Town of Pittsfield, Vermont
Planning Commission
Minutes of July 14, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Sarah Gray and Jennifer Howard
from the Planning Commission and Dave Larkin and Wendy Reese from the Select
Board. Patty Haskins, Town Clerk was in attendance. Ellie Rae from Two Rivers was in
attendance along with members of the public; Lynda Colton, Ray Colton, Nancy Wisner,
Fred S., Karen Marion, Bill Leimgruber, Carolynn Stockwell, Bruce Shaw and Colby
1. The public hearing was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
Comments were heard. A revision to the cemetery section was made; adding
information on one private cemetery with three gravestones. Comments from the public
included opposition to the new park development on the FEMA buy out sites, however
this discussion was tabled for the regular Planning Commission meeting. The section
referring to the “park” was revised to read the effort was a “work in progress”.
After no further comments were made, Suana closed the hearing.
2. Planning Commission meeting opened to vote on Town Plan. Sarah made a motion to
accept the Revised Town Plan, seconded by Jennifer, all in favor.
3. Agenda Modifications – Discussion regarding construction of the park on the FEMA
buy out sites. Bill Leimgruber presented a petition signed by residents; residents did not
want the park constructed. Comments included safety issues from Nancy Wisner. She
was afraid that adding another cross road would make the area more prone to accidents.
Bill Leimgruber did not want a parking lot across from his house. Wendy was concerned
about cost factors for the maintenance. Others concerned about trees washing down river.
The Commission explained this has been going on for over a year and the Commission
had no idea anyone had opposition to the plans since public meetings had been held and
the plans had been displayed for comment. The commission members stated that the
grant provided needed river bank repair which would not be available on its own to
prevent further damage in the future. The Commission also explained that the Select
Board had approved all grant applications. It was concluded that the petition and
discussion would be brought to the next Select Board meeting on August 4th .
4. The minutes from the June 9th meeting were tabled.
5. Correspondence – Tabled until next meeting.
6. Comments – No further comments.
7. Adjournment- The commission’s next meeting would be August 11th to discuss the
Village Designation. Meeting adjourned, 8:20pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
Planning Commission
Minutes of July 14, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek, Marsha Hopkins, Sarah Gray and Jennifer Howard
from the Planning Commission and Dave Larkin and Wendy Reese from the Select
Board. Patty Haskins, Town Clerk was in attendance. Ellie Rae from Two Rivers was in
attendance along with members of the public; Lynda Colton, Ray Colton, Nancy Wisner,
Fred S., Karen Marion, Bill Leimgruber, Carolynn Stockwell, Bruce Shaw and Colby
1. The public hearing was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
Comments were heard. A revision to the cemetery section was made; adding
information on one private cemetery with three gravestones. Comments from the public
included opposition to the new park development on the FEMA buy out sites, however
this discussion was tabled for the regular Planning Commission meeting. The section
referring to the “park” was revised to read the effort was a “work in progress”.
After no further comments were made, Suana closed the hearing.
2. Planning Commission meeting opened to vote on Town Plan. Sarah made a motion to
accept the Revised Town Plan, seconded by Jennifer, all in favor.
3. Agenda Modifications – Discussion regarding construction of the park on the FEMA
buy out sites. Bill Leimgruber presented a petition signed by residents; residents did not
want the park constructed. Comments included safety issues from Nancy Wisner. She
was afraid that adding another cross road would make the area more prone to accidents.
Bill Leimgruber did not want a parking lot across from his house. Wendy was concerned
about cost factors for the maintenance. Others concerned about trees washing down river.
The Commission explained this has been going on for over a year and the Commission
had no idea anyone had opposition to the plans since public meetings had been held and
the plans had been displayed for comment. The commission members stated that the
grant provided needed river bank repair which would not be available on its own to
prevent further damage in the future. The Commission also explained that the Select
Board had approved all grant applications. It was concluded that the petition and
discussion would be brought to the next Select Board meeting on August 4th .
4. The minutes from the June 9th meeting were tabled.
5. Correspondence – Tabled until next meeting.
6. Comments – No further comments.
7. Adjournment- The commission’s next meeting would be August 11th to discuss the
Village Designation. Meeting adjourned, 8:20pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins