Minutes of meeting
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 – 7:00 PM
7pm library Kris calls to order Ray Meg Powden A.J. and Patty present.
Added Jean Colver Sofield Award under Old business, policy on cash handling under New Business added. All agreed unanimously on these amendments.
I call to order 7pm
II see amendments
III public comment and communications: One scholarship discussion and only one applicant.
IV Board communications and comment: Ray went to first WCSU meeting last night and reports favorably. He was not a voter yet. Pittsfield will add one vote for a quorum, from 11 to 12. Some policies will be changed to accommodate our move, and are considering by law changes. With Pittsfield’s 75 students WCSU is at 901 students, the number for the new districts. We discuss that not just Pittsfield kids, but also Stockbridge kids use the high school bus. Ray will provide this perspective if the issue arises at the WCSU board. Some new information on children leaving Pittsfield, reducing our overall numbers.
V Consent Agenda Minutes of May 12, 2015. Kris moves to approve, Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
VI. WNWSU Report: This is our final meeting with Meg Powden under the auspices of the WNWSU. Meg reports on school choice issue in new law…there are four areas to look at regarding a new education district…preferred structure is important…requires choosing tuition or some lesser choice form. The “alternative” structure may allow us to maintain school choice. Ray will keep this in mind as he attends WCSU meetings. Meg reports $3141.96 in Medicaid reimbursement and we plan to use it to reduce deficit. We Thank Meg for her Work!
VII. Old Business:
Financial Report: Kris reports on monthly balance issue. Tax anticipation Note discussion ensues. Despite borrowing the full $200k from the town, we still need to find additional money to cover this cost. Kris suggests we get line of credit for $220 to pay back the town and cover the approximately $13k we need to cover payment order #10. We would not pay interest unless we had to repay the Town but would have the ability to do so promptly. Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Patty is authorized to get this done. Board members will sign the documents when notified by Patty.
Payment Order #10: May assessment for WNWSU ($31,197.91) and two partial tuition expenses for students moving in or out midyear to Rochester ($8,011.24). Total $39,209.15.
Jean Colver Sofield Award: There was only one applicant, Eli Ruben. A.J. recuses himself from deliberations. Ray moves to award to Eli, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Transition to WCSU: We discuss business mgr at WCSU wanting to talk with Patty about details of book keeping. Patty will follow up with their business manager on the final details of the balance between Pittsfield writing our own checks and keeping our own financial records and providing sufficient information to the WCSU for their oversight and reporting responsibilities.
VIII. New Business:
Business procedure policy cash handling. Patty reviews the proposal. It involves PSB oversight of reconciliations. We discuss the use of the assistant clerk and propose to add payment for that position in our next budgeting effort. Patty explains in detail the reconciliation oversight responsibilities. A.J. moves to adopt this policy, Ray seconds, approved unanimously. This evening we all reviewed the reconciliation statement and agreed one Board Member will sign and date to show compliance. Kris signs.
IX. Policy: Resident Notification Policy (second reading).
X. Adjournment and Agenda: 803p.m.
Add Bank Statement Reconciliation Policy Compliance.
Minutes of meeting
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 – 7:00 PM
7pm library Kris calls to order Ray Meg Powden A.J. and Patty present.
Added Jean Colver Sofield Award under Old business, policy on cash handling under New Business added. All agreed unanimously on these amendments.
I call to order 7pm
II see amendments
III public comment and communications: One scholarship discussion and only one applicant.
IV Board communications and comment: Ray went to first WCSU meeting last night and reports favorably. He was not a voter yet. Pittsfield will add one vote for a quorum, from 11 to 12. Some policies will be changed to accommodate our move, and are considering by law changes. With Pittsfield’s 75 students WCSU is at 901 students, the number for the new districts. We discuss that not just Pittsfield kids, but also Stockbridge kids use the high school bus. Ray will provide this perspective if the issue arises at the WCSU board. Some new information on children leaving Pittsfield, reducing our overall numbers.
V Consent Agenda Minutes of May 12, 2015. Kris moves to approve, Ray seconds and approved unanimously.
VI. WNWSU Report: This is our final meeting with Meg Powden under the auspices of the WNWSU. Meg reports on school choice issue in new law…there are four areas to look at regarding a new education district…preferred structure is important…requires choosing tuition or some lesser choice form. The “alternative” structure may allow us to maintain school choice. Ray will keep this in mind as he attends WCSU meetings. Meg reports $3141.96 in Medicaid reimbursement and we plan to use it to reduce deficit. We Thank Meg for her Work!
VII. Old Business:
Financial Report: Kris reports on monthly balance issue. Tax anticipation Note discussion ensues. Despite borrowing the full $200k from the town, we still need to find additional money to cover this cost. Kris suggests we get line of credit for $220 to pay back the town and cover the approximately $13k we need to cover payment order #10. We would not pay interest unless we had to repay the Town but would have the ability to do so promptly. Ray seconds, approved unanimously. Patty is authorized to get this done. Board members will sign the documents when notified by Patty.
Payment Order #10: May assessment for WNWSU ($31,197.91) and two partial tuition expenses for students moving in or out midyear to Rochester ($8,011.24). Total $39,209.15.
Jean Colver Sofield Award: There was only one applicant, Eli Ruben. A.J. recuses himself from deliberations. Ray moves to award to Eli, Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
Transition to WCSU: We discuss business mgr at WCSU wanting to talk with Patty about details of book keeping. Patty will follow up with their business manager on the final details of the balance between Pittsfield writing our own checks and keeping our own financial records and providing sufficient information to the WCSU for their oversight and reporting responsibilities.
VIII. New Business:
Business procedure policy cash handling. Patty reviews the proposal. It involves PSB oversight of reconciliations. We discuss the use of the assistant clerk and propose to add payment for that position in our next budgeting effort. Patty explains in detail the reconciliation oversight responsibilities. A.J. moves to adopt this policy, Ray seconds, approved unanimously. This evening we all reviewed the reconciliation statement and agreed one Board Member will sign and date to show compliance. Kris signs.
IX. Policy: Resident Notification Policy (second reading).
X. Adjournment and Agenda: 803p.m.
Add Bank Statement Reconciliation Policy Compliance.