Tuesday, December 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to order. Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Kris, Richard Seaman (business manager WCSU) and A.J. in attendance. Ray called in and was unavoidably delayed.
2. Consider amendments to the agenda. None.
3. Approve minutes: November 10, 2015. A.J. moves and Kris seconds and minutes approved unanimously.
4. Public comment/Visitors: None.
5. Action/Discussion:
New Business:
Payment orders #5: Barstow ½ tuition $7,350, Audit Fee $1,200 RHR Smith, total of $8550. Kris reports some invoices are still under review and she’ll follow up. Kris moves to accept, A.J. seconds, approved.
Old business:
Budget Discussion – Richard and Kris go over the list of students the PSB expects to have next school year. Richard brought a list from his sources and the totals were extremely close, so a good start, approximately 36 elementary and 36 secondary students, total 72. We are estimating 5 pre-K students as well. Richard will seek announced tuitions from receiving schools. We discuss and agree upon budget formats for Town Report. Richard reports our equalized pupil number has decreased slightly and will follow up with us on the specific number. The equalized pupil issue does not impact our PSB due to us having no cost capping issues. Richard is building in a small increase in Admin costs for the WCSU and he asks us to update on children receiving SPED services with the WCSU SPED director as soon as possible. Kris asks Richard to ask the WCSU SPED coordinator to tell us what the billing process and timeframe will be for the WCSU to bill us for our additional SPED costs, above the per pupil base cost we have already paid. We discuss that if there are big budget changes after we submit the budget to the Town Report we will move to amend from the floor.
Review and approve checkbook reconciliation (November) A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds approved unanimously.
Update on IRS bond letter: Tabled to next meeting.
Act 46 update – A.J. reports that the meeting set for tonight to discuss a virtual or ghost ED was postponed until next Monday evening and he is planning on attending.
6. Reports:
Superintendent: None.
Director of Finance: See above in budget planning section.
7. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn and A.J. seconds and adjourned unanimously at 7:52 p.m.
Minutes prepared by A.J. Ruben
Approved: Kris Sperber, A. J. Ruben
Upcoming meetings:
Pittsfield- January 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., Pittsfield Town Office Building
Agenda items to include IRS Bond Letter report from Richard Seaman, Payment Order, Act 46 update, minute review.
Act 46 update, minute review.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to order. Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Kris, Richard Seaman (business manager WCSU) and A.J. in attendance. Ray called in and was unavoidably delayed.
2. Consider amendments to the agenda. None.
3. Approve minutes: November 10, 2015. A.J. moves and Kris seconds and minutes approved unanimously.
4. Public comment/Visitors: None.
5. Action/Discussion:
New Business:
Payment orders #5: Barstow ½ tuition $7,350, Audit Fee $1,200 RHR Smith, total of $8550. Kris reports some invoices are still under review and she’ll follow up. Kris moves to accept, A.J. seconds, approved.
Old business:
Budget Discussion – Richard and Kris go over the list of students the PSB expects to have next school year. Richard brought a list from his sources and the totals were extremely close, so a good start, approximately 36 elementary and 36 secondary students, total 72. We are estimating 5 pre-K students as well. Richard will seek announced tuitions from receiving schools. We discuss and agree upon budget formats for Town Report. Richard reports our equalized pupil number has decreased slightly and will follow up with us on the specific number. The equalized pupil issue does not impact our PSB due to us having no cost capping issues. Richard is building in a small increase in Admin costs for the WCSU and he asks us to update on children receiving SPED services with the WCSU SPED director as soon as possible. Kris asks Richard to ask the WCSU SPED coordinator to tell us what the billing process and timeframe will be for the WCSU to bill us for our additional SPED costs, above the per pupil base cost we have already paid. We discuss that if there are big budget changes after we submit the budget to the Town Report we will move to amend from the floor.
Review and approve checkbook reconciliation (November) A.J. moves to approve, Kris seconds approved unanimously.
Update on IRS bond letter: Tabled to next meeting.
Act 46 update – A.J. reports that the meeting set for tonight to discuss a virtual or ghost ED was postponed until next Monday evening and he is planning on attending.
6. Reports:
Superintendent: None.
Director of Finance: See above in budget planning section.
7. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn and A.J. seconds and adjourned unanimously at 7:52 p.m.
Minutes prepared by A.J. Ruben
Approved: Kris Sperber, A. J. Ruben
Upcoming meetings:
Pittsfield- January 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., Pittsfield Town Office Building
Agenda items to include IRS Bond Letter report from Richard Seaman, Payment Order, Act 46 update, minute review.
Act 46 update, minute review.