Pittsfield Town Hall Building Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 13, 2021
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link: https://bit.ly/3gpqcBJ
Minutes Approval: October 18, 2021
Public Present:
Old Business:
New Business
Next Meeting Date: TBD
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:06pm. Carl seconded. All in Favor.
Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer in attendance.
Agenda Modification: Herb proposed that Town Meeting PTHBC Report be added to agenda as NB# 2. Mike moved to accept modification. Carl seconded. All in favor.
Minutes Approval: October 18, 2021- Mike moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Seconded by Carl. All in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business
New Business
There being no further business of the committee, Carl moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:58pm. Mike seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Approved: February 7, 2022
Herb Kuendig
Monday, December 13, 2021
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link: https://bit.ly/3gpqcBJ
Minutes Approval: October 18, 2021
Public Present:
Old Business:
- Occupancy Permit
- Basement Ceiling
New Business
- Town Meeting Article
- Town Meeting PTHBC Report
Next Meeting Date: TBD
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:06pm. Carl seconded. All in Favor.
Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer in attendance.
Agenda Modification: Herb proposed that Town Meeting PTHBC Report be added to agenda as NB# 2. Mike moved to accept modification. Carl seconded. All in favor.
Minutes Approval: October 18, 2021- Mike moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Seconded by Carl. All in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business
- Occupancy Permit-Herb reported that Fire Marshall Steve Rorison inspected the building and granted a temporary occupancy permit to utilize the first floor of Town Hall. One condition to occupancy is to install an immovable barricade to block stair access to basement. Herb will install. Rorison also pointed out that when work resumes in the basement, two open breaker spaces in the electrical panel need to be plugged.
- Basement Ceiling- Committee had a lengthy discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of two proposed options--leaving the ceiling open or installing a dropped ceiling. Glenn reported on his efforts to clean a small section of the wood and beams then seal the area with deck seal. Glenn said dust and bark was easily removed with a wire brush, but would be labor intensive to use on the entire ceiling. Glenn suggested using a power washer to do the work. Carl and Mike were concerned about introducing water in the basement that could promote mold on the walls and rust on the beams. It was suggested that alternate cleaning methods be investigated, i.e. air compressor or dustless cleaning companies. Mike and Carl suggested the easiest and perhaps cheapest alternative would be to install a dropped ceiling which could be done in house. Action on determining the ceiling was tabled to a future meeting so Carl can talk with Architect Ellen Kurshner about dropped ceiling ideas and cost estimates can be put together on both dropped ceilings and labor and materials involved in leaving the ceiling open.
New Business
- Town Meeting Article- Committee discussed what it would take to get the basement open to the public in a phase three type of scope of work. It was agreed that the remaining funds in the Town Hall reserve fund along with the newly created charitable fund be utilized to reside the front of the building, cover trim work with plastic wood, move the electrical box to the side and replace the front steps. the Committee requested the Select Board place an Article on the Town Meeting Warrant for $38,000 for future renovations.
- Town Meeting Report-Ann circulated a draft of the Town Meeting report from the Building Committee. Members had a few edits. Mike moved to approve the draft with the edits. Carl seconded. All in favor.
There being no further business of the committee, Carl moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:58pm. Mike seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Approved: February 7, 2022
Herb Kuendig