection. Want to take to the Rutland facility on Gleason Road as they do not go towards Royalton location. The town is a member of Royalton however the manager said they get people from outside their membership as does the Rutland facility. David has concerns about the Town relying so much on Benson for the Town's obligations to comply with Act 148; wants to look at the bigger picture; possible town transfer station; believes town needs to take more action; and concerned about enforcement of proper disposal. Jerry suggests David bring a proposal to the meeting and proceed from there. For now property owners will be responsible for arranging trash removal with a hauler of their choice. This topic was discussed at Town Meeting. A mailing will go out to all property owners informing them of the changes for trash removal. Patty will draft a document for review.
3. Bathroom and Library door closers update – David has not taken care of yet. He will check the adjustments on the Library doors and needs to contact Doug Johnstone for the bathroom closers.
4. Patty provided a Credit Card Policy draft for review. Jerry motioned to approve the policy; David seconded. Patty will finalize and look for a vendor to provide a card.
5. Construction Contracts Seminar update – David attended and has concerns specifically the work slated for the Town Hall. Jerry reviewed the history of the project and the town uses local contractors whenever possible. Doug provides a quote outlining the details of the project. Select Board reviews quote and approves once any questions are clarified. Doug does quality work and within/under budget. The project was presented at Town Meeting and approved by the voters. In light of the information presented at the seminar, David feels there should be a construction contract for the work to be performed on the Town Hall.
6. LEOP review and update is due May 1, 2015. Need to appoint a new Town Hall Shelter Manager. Patty will contact Keith Mills to ask if he is willing to take the appointment. Jerry will take the ICS (Incident Commander System) training that is required.
7. Select Board vacancy needs to be posted as per statutory requirements. It will be posted with a deadline of May 5, 2015 to submit interest in the position. Matt Corron is interested. Jerry made a motion to appoint Matt as the Alternate Representative to TRORC; David seconded. Matt will attend the next meeting scheduled for April 22, 2015. WRVA representative still needs to be appointed and neither Jerry nor David had any suggestions. Patty will post this position as well.
New Business
- Town Wide Reappraisal subject was raised by David Larkin. Martha and Buffy are in attendance on behalf of the Listers. David is inquiring about a town wide reappraisal as there may be inequities in assessed values. Martha consulted the District Advisor at Property Valuation and Review (PVR) and was informed every 10 years is appropriate for a reappraisal. The last one for Pittsfield was 2008/2009. She said Pittsfield is 16.8% over fair market value and a new land schedule may need to happen first. The project has to go out to bid, then interviews and a contract. Timing is dependent on when contractor can start which may be a year lead time. It could take 2 to 3 years before there would be an effect. There’s no immediate fix. They could start the process this summer and will look into it further.
3. Patty is requesting approval to purchase updated Town Handbooks – 2 Select Board, 1 Delinquent Tax Collector, 1 Town Officers Handbook. Jerry motioned to approve purchase; David seconded; Patty will order handbooks.
4. Patty is requesting approval to have Playground Portable Toilet Rental installed. Jerry motioned to approve; David seconded; Patty will order.
5. Suana’s e-mails seeking Select Board input on tree planting event at Buyout site. Possible involve some school groups. Jerry suggests Patty contact George about it.
6. Bandstand stairs are removable and when the steps are down the light bulbs get broken. This usually requires an electrician to remove from the sockets. Jerry suggests pulling up the steps and keep in place with a chain and padlock. Patty will pass along this information.
7. First Class Liquor License & Outside Consumption Permit – Joyy Productions (Clear River Tavern) submitted for approval. Select Board approved and signed.
8. Occasions Catering – Requests to Cater Malt & Vinous Beverages & Spirituous Liquors for the following dates were approved by the Select Board: 7/24/15, 7/25/15 and 8/22/15. Jerry motioned to approve and David seconded. All events will end by 10:00 p.m.
9. Patty explained FDIC insures up to $250,000 in the Bank, then they add collateralization to increase the amount of funds covered. Mascoma Savings Bank has a new program called Insured Cash Sweep for insuring funds by farming out the funds to other banks. David motioned to make the change to this program for insuring funds; Jerry seconded. Patty will move forward with the process.
Next meeting is Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
Jerry motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. and David seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: May 5, 2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher, Secretary
Jerry Drugonis, Chair
David Larkin