Pittsfield Town Hall Building Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE:August 24, 2020
To listen to the recording of the meeting please clickhttps://fccdl.in/M0mLApq1br
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Herb Kuendig, Jeremy Rayner, Ray Colton, Tim Carter, Carl Oertel
(Glenn Reinauer, unable to attend)
Agenda Modifications: none
New Business:
Next Meeting Date:
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:10pm and thanked members for agreeing to serve.
New Business
#1 Organize Committee-Ann called for motions to elect a member of the Committee to serve as Chair. Jeremy moved to have Herb serve as Chair, seconded by Ray. All in favor. Ann offered to serve as a non-voting administrator to record and post minutes and agenda’s, recruit volunteers, help in the outreach for any goods and services the Committee may determine it needs to implement work plans and act as liaison to the Pittsfield Select Board.
#2 Review Select Board Charge-Ann said the Select Board chose members of the Building Committee because of their backgrounds in build and design and desire to implement the First Phase of a work plan developed last year by the Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee and approved by voters at Town Meeting. The goal of the PTH Building Committee is to manage the design and construction of the first-floor support structure in time to reopen Town Hall for Town Meeting in March 2021.
#3Discuss Plan of Action-Ray suggested that the project be broken down into manageable tasks that can be done by committee members and volunteers such as finalizing the design structure and sizes of steel beams, preparing TH for construction by clearing work spaces and prepping the basement ceiling and walls. The group walked over to Town Hall to inspect what will be needed to begin those initial tasks. The Committee agreed to have Ann recruit a group of volunteers for a work party to remove and box every item in the basement kitchen, reposition appliances to the front of the basement and move all tables and chairs upstairs to the main floor for storage. The Committee also agreed to get prices from Abel, Casella and Hubbard dumpster services for a 20-yard dumpster to be placed in the back of Town Hall for demolition material. Ann said she will report back to the Select Board at their next meeting and will seek approval for up to a $2,000 expenditure for initial pre-construction expenses from the Town Hall maintenance line item or the $40,000 Town Hall Construction Fund (of which $30,000 was just approved at the last Town Meeting). The Committee agreed that once the dumpster was in place and most of the kitchen cleared, members would begin demolition to prepare for installation of the new floor structure. Herb also said that he would meet with the engineers who previously inspected Town Hall to begin finalizing the design for the first floor.
#4 Set Meeting Schedule: The committee agreed to meet every other Monday at 5pm.
Next Meetings:September14, 2020
Adjournment:Ann called the meeting to a close at 6:01pm.
Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Approved: September 28, 2020
Herb Kuendig
DATE:August 24, 2020
To listen to the recording of the meeting please clickhttps://fccdl.in/M0mLApq1br
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Herb Kuendig, Jeremy Rayner, Ray Colton, Tim Carter, Carl Oertel
(Glenn Reinauer, unable to attend)
Agenda Modifications: none
New Business:
- Organize Committee
- Review Charge from Select Board
- Discuss Plan of Action
- Set Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting Date:
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:10pm and thanked members for agreeing to serve.
New Business
#1 Organize Committee-Ann called for motions to elect a member of the Committee to serve as Chair. Jeremy moved to have Herb serve as Chair, seconded by Ray. All in favor. Ann offered to serve as a non-voting administrator to record and post minutes and agenda’s, recruit volunteers, help in the outreach for any goods and services the Committee may determine it needs to implement work plans and act as liaison to the Pittsfield Select Board.
#2 Review Select Board Charge-Ann said the Select Board chose members of the Building Committee because of their backgrounds in build and design and desire to implement the First Phase of a work plan developed last year by the Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee and approved by voters at Town Meeting. The goal of the PTH Building Committee is to manage the design and construction of the first-floor support structure in time to reopen Town Hall for Town Meeting in March 2021.
#3Discuss Plan of Action-Ray suggested that the project be broken down into manageable tasks that can be done by committee members and volunteers such as finalizing the design structure and sizes of steel beams, preparing TH for construction by clearing work spaces and prepping the basement ceiling and walls. The group walked over to Town Hall to inspect what will be needed to begin those initial tasks. The Committee agreed to have Ann recruit a group of volunteers for a work party to remove and box every item in the basement kitchen, reposition appliances to the front of the basement and move all tables and chairs upstairs to the main floor for storage. The Committee also agreed to get prices from Abel, Casella and Hubbard dumpster services for a 20-yard dumpster to be placed in the back of Town Hall for demolition material. Ann said she will report back to the Select Board at their next meeting and will seek approval for up to a $2,000 expenditure for initial pre-construction expenses from the Town Hall maintenance line item or the $40,000 Town Hall Construction Fund (of which $30,000 was just approved at the last Town Meeting). The Committee agreed that once the dumpster was in place and most of the kitchen cleared, members would begin demolition to prepare for installation of the new floor structure. Herb also said that he would meet with the engineers who previously inspected Town Hall to begin finalizing the design for the first floor.
#4 Set Meeting Schedule: The committee agreed to meet every other Monday at 5pm.
Next Meetings:September14, 2020
Adjournment:Ann called the meeting to a close at 6:01pm.
Recorded by: Ann Kuendig
Approved: September 28, 2020
Herb Kuendig