Pittsfield Town Hall Building Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 10, 2021
Minutes Approval: April 26, 2021
Old Business:
New Business
Next Meeting Date: May 24, 2021
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:08pm. Carl seconded. Ray Colton, Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer and Tim Carter in attendance.
Minutes Approval: April 26, 2021- Tim moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Mike seconded. All in favor.
Old Business
New Business
There being no further business of the committee, Mike moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:56pm. Ray seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Approved: June 7, 2021
By: s/Herb Kuendig
Monday, May 10, 2021
Minutes Approval: April 26, 2021
Old Business:
- Update on water mitigation project
- Occupancy permit-upper floor
New Business
- Next Steps
Next Meeting Date: May 24, 2021
Herb called the meeting to order at 5:08pm. Carl seconded. Ray Colton, Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Glenn Reinauer and Tim Carter in attendance.
Minutes Approval: April 26, 2021- Tim moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Mike seconded. All in favor.
Old Business
- Update on Water mitigation project-committee finalized scope of project; Charlie Bowen will cut stair cement pad and asphalt along south wall ($750); Dave Colton Excavating will dig trench along west and south walls (and remove bush and lawn from front) out to backyard (to daylight)(not to exceed $3,000); George Deblon will remove fill and dispose; John LaRosa from Nicom will apply waterproofing membrane on exposed foundation walls and cover with protection board ($930); Dave Colton will determine drainage pipe specs, layout etc. and install with George and Committee members; George will purchase and transport grade A stone (50 tons @$9.00 ton) to fill trench; Charlie will re-asphalt trench in south parking lot area ($1350) and asphalt entire front of building (no estimate as of yet) Ray moved to have Herb reach out to contractors to coordinate tasks. Carl seconded. All in favor.
- Occupancy Permit Upper Floor-Herb met with the fire Marshall who pointed out four things to do to get occupancy permit for the main floor. Point the lights on the fire exit down; replace bulb in exit sign; tape entrance of basement stairs and fix fire door so it opens more easily. Herb will coordinate with committee to address list and contact Patrick Banks when they are completed.
New Business
- Next Steps-The committee discussed the condition of the front steps. Carl suggested that three additional boards be added to the platform and a lower hand rail be attached to the existing hand rail to bring it into code.Mike and Carl will pull the stairs out away from the building in the next two weeks to prepare for the cement pad cutting. They will also mark the pad and asphalt for Charlie Bowen. The suggestion was made to have cement contractor inspect the foundation wall once it is exposed. Carl moved to have Herb contact Dave Mackensie to set this up. Mike seconded. All in favor. Mike also questioned whether to reuse studs along walls in basement for walls and the committee discussed what kind of insulation to use or whether there was need for insulation at all along the foundation walls.
There being no further business of the committee, Mike moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:56pm. Ray seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Approved: June 7, 2021
By: s/Herb Kuendig