TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Lower level
I. CALL TO ORDER Meg Powden calls the meeting to order at 7pm with Patty Haskings, Ray Rice, Kris Sperber and A.J. Ruben.
II. BOARD REORGANIZATION: Meg asks for nominations for Board Chair, Ray nominates Kris, A.J. seconds, unanimous. Ray nominates A.J. for secretary, Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
III. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Kris moves to move board reorganization to number 2 above, Ray seconds and approved unanimously. A.J. moves to add to agenda approving minutes from Town Meeting School Board meetings, Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Kris moves to add to New Business payment order review and approval.
V. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENT: Kris reports on attending WCSU meeting, Bridgewater and Pomfret consolidation was main topic.
A. Minutes of February 10, 2015 and March 3, 2015 minutes reviewed, Kris moves to approve both and Ray seconds approved unanimously.
VII. WNWSU REPORT: Meg reports four of six passed budgets. Rochester meeting yet to come, Bethel voted down. Meg reports on leadership program continuing and the positive impact on both teachers and administrators. Transition to OWSU ongoing for the rest of the districts, challenges and opportunities abound. Meg reports on legislation on school reform, most concerning is spending caps to be imposed. She urges us to contact our legislators and weigh in. Kris asks about reorganization grant and Meg reports that it will be divided evenly and will go directly to WCSU to use to help with documenting aspects of our agreement in joining the WCSU.
A. Approve Audits FY 2014: Meg provides the audit. It is reviewed. Ray moves to accept the audit. Patty discusses the management letter and the Board agrees to follow up on all recommendations identified. We also go over the Financial Management Questionaire that Patty filled out as a way of identifying concerns or weaknesses in our financial checks and balances. A.J. moves to approve the results of the questionnaire, Kris seconds, Ray signs as the SU board member. We will review audit in detail and vote on it at next month’s meeting.
B. Current Finical Report: Kris notes we are about to enter deficit spending. As of tonight $221,061, but we have significant bills to pay for the rest of the school year. We budgeted for eight less children than we have, and additional unanticipated costs related to 504 plans occurred, and are awaiting about $30k in additional revenue from the State. We anticipate approximately $440k in additional expenses before August’s education tax revenue will be received. Ray moves to have Kris ask the Selectboard to loan the School District up to $250k at Tuesday’s Selectboard meeting to help us cover costs with an agreement that the District would obtain a line of credit to repay the Selectboard upon their request, and should the selectboard deny the request, the Board authorizes Patty to work to obtain tax anticipation loan up to $250k. A.J. seconds, and approved unanimously.
C. Medicaid Reimbursement: n/a.
D. Payment Order: Number 8: WNWSU monthly SPED $22,807, EEE $2,437.73, Admin $5,953.18; Woodstock HS $88,000; Killington Elem. 2nd half, 36 students $221,771.82; Clara Martin Ctr. $$3,325; Rutland Town ½ four students (2 elem, 2 HS) $26,800; C&L Taxi $1,520; VSBIT insurance two quarters $1,240.76; RHR audit $200: Total $374,055. Ray moves to approve payment, Kris seconds, approved unanimously. The Board unanimously approves asking Patty to pay all but the Killington bill until we are able to obtain necessary funds via a loan to make full payment. The Board expects full payment to Killington by the due date of their bill.
A. Jean Colver Sofield Award: Ray is going to get the letters out to the seniors. We expect applications by May 1. Go Ray!
B. Transition Update: (see above). Transition Board is thinking of hiring consultant to develop strategic plan for new large SU.
A. Residency: first reading postponed til next month. A.J. to send Meg the proposed policy we reviewed last month.
A. April 14, 2015, 7pm Town Hall
B. Agenda Items: Review of Reconciled Bank Statements; Minutes Review; First reading of Payment Procedure and Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure policies recommended by the Audit; Jean Colver Sofield Award, approve 2014 Audit.
XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Ray move to adjourn, A.J. seconds, ended at 8:20. Minutes prepared by A.J.
TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 – 7:00 PM
Lower level
I. CALL TO ORDER Meg Powden calls the meeting to order at 7pm with Patty Haskings, Ray Rice, Kris Sperber and A.J. Ruben.
II. BOARD REORGANIZATION: Meg asks for nominations for Board Chair, Ray nominates Kris, A.J. seconds, unanimous. Ray nominates A.J. for secretary, Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
III. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS AND DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: Kris moves to move board reorganization to number 2 above, Ray seconds and approved unanimously. A.J. moves to add to agenda approving minutes from Town Meeting School Board meetings, Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Kris moves to add to New Business payment order review and approval.
V. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENT: Kris reports on attending WCSU meeting, Bridgewater and Pomfret consolidation was main topic.
A. Minutes of February 10, 2015 and March 3, 2015 minutes reviewed, Kris moves to approve both and Ray seconds approved unanimously.
VII. WNWSU REPORT: Meg reports four of six passed budgets. Rochester meeting yet to come, Bethel voted down. Meg reports on leadership program continuing and the positive impact on both teachers and administrators. Transition to OWSU ongoing for the rest of the districts, challenges and opportunities abound. Meg reports on legislation on school reform, most concerning is spending caps to be imposed. She urges us to contact our legislators and weigh in. Kris asks about reorganization grant and Meg reports that it will be divided evenly and will go directly to WCSU to use to help with documenting aspects of our agreement in joining the WCSU.
A. Approve Audits FY 2014: Meg provides the audit. It is reviewed. Ray moves to accept the audit. Patty discusses the management letter and the Board agrees to follow up on all recommendations identified. We also go over the Financial Management Questionaire that Patty filled out as a way of identifying concerns or weaknesses in our financial checks and balances. A.J. moves to approve the results of the questionnaire, Kris seconds, Ray signs as the SU board member. We will review audit in detail and vote on it at next month’s meeting.
B. Current Finical Report: Kris notes we are about to enter deficit spending. As of tonight $221,061, but we have significant bills to pay for the rest of the school year. We budgeted for eight less children than we have, and additional unanticipated costs related to 504 plans occurred, and are awaiting about $30k in additional revenue from the State. We anticipate approximately $440k in additional expenses before August’s education tax revenue will be received. Ray moves to have Kris ask the Selectboard to loan the School District up to $250k at Tuesday’s Selectboard meeting to help us cover costs with an agreement that the District would obtain a line of credit to repay the Selectboard upon their request, and should the selectboard deny the request, the Board authorizes Patty to work to obtain tax anticipation loan up to $250k. A.J. seconds, and approved unanimously.
C. Medicaid Reimbursement: n/a.
D. Payment Order: Number 8: WNWSU monthly SPED $22,807, EEE $2,437.73, Admin $5,953.18; Woodstock HS $88,000; Killington Elem. 2nd half, 36 students $221,771.82; Clara Martin Ctr. $$3,325; Rutland Town ½ four students (2 elem, 2 HS) $26,800; C&L Taxi $1,520; VSBIT insurance two quarters $1,240.76; RHR audit $200: Total $374,055. Ray moves to approve payment, Kris seconds, approved unanimously. The Board unanimously approves asking Patty to pay all but the Killington bill until we are able to obtain necessary funds via a loan to make full payment. The Board expects full payment to Killington by the due date of their bill.
A. Jean Colver Sofield Award: Ray is going to get the letters out to the seniors. We expect applications by May 1. Go Ray!
B. Transition Update: (see above). Transition Board is thinking of hiring consultant to develop strategic plan for new large SU.
A. Residency: first reading postponed til next month. A.J. to send Meg the proposed policy we reviewed last month.
A. April 14, 2015, 7pm Town Hall
B. Agenda Items: Review of Reconciled Bank Statements; Minutes Review; First reading of Payment Procedure and Cash Handling/Deposit Procedure policies recommended by the Audit; Jean Colver Sofield Award, approve 2014 Audit.
XIII. ADJOURNMENT: Ray move to adjourn, A.J. seconds, ended at 8:20. Minutes prepared by A.J.