DATE: August 18, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Suana Bicek, Mary Russ, Sharon Flynn
Agenda Modifications: Public Present #2 Suana Bicek; Correspondence #3 VTrans; and #4 VLCT News
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 8/4/2015
Public Present:
1. Mary Russ, White River Partnership – Proposed park and VHCB
1. Opinions – Summer 2015
2. Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Act 250 Amendment Application
Old Business:
1. Proposed Park – next steps
2. Dubois & King Inc. – contract for Phase 2
3. High-Tech Plumbing & Heating - Invoice
4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - implementation
5. Minutes information for Boards and Committees - handout
6. Illegal Dumping Forsha Road - follow-up
7. Town Hall Insulating Project – update
8. Tax Sale Road parcel – follow up with Scofield
New Business
1. Traffic/Speed downtown Pittsfield
2. VLCT – Green Mountain Care Board Decision on 2016 Exchange (VHC) Rates
3. Draft Minutes requested by Herald of Randolph
Next Meeting Date: September 1, 2015
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. Agenda modifications announced. Matt motioned to approve the August 4, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
1. Mary Russ, White River Partnership – Proposed park and VHCB: See Old Business #1
2. Suana Bicek – Shawn Jarecki is moving to New York and will be submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission . Suana wanted to alert the Board so they could start thinking about a possible replacement that would be a good fit. Patty will post an ad in town once resignation is received.
1. Opinions – Summer 2015 issue from Secretary of State received. No action required.
2. Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Has submitted an Act 250 Amendment Application to allow fireworks. The application indicates a maximum of six per year and all events will end by 10:00 p.m. No action required.
3. VTrans is holding pre-application workshop webinars in September for the Transportation Alternatives grants. The grant applications are due October 16, 2015. No action required.
4. VLCT News, August/September 2015 issue received. No action required.
Old Business:
1. Proposed Park – Mary Russ is present to answer questions, address concerns regarding the next steps for the Parmenter Place buyout properties. Dave is not comfortable with the easement. Mary explained FEMA provided 75% of the funds and the balance of 25% was provided by HUD and VHCB. The State allowed VHCB to decide where easements are required in order to provide value to the public. In this case it is public access to the water. Due to the fact ownership of the property could change VHCB wants public access maintained and will check sites annually. The easement will stay in place no matter who owns the property. There is no investment on the town’s end for the construction phase. White River Partnership (WRP) would match the funds. Long-term maintenance is the town’s responsibility. Mary explained the next step is to have a written management plan and then hold a hearing. Mary can help with the plan if the town would like her assistance. Matt inquired about the town of Rochester and how did they obtain input. Mary will contact Larry Strauss.
The Planning Commission submitted a letter to the Board outlining their ideas and suggestions which include:
a. Do nothing
b. Do nothing except brush hog twice a year to keep down invasive flora
c. Shore up banks and brush hog twice a year
d. Shore up banks and plant low maintenance plantings so brush hogging is not needed
e. Shore up banks, low maintenance plantings, and add two stands of trees
f. Shore up banks, low maintenance plantings, two stands of trees, 2-3 parking spaces with historical
sign on flood and dedication to Don Flynn
They also suggested creating a ballot that could be used at Town Meeting to get input on the choices. The board would like to get feedback on the five options presented by the Planning Commission and will determine how to proceed.
Per Mary it is not uncommon to get feedback after preliminary plan is presented. Patty had the map on the town office counter so residents coming in to pay taxes could review it. Many looked at it, liked it, asked questions, maintenance was one issue, neighbor to the property likes having a good line of sight when pulling onto Route 100 so tree placement could be another issue. There is money available for DuBois & King to come up with other ideas.
Dave questions the effectiveness of planting willow sticks to slow erosion. Mary explained these are used for ecological benefits: slows the erosion process and enhances aesthetics. This technique will not protect the property forever. Also some of the berms could be removed to allow water to flood properly.
WRP handles the willow sticks project that come from a farm in South Royalton and are planted in the spring, one per square foot. Approximately 1,000 needed for this project. It is called bio-engineering. The other plants on the plan come from Intervale.
Erosion was discussed at the August 4, 2015 meeting however it may need to be more of a focus, educating and sharing information about the erosion and flood plain benefits the park plan encompasses. Mary will provide written information on the ecological, erosion and flood plain aspects of the park to Patty. WRP can provide grant funding assistance to the homeowners across from the proposed park property as well.
Chris and Erica Hurd sent an e-mail to the town stating they would like the area to go back to nature.
Matt motioned to approve the VHCB easement; Wendy seconded; motion carried. Patty will contact Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to summarize the notice for the newspaper.
2. DuBois & King Inc. – Construction Proposal for Phase 2 of the Buyout Sites Project is a lump sum fee of $12,500 based on the scope of work included in the Town’s RFP for the project. Matt motioned to award DuBois & King the Construction Phase of the project; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
3. High-Tech Plumbing & Heating – Invoice for consulting on Town Office HVAC has not been paid as previous Board wanted a written report. No report has been received. Matt motioned to approve the invoice; Wendy seconded; Patty will process invoice for payment.
4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Implementation of the 5-year plan adopted August 4, 2015 needs to begin. Patty distributed the copies of the matrix that outlines the hazards, mitigation process, prioritization and time frame for the Board to review. Items will need to be distributed to appropriate Local Leadership and will be discussed at the next Select Board meeting.
5. Minutes information for Boards and Committees – Patty provided a handout with information from V.S.A. and VL CT on the Open Meeting Law. This information will be distributed to all committees.
6. Illegal Dumping Forsha Road – Dave reported the temporary sign was installed and so far no one has left trash in this area.
7. Town Hall Insulating Project – Dave’s estimate is $13,715 and Bill Leimgruber submitted an estimate of $12,302. Dave stated there is a large disparity between his estimates and Doug Johnstone’s. Dave also contacted Denis Veilleux and Charlie Howard; no response yet. Matt contacted Doug Johnstone and he is not interested in big jobs like this however he suggested contacting Denis Veilleux, Corey Novotny and Ed Sanborn. Wendy suggested checking the list of authorized contractors on the Efficiency Vermont (EV) website to get quotes on the EV recommendations from 2009 report. Dave will check into this.
8. Tax Sale Road parcel – Patty contacted Marylou on checking into the options on what to do with this property. The Board reminded Dave again that no one on the Board contacts the town attorney without Board approval. This item was assigned to Patty at the August 4, 2015 meeting. Patty will ask Marylou if there are easements.
New Business
1. Traffic/Speed downtown Pittsfield - Patty suggests the Board contact VTrans to find out how the road widening project will affect the road through the Village; and ask VTrans about ‘traffic calming’ options to slow down traffic through the village. Matt will contact VTrans.
2. VLCT – Green Mountain Care Board Decision on 2016 Exchange (Vermont Health Connect) Rates – There will be an increase January 2016 however it will be slightly less than original proposed increase.
3. Draft Minutes requested by Herald of Randolph – Wendy will submit a synopsis of key items discussed at the meeting. She is already providing this information to The Mountain Times.
Next Meeting Date: September 1, 2015
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 9/1/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese
DATE: August 18, 2015
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Wendy Reese, David Larkin, Patty Haskins, Suana Bicek, Mary Russ, Sharon Flynn
Agenda Modifications: Public Present #2 Suana Bicek; Correspondence #3 VTrans; and #4 VLCT News
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 8/4/2015
Public Present:
1. Mary Russ, White River Partnership – Proposed park and VHCB
1. Opinions – Summer 2015
2. Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Act 250 Amendment Application
Old Business:
1. Proposed Park – next steps
2. Dubois & King Inc. – contract for Phase 2
3. High-Tech Plumbing & Heating - Invoice
4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - implementation
5. Minutes information for Boards and Committees - handout
6. Illegal Dumping Forsha Road - follow-up
7. Town Hall Insulating Project – update
8. Tax Sale Road parcel – follow up with Scofield
New Business
1. Traffic/Speed downtown Pittsfield
2. VLCT – Green Mountain Care Board Decision on 2016 Exchange (VHC) Rates
3. Draft Minutes requested by Herald of Randolph
Next Meeting Date: September 1, 2015
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Wendy seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. Agenda modifications announced. Matt motioned to approve the August 4, 2015 Regular Select Board meeting minutes; Wendy seconded. Minutes approved.
Public Present:
1. Mary Russ, White River Partnership – Proposed park and VHCB: See Old Business #1
2. Suana Bicek – Shawn Jarecki is moving to New York and will be submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission . Suana wanted to alert the Board so they could start thinking about a possible replacement that would be a good fit. Patty will post an ad in town once resignation is received.
1. Opinions – Summer 2015 issue from Secretary of State received. No action required.
2. Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Has submitted an Act 250 Amendment Application to allow fireworks. The application indicates a maximum of six per year and all events will end by 10:00 p.m. No action required.
3. VTrans is holding pre-application workshop webinars in September for the Transportation Alternatives grants. The grant applications are due October 16, 2015. No action required.
4. VLCT News, August/September 2015 issue received. No action required.
Old Business:
1. Proposed Park – Mary Russ is present to answer questions, address concerns regarding the next steps for the Parmenter Place buyout properties. Dave is not comfortable with the easement. Mary explained FEMA provided 75% of the funds and the balance of 25% was provided by HUD and VHCB. The State allowed VHCB to decide where easements are required in order to provide value to the public. In this case it is public access to the water. Due to the fact ownership of the property could change VHCB wants public access maintained and will check sites annually. The easement will stay in place no matter who owns the property. There is no investment on the town’s end for the construction phase. White River Partnership (WRP) would match the funds. Long-term maintenance is the town’s responsibility. Mary explained the next step is to have a written management plan and then hold a hearing. Mary can help with the plan if the town would like her assistance. Matt inquired about the town of Rochester and how did they obtain input. Mary will contact Larry Strauss.
The Planning Commission submitted a letter to the Board outlining their ideas and suggestions which include:
a. Do nothing
b. Do nothing except brush hog twice a year to keep down invasive flora
c. Shore up banks and brush hog twice a year
d. Shore up banks and plant low maintenance plantings so brush hogging is not needed
e. Shore up banks, low maintenance plantings, and add two stands of trees
f. Shore up banks, low maintenance plantings, two stands of trees, 2-3 parking spaces with historical
sign on flood and dedication to Don Flynn
They also suggested creating a ballot that could be used at Town Meeting to get input on the choices. The board would like to get feedback on the five options presented by the Planning Commission and will determine how to proceed.
Per Mary it is not uncommon to get feedback after preliminary plan is presented. Patty had the map on the town office counter so residents coming in to pay taxes could review it. Many looked at it, liked it, asked questions, maintenance was one issue, neighbor to the property likes having a good line of sight when pulling onto Route 100 so tree placement could be another issue. There is money available for DuBois & King to come up with other ideas.
Dave questions the effectiveness of planting willow sticks to slow erosion. Mary explained these are used for ecological benefits: slows the erosion process and enhances aesthetics. This technique will not protect the property forever. Also some of the berms could be removed to allow water to flood properly.
WRP handles the willow sticks project that come from a farm in South Royalton and are planted in the spring, one per square foot. Approximately 1,000 needed for this project. It is called bio-engineering. The other plants on the plan come from Intervale.
Erosion was discussed at the August 4, 2015 meeting however it may need to be more of a focus, educating and sharing information about the erosion and flood plain benefits the park plan encompasses. Mary will provide written information on the ecological, erosion and flood plain aspects of the park to Patty. WRP can provide grant funding assistance to the homeowners across from the proposed park property as well.
Chris and Erica Hurd sent an e-mail to the town stating they would like the area to go back to nature.
Matt motioned to approve the VHCB easement; Wendy seconded; motion carried. Patty will contact Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to summarize the notice for the newspaper.
2. DuBois & King Inc. – Construction Proposal for Phase 2 of the Buyout Sites Project is a lump sum fee of $12,500 based on the scope of work included in the Town’s RFP for the project. Matt motioned to award DuBois & King the Construction Phase of the project; Wendy seconded; motion carried.
3. High-Tech Plumbing & Heating – Invoice for consulting on Town Office HVAC has not been paid as previous Board wanted a written report. No report has been received. Matt motioned to approve the invoice; Wendy seconded; Patty will process invoice for payment.
4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Implementation of the 5-year plan adopted August 4, 2015 needs to begin. Patty distributed the copies of the matrix that outlines the hazards, mitigation process, prioritization and time frame for the Board to review. Items will need to be distributed to appropriate Local Leadership and will be discussed at the next Select Board meeting.
5. Minutes information for Boards and Committees – Patty provided a handout with information from V.S.A. and VL CT on the Open Meeting Law. This information will be distributed to all committees.
6. Illegal Dumping Forsha Road – Dave reported the temporary sign was installed and so far no one has left trash in this area.
7. Town Hall Insulating Project – Dave’s estimate is $13,715 and Bill Leimgruber submitted an estimate of $12,302. Dave stated there is a large disparity between his estimates and Doug Johnstone’s. Dave also contacted Denis Veilleux and Charlie Howard; no response yet. Matt contacted Doug Johnstone and he is not interested in big jobs like this however he suggested contacting Denis Veilleux, Corey Novotny and Ed Sanborn. Wendy suggested checking the list of authorized contractors on the Efficiency Vermont (EV) website to get quotes on the EV recommendations from 2009 report. Dave will check into this.
8. Tax Sale Road parcel – Patty contacted Marylou on checking into the options on what to do with this property. The Board reminded Dave again that no one on the Board contacts the town attorney without Board approval. This item was assigned to Patty at the August 4, 2015 meeting. Patty will ask Marylou if there are easements.
New Business
1. Traffic/Speed downtown Pittsfield - Patty suggests the Board contact VTrans to find out how the road widening project will affect the road through the Village; and ask VTrans about ‘traffic calming’ options to slow down traffic through the village. Matt will contact VTrans.
2. VLCT – Green Mountain Care Board Decision on 2016 Exchange (Vermont Health Connect) Rates – There will be an increase January 2016 however it will be slightly less than original proposed increase.
3. Draft Minutes requested by Herald of Randolph – Wendy will submit a synopsis of key items discussed at the meeting. She is already providing this information to The Mountain Times.
Next Meeting Date: September 1, 2015
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.; Wendy seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Approved: 9/1/2015 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
David Larkin
Wendy Reese