Town of Pittsfield, Vermont
Planning Commission
Minutes of June 9, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Shawn Jarecki and Jennifer
Howard. Ellie Rae from Two Rivers in attendance to assist with Town Plan
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office. This meeting was
posted as a public forum for comments on Town Plan. No public attendees.
2. Agenda Modifications – Copy of RFP (Construction project at Town of Pittsfield
FEMA buyout sites) was distributed for information purposes. Bids due June 11, 2015.
3. The minutes from the May 26th meeting were read, motion to approve by Jennifer,
seconded by Suana, all in favor.
4. Correspondence - None
5. Town Plan 2015 – The Commission reviewed the schedule for finalization, Suana
verified with Select Board that the August 18th meeting is a viable date.
June 12th – Mailing to neighboring PC’s and report
July 14th – Planning Commission Public Hearing
July 15th – Town publishes 30 day notice warning Select board Hearing
August 18th – Select board hearing and adoption
August 19th – If approved send to Two Rivers for approval by their Board
The commission reviewed and edited the entire plan noting any last minute changes
before it would be finalized and sent out. Jennifer said she would look through her file for
a possible picture for the cover. Ellie said she would check into whether the grant funded
copying of the plan. Each member requires a copy plus there needed to copies available
in the Town Office for pick up by the public.
6. Comments - None
7. Adjournment- The commission’s next meeting would be July 14th for the Hearing.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of _______________, 2015 were duly APPROVED
on________________ , 2015
Planning Commission
Minutes of June 9, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Shawn Jarecki and Jennifer
Howard. Ellie Rae from Two Rivers in attendance to assist with Town Plan
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office. This meeting was
posted as a public forum for comments on Town Plan. No public attendees.
2. Agenda Modifications – Copy of RFP (Construction project at Town of Pittsfield
FEMA buyout sites) was distributed for information purposes. Bids due June 11, 2015.
3. The minutes from the May 26th meeting were read, motion to approve by Jennifer,
seconded by Suana, all in favor.
4. Correspondence - None
5. Town Plan 2015 – The Commission reviewed the schedule for finalization, Suana
verified with Select Board that the August 18th meeting is a viable date.
June 12th – Mailing to neighboring PC’s and report
July 14th – Planning Commission Public Hearing
July 15th – Town publishes 30 day notice warning Select board Hearing
August 18th – Select board hearing and adoption
August 19th – If approved send to Two Rivers for approval by their Board
The commission reviewed and edited the entire plan noting any last minute changes
before it would be finalized and sent out. Jennifer said she would look through her file for
a possible picture for the cover. Ellie said she would check into whether the grant funded
copying of the plan. Each member requires a copy plus there needed to copies available
in the Town Office for pick up by the public.
6. Comments - None
7. Adjournment- The commission’s next meeting would be July 14th for the Hearing.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of _______________, 2015 were duly APPROVED
on________________ , 2015