Meeting Minutes
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Lower level
I. CALL TO ORDER: Kris calls to order at 7pm with Ray, Meg, Richard Seaman ( business mgr from WCSU), A.J. came in late.
II. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Ray moves to add Jean Colver Sofield Award discussion. Meg suggests discussion of Medicaid Fund letter. Agreed to amend unanimously.
IV. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENT: Kris reports on reimbursement from Bethel of approximately $7000 for some 504 related costs for a student who moved from Pittsfield to Bethel.
A. Minutes of March 17, 2013 and April 14, 2015. A.J. moves to approve and Kris seconds both minutes approved unanimously.
VI. WNWSU REPORT: Meg asks about what we need to provide to WCSU. Ray suggests Title 1 information. Meg suggests transferring the records of PSB minutes and meetings. Kris suggests about 10 years of audits be provided to WCSU and budget development records from computer databases. Meg and A.J. will look for any PSB policies to provide to the WCSU.
A. Approve Audits FY 2014: Kris moves to approve, Ray seconds, approved unanimously
B. Pittsfield Agreement with WNWSU: Meg reports on WNWSU request that we sign a memorandum of agreement to assure that Pittsfield not fail to pay fair expenses as we leave the SU, and if the WNWSU owes money to us it gets reimbursed. We review the MoA and A.J. moves to accept and Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Meg reports that the WNWSU has to do an audit for this year (2014-2015) that will be due in September.
C. Jean Colver Sofield Award discussion: We confirm that we did send out the letters but no responses. The board will attempt to follow up with candidates for this.
D. Medicaid Letter of Funds: Meg reports that Medicaid funds can be obtained and will be used for guidance programming, but Pittsfield will receive our share. Kris moves to approve and sign the form necessary for the WNWSU to obtain the funds, Ray seconds, approved and unanimously approved.
A. Transition Update: Richard reports that WCSU is going to be responsible for reporting data to AOE so we need to identify a way to get our data to WCSU in a manner that works for them. A.J. discusses considering ways to avoid having all the checks and billing be made from WCSU and suggests we wait to discuss how this could work with Patty, who is our treasurer and was not able to be here tonight. We agree to have at least Kris, Patty and Richard meet over the next few weeks to discuss how best to resolve the need for the SU to receive and report data with our tradition of paying our own bills. Richard discusses Title I money that goes to the towns, and notes that Pittsfield doesn’t receive any Title money due to not being needy enough. We discuss how any Title 1 money we have been qualified for has gone directly to the schools not through our board. Kris reports that the eligibility is based on free and reduced meal program and it would have to be pulled from each school our children attend. Meg reports that she is overseeing the Title 1 money for the WNWSU and does not think Pittsfield qualified for any money. We discuss going forward WCSU finding out if our children would qualify for Title 1 funds and determine if WNWSU had collected data and we didn’t qualify or that neither WNWSU nor PSB did attempt to collect the data.
B. Payment Orders: Kris discusses that we reconciled our bank statements this month but we hold off on discussing the bank statements until next month when Patty is present. #9: WNWSU assessement $5,953.18 admin, $22,807 SPED, $2437.73 EEE – total $31,197.91, Rutland 4th quarter $10,125; Rutland 504 4th quarter $5,143.91; Killington Elem. $8667; Hartford School Dist. $818.42 – TOTAL $55,952.24. Kris moves and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
A. Tuition Payment Policy- 1st Reading: discuss the Tuition Payment policy, read through, A.J. moves to adopt and Kris seconds, approved unanimously. Set for second reading at the June 9th PSB meeting.
A. June 9, 2015, 7pm Town Hall
B. Agenda Items: regular ones.
XII. ADJOURNMENT Kris moves to adjourn at 8:40pm, approved unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Lower level
I. CALL TO ORDER: Kris calls to order at 7pm with Ray, Meg, Richard Seaman ( business mgr from WCSU), A.J. came in late.
II. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Ray moves to add Jean Colver Sofield Award discussion. Meg suggests discussion of Medicaid Fund letter. Agreed to amend unanimously.
IV. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENT: Kris reports on reimbursement from Bethel of approximately $7000 for some 504 related costs for a student who moved from Pittsfield to Bethel.
A. Minutes of March 17, 2013 and April 14, 2015. A.J. moves to approve and Kris seconds both minutes approved unanimously.
VI. WNWSU REPORT: Meg asks about what we need to provide to WCSU. Ray suggests Title 1 information. Meg suggests transferring the records of PSB minutes and meetings. Kris suggests about 10 years of audits be provided to WCSU and budget development records from computer databases. Meg and A.J. will look for any PSB policies to provide to the WCSU.
A. Approve Audits FY 2014: Kris moves to approve, Ray seconds, approved unanimously
B. Pittsfield Agreement with WNWSU: Meg reports on WNWSU request that we sign a memorandum of agreement to assure that Pittsfield not fail to pay fair expenses as we leave the SU, and if the WNWSU owes money to us it gets reimbursed. We review the MoA and A.J. moves to accept and Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Meg reports that the WNWSU has to do an audit for this year (2014-2015) that will be due in September.
C. Jean Colver Sofield Award discussion: We confirm that we did send out the letters but no responses. The board will attempt to follow up with candidates for this.
D. Medicaid Letter of Funds: Meg reports that Medicaid funds can be obtained and will be used for guidance programming, but Pittsfield will receive our share. Kris moves to approve and sign the form necessary for the WNWSU to obtain the funds, Ray seconds, approved and unanimously approved.
A. Transition Update: Richard reports that WCSU is going to be responsible for reporting data to AOE so we need to identify a way to get our data to WCSU in a manner that works for them. A.J. discusses considering ways to avoid having all the checks and billing be made from WCSU and suggests we wait to discuss how this could work with Patty, who is our treasurer and was not able to be here tonight. We agree to have at least Kris, Patty and Richard meet over the next few weeks to discuss how best to resolve the need for the SU to receive and report data with our tradition of paying our own bills. Richard discusses Title I money that goes to the towns, and notes that Pittsfield doesn’t receive any Title money due to not being needy enough. We discuss how any Title 1 money we have been qualified for has gone directly to the schools not through our board. Kris reports that the eligibility is based on free and reduced meal program and it would have to be pulled from each school our children attend. Meg reports that she is overseeing the Title 1 money for the WNWSU and does not think Pittsfield qualified for any money. We discuss going forward WCSU finding out if our children would qualify for Title 1 funds and determine if WNWSU had collected data and we didn’t qualify or that neither WNWSU nor PSB did attempt to collect the data.
B. Payment Orders: Kris discusses that we reconciled our bank statements this month but we hold off on discussing the bank statements until next month when Patty is present. #9: WNWSU assessement $5,953.18 admin, $22,807 SPED, $2437.73 EEE – total $31,197.91, Rutland 4th quarter $10,125; Rutland 504 4th quarter $5,143.91; Killington Elem. $8667; Hartford School Dist. $818.42 – TOTAL $55,952.24. Kris moves and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
A. Tuition Payment Policy- 1st Reading: discuss the Tuition Payment policy, read through, A.J. moves to adopt and Kris seconds, approved unanimously. Set for second reading at the June 9th PSB meeting.
A. June 9, 2015, 7pm Town Hall
B. Agenda Items: regular ones.
XII. ADJOURNMENT Kris moves to adjourn at 8:40pm, approved unanimously.