Pittsfield School Board Meeting Minutes
Pittsfield Town Office
August 11, 2015
1. Meeting called to Order at 7:15 p.m. with Kris and Ray present, A.J. appeared late with apologies.
2. Amendments: Kris moved and Ray seconded adding payment order #1 to the “Action/Discussion” section, approved unanimously
3. Approval of June 9th minutes. Kris moves to table until next meeting due to A.J. being tardy and not bringing a copy, Ray seconded. Please note to put both tonight’s meeting minutes and the July meeting minutes on the agenda for our September 8th meeting.
4. Public Communication: None.
5. Action/Discussion
a. Bank Statement Compliance: review bank statements for May and June 2015 and approved per unanimous vote.
b. Mascoma Bank and Town Debt discussion: We still owe Mascoma $12,037.97 for the line of credit used to pay bills until tax revenue came in. Kris moves to pay off the debt at this time and add it to Payment Order #1. Approved unanimously after Ray seconds. We discuss our also paying the debt of $200k off we owe to the town and agreed we would ask Patti to hold the payments until August 16th, the day after school taxes should be available. Ray moves, Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
c. Representation at WCSU Board Meeting: We discussed that due to extenuating circumstances we have missed two WCSU board meetings and this is not our goal. Kris moves to allow any of the three of us who are available to have voting privilege at the WCSU Board if Ray is not available as our primary delegate. Ray seconds approved unanimously.
d. Payment Order #1: total of $212,037.97, as noted above. Ray moves and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
6. Reports: No representative from WCSU Admin present. Alice did send us information about school choice and WCSU’s concern that under the new education law it may be difficult for us to retain school choice, as well as her position that moving to designating WCSU schools for Pittsfield students would be in the students’ best interest. Discussion ensued, including reiterating that Pittsfield has always been clear and straightforward with WCSU that we did not intent to give up school choice when moving SU’s. In addition we discussed the apparent internal contradictions of the new education law (Act 46) as it has a Section Four that protects school choice, but has a mandate for Education Districts that are much larger than Pittsfield. A.J. agreed to research more about the situation and brief the board prior to the next WCSU meeting on the facts as he can determine them at this point. What seemed clear is that the new law is not crystal clear on this aspect of the new education system and some kinks are being worked out. We also discussed that next year we need to budget for mandated pre-K programs for Pittsfield students.
7. Adjournment: moved by Kris, seconded by A.J., approved unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J.
Pittsfield Town Office
August 11, 2015
1. Meeting called to Order at 7:15 p.m. with Kris and Ray present, A.J. appeared late with apologies.
2. Amendments: Kris moved and Ray seconded adding payment order #1 to the “Action/Discussion” section, approved unanimously
3. Approval of June 9th minutes. Kris moves to table until next meeting due to A.J. being tardy and not bringing a copy, Ray seconded. Please note to put both tonight’s meeting minutes and the July meeting minutes on the agenda for our September 8th meeting.
4. Public Communication: None.
5. Action/Discussion
a. Bank Statement Compliance: review bank statements for May and June 2015 and approved per unanimous vote.
b. Mascoma Bank and Town Debt discussion: We still owe Mascoma $12,037.97 for the line of credit used to pay bills until tax revenue came in. Kris moves to pay off the debt at this time and add it to Payment Order #1. Approved unanimously after Ray seconds. We discuss our also paying the debt of $200k off we owe to the town and agreed we would ask Patti to hold the payments until August 16th, the day after school taxes should be available. Ray moves, Kris seconds and approved unanimously.
c. Representation at WCSU Board Meeting: We discussed that due to extenuating circumstances we have missed two WCSU board meetings and this is not our goal. Kris moves to allow any of the three of us who are available to have voting privilege at the WCSU Board if Ray is not available as our primary delegate. Ray seconds approved unanimously.
d. Payment Order #1: total of $212,037.97, as noted above. Ray moves and Kris seconds, approved unanimously.
6. Reports: No representative from WCSU Admin present. Alice did send us information about school choice and WCSU’s concern that under the new education law it may be difficult for us to retain school choice, as well as her position that moving to designating WCSU schools for Pittsfield students would be in the students’ best interest. Discussion ensued, including reiterating that Pittsfield has always been clear and straightforward with WCSU that we did not intent to give up school choice when moving SU’s. In addition we discussed the apparent internal contradictions of the new education law (Act 46) as it has a Section Four that protects school choice, but has a mandate for Education Districts that are much larger than Pittsfield. A.J. agreed to research more about the situation and brief the board prior to the next WCSU meeting on the facts as he can determine them at this point. What seemed clear is that the new law is not crystal clear on this aspect of the new education system and some kinks are being worked out. We also discussed that next year we need to budget for mandated pre-K programs for Pittsfield students.
7. Adjournment: moved by Kris, seconded by A.J., approved unanimously.
Minutes respectfully submitted by A.J.