Pittsfield Town Hall Building Committee Meeting Minutes-
Monday, February 7, 2022
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link: https://bit.ly/36cwGlJ
Minutes Approval: December 13, 2021
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business
Next Meeting Date:
Carl called the meeting to order at 5:08pm. Glenn seconded. All in Favor.
Herb Kuendig, Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer in attendance all by Remote
Minutes Approval: December 13, 2021- Mike moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Seconded by Carl. All in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business
New Business:
Create a functional shelter for emergencies within Town Hall through the purchase and/or installation of the following:
Mike suggested calling Brookfield Generator to get the proper size generator needed. Carl suggested calling Cal Poulin to get an estimate on installing sheetrock. Carl said he would get an estimate on the cost of a dropped ceiling. Herb asked members to try to get cost estimates on other items on the list and report back to the committee.
Carl moved to hold the next meeting to present estimates on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 5pm. Mike seconded. All in favor.
There being no further business of the committee, Glenn moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:41pm. Carl seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Herb Kuendig
Monday, February 7, 2022
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link: https://bit.ly/36cwGlJ
Minutes Approval: December 13, 2021
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business
- Pittsfield Rescue Plan Proposal
Next Meeting Date:
Carl called the meeting to order at 5:08pm. Glenn seconded. All in Favor.
Herb Kuendig, Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer in attendance all by Remote
Minutes Approval: December 13, 2021- Mike moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Seconded by Carl. All in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business
New Business:
- Pittsfield Rescue Plan Proposal: Herb suggested the committee back a suggestion by Dave Colton to spend federal funding through the American Rescue Plan to create an emergency shelter at Town Hall. Committee members backed the plan and discussed what may be needed for the proposal. Committee members put together a draft spending proposal:
Create a functional shelter for emergencies within Town Hall through the purchase and/or installation of the following:
- Whole building generator to run lights, heat, kitchen, well-water pump;
- Kitchen including cabinets & countertops, sink, stove exhaust fan; install stove & dishwasher;
- Insta-hot water heater-gas-fired;
- Basement Ceiling-either dropped ceiling or open concept that would require cleaning & sealing rafters and steel beams, reworking heating vents;
- Basement Walls- sheetrock & installation;
- Re-wire electrical outlets and fixtures to code in basement;
- New basement doors-four;
- New basement windows-five;
- Paint cement floor
- Storage bay sliding doors;
- Military style cots
- Shower in upstairs handicapped bathroom
Mike suggested calling Brookfield Generator to get the proper size generator needed. Carl suggested calling Cal Poulin to get an estimate on installing sheetrock. Carl said he would get an estimate on the cost of a dropped ceiling. Herb asked members to try to get cost estimates on other items on the list and report back to the committee.
Carl moved to hold the next meeting to present estimates on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 5pm. Mike seconded. All in favor.
There being no further business of the committee, Glenn moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:41pm. Carl seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Herb Kuendig