Pittsfield Town Hall Building Committee Meeting Minutes-November 9, 2020
To listen to a recording of this meeting please click https://fccdl.in/C1WsSaEXWt
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval:October 26, 2020 Meeting
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: November 23, 2020
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:03pm with Glenn Reinauer, Jeremy Rayner, Mike Moran, Tim Carter and Ray Colton in attendance. Mike moved to open meeting. Jeremy seconded.
Minutes Approval: Herb asked if there were any questions or comments on the October 26, 2020 meeting minutes. Ray moved to accept the minutes. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Old Business
New Business
Adjournment-there being no further business, Jeremy moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:35pm. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Approved: November 23, 2020
By: Herb Kuendig
To listen to a recording of this meeting please click https://fccdl.in/C1WsSaEXWt
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval:October 26, 2020 Meeting
Old Business:
- Final design plans
- Update Steel bids
- Update project list
New Business:
- Next Steps
Next Meeting Date: November 23, 2020
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:03pm with Glenn Reinauer, Jeremy Rayner, Mike Moran, Tim Carter and Ray Colton in attendance. Mike moved to open meeting. Jeremy seconded.
Minutes Approval: Herb asked if there were any questions or comments on the October 26, 2020 meeting minutes. Ray moved to accept the minutes. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Old Business
- Final design plans-Herb said he has arranged to pick up three copies of the final design plans that will be stamped for submission with the permit.
- Update Steel bids-members reviewed the bid received from Reed and Sons with a total estimate of $57,639 which included cutting the concrete slab and excavation for the footings, pouring the concrete for the footing and installation of rebar and pouring the concrete to bring it level with the floor, cutting an access hole in the building installing all steel beams and columns, repair hole in building and purchase of steel.
- Update Project list-Members suggested ways to reduce costs and agreed to contact other concrete cutters and other steel installers for estimates. Glenn suggested finding out what the subsoil is under the slab to see if the footings could be made smaller.
New Business
- Next Steps-members discussed contacting Hal Peters, Ray Havey and Keith Hopkins to see if they would be interested in bidding on all or certain projects. Herb moved to call a special meeting on November 16 to discuss any movement on bids. Jeremy seconded. All in favor
Adjournment-there being no further business, Jeremy moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:35pm. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Approved: November 23, 2020
By: Herb Kuendig