Monday, February 21, 2022
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click this link:
Minutes Approval: February 7, 2022
Public Present: Henry Haefner
Old Business:
- Rescue Plan Modifications & Estimates
New Business
- Next Steps
Next Meeting Date:
Carl called the meeting to order at 5:06pm. Ray seconded. All in Favor.
Herb Kuendig, Mike Moran, Carl Oertel, Ray Colton in attendance.
Agenda Modification: New Committee member as NB#2 (see below) and taken out of order as the first order of business.
Minutes Approval: February 7, 2022- Mike moved that the meeting minutes be accepted. Herb seconded. All in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business:
- Rescue Plan Proposal Modifications & Estimates: Members had a long discussion on the proposal to create an emergency shelter at Town Hall focusing on the priority item on the list—installation of a whole building generator. Ann met with electrician Mike Juris who estimated the generator would need to be at least 24Kw to run lights, heat, water heater, well pump and kitchen in an emergency. He received quotes from Generac and estimated total cost with labor to be around $15,000 not including cement pad for generator and costs to hook up to a propane tank. Mike had an appointment with Brookfield Generators to review Town Hall needs and get an estimate from them. (They use Kohler generators). Mike noted that contractors need to know that plans call for replacing the hot water heater with an insta hot wall unit for accurate estimates. There was some discussion of options for the ceiling, but it was agreed the committee would wait to get cost estimates of each option and make a decision when all members are present.
New Business:
- Next Steps: Members agreed to begin getting prices for materials and labor. New member Henry Haefner volunteered to put together a scope of work including the progression of each item. Herb suggested the committee meet again in three weeks to review scope of work and estimates. Carl moved to hold the next meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022 at 5pm. Ray seconded. All in favor.
- New Committee Member: The committee extended an invitation to Henry Haefner who has experience as a construction manager and has volunteered for other Town construction projects to join the committee. Henry accepted. Herb moved for the committee to approve Henry as a new member. Carl seconded. All in favor.
There being no further business of the committee, Carl moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:41pm. Mike seconded. All in favor.
Recorded by:
s/Ann Kuendig
Approved: March 21. 2022
Herb Kuendig