Town of Pittsfield, Vermont
Planning Commission
Minutes of October 14, 2014
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek Marsha Hopkins and Jennifer Howard.
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm at the Town Office.
2. Agenda Modifications - None
3. The minutes from the September 2nd meeting were read, motion to approve with one
spelling correction by Jennifer, seconded by Suana, all in favor.
4. Correspondence:
Two Rivers Public Facilities Grant – Suana told us that we had been approved for
the Grant to fix up the buyout properties that were now town land. Chris Sargent
would be sending a letter to the Select Board for their signature and then would
forward a fully executed copy to the Planning Commission.
5. Town Plan 2015
Suana said Chris Sargent had given her some guidelines we could start with while
waiting for approval of the grant. Chris told Suana the grant was very
competitive this year and that we should start making notes on specific areas we
wanted updated not related to the enhanced consultation.
The planning commission noted the following areas for update so far:
Town History to include Irene and changes that occurred, history of town office
and renovation.
“Should” in many cases will be changed to “Shall”.
Template from Two Rivers would work for Affordable Housing update.
Addition of table with local beds by nursing and residential care to update section
on Aging.
Education section updates to include new tuitions and student population.
Jobs section to include new industries in town.
Library renovation and history.
Suana made mention of Don’s passing and that he would be missed. The Planning
Commission discussed options for a potential 5th member of the commission.
7. Adjournment:
Suana announced she would not be able to attend the next meeting. Jennifer agreed to
get the next agenda to the town office the Thursday prior to the next meeting. Meeting
adjourned at 7:50pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
Planning Commission
Minutes of October 14, 2014
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Bicek Marsha Hopkins and Jennifer Howard.
1. The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm at the Town Office.
2. Agenda Modifications - None
3. The minutes from the September 2nd meeting were read, motion to approve with one
spelling correction by Jennifer, seconded by Suana, all in favor.
4. Correspondence:
Two Rivers Public Facilities Grant – Suana told us that we had been approved for
the Grant to fix up the buyout properties that were now town land. Chris Sargent
would be sending a letter to the Select Board for their signature and then would
forward a fully executed copy to the Planning Commission.
5. Town Plan 2015
Suana said Chris Sargent had given her some guidelines we could start with while
waiting for approval of the grant. Chris told Suana the grant was very
competitive this year and that we should start making notes on specific areas we
wanted updated not related to the enhanced consultation.
The planning commission noted the following areas for update so far:
Town History to include Irene and changes that occurred, history of town office
and renovation.
“Should” in many cases will be changed to “Shall”.
Template from Two Rivers would work for Affordable Housing update.
Addition of table with local beds by nursing and residential care to update section
on Aging.
Education section updates to include new tuitions and student population.
Jobs section to include new industries in town.
Library renovation and history.
Suana made mention of Don’s passing and that he would be missed. The Planning
Commission discussed options for a potential 5th member of the commission.
7. Adjournment:
Suana announced she would not be able to attend the next meeting. Jennifer agreed to
get the next agenda to the town office the Thursday prior to the next meeting. Meeting
adjourned at 7:50pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins