To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4h23Eod
DATE: January 16, 2025
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
· C#4 – Rochester Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
· OB#3 – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue
· January 9, 2025 Budget Meeting
· January 2, 2025 Budget and Regular Meetings
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Assessment Form
2. MERP COI Submission
3. Community Safety Project
4. Rochester LHMP
1. Insurance – EMS
2. Audit – RFP Update
3. Town Highway – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue. Their concern is that the widening of the road is encroaching on their property.
4. Hop-kins Right of Way
1. Financial – Treasurer’s Report December
2. Mahoney Artisan Fair
3. TRORC – Shared Services
4. AOT – Certificate of Mileage
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2025 @5:30pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting of the Pittsfield Select Board to order at 5:36pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. She had two Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce made a motion to approve the Regular and Budget meetings of January 2nd and January 9th. Ann seconded the motion. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
January 16, 2025
1. Vt Agency of Transportation – Assessment Form. Ann said that this is a new form AOT is sending out
to ensure that municipalities who are the recipient of grants are in compliance. Ann moved to
have Trish fill out the form. It’s due by January 24th. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Grants - MERP Certificate of Insurance Submission. Ann explained that when the grant was filled out
for the $15,800, a Certificate of Insurance needed to be enclosed. They are now requesting one for
2025. VLCT is in the process of providing them. This is just an acknowledgement that we understand
That it’s going to be late. Ann said she would forward this to Trish.
3. Community Safety Project – Ann said that she received an email asking if discussions between the Select
Boards of Pittsfield, Stockbridge, and Rochester to name a committee to work on this project. There
has been trouble finding emergency assistance. Need to do a better job of getting the word out. Should
there be an advertisement to form a committee to address this?
4. Rochester Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Ann asked the Board to review this for any comments.
Discussion. It was decided to keep it as a model for when it next is addressed in five years in Pittsfield.
1. Insurance – EMS. This issue has not been resolved. Ann said that the last communication with Matt at
WRVA was a request to send over any documents that indicated that WRVA would provide ambulance
service to Pittsfield. What PACIF is really looking for is anything that says WRVA is going to provide insurance for our firefighters or EMS crews who are sent out. Discussion. EMS seems to be indicating Pittsfield Fire should apply for a license to operate EMS first response.
It was decided to invite PACIF to the next meeting as well as the
EMS programs administrator and Stockbridge Select Board and Fire Department.
2. Audit – RFP Update. Ann said that the ad ran for 30 days on the VLCT advertisement site. There were two negative responses and two positive ones. they came from a Chicago company, Roth and Company, that works nationwide and a Montpelier accounting firm. Sullivan.
3. Town Highway – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue. They spoke with the Select Board off the record last week siting their concerns over the widening of the road and its encroachment on their property. Discussion. They are willing to move their markers back one foot. The Board said they would remind George about
planning the second phase of a project to recondition the lower portion of Upper Michigan and discuss state road requirements.
1. Financial – Treasurer’s Report December. Discussion about traffic ticket income. A question regarding the increase in the school fund expense was asked, but was told it was just an estimate. Ann moved to approve the December financials. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Event – Joyce said that Trish Mahoney reached out and would like to hold a 1-day pop-up Artisan Fair
on the Green. This would be held in the summer. Discussion. Ann told Joyce that she could send out
the policy and have Ms. Mahoney return it with a date. Then Trish can add it to the Town Calendar.
3. TRORC – Shared Services. Ann said that she has been attending meetings over the last few years to discuss the idea of a shared position with other towns. A draft proposal
listing the items that towns need help with (grants, roads and highway positions, pre-incident command) were included. There was also some discussion about hiring someone for 6-8hrs per month to do administrative work.
Discussion. Ann said she would respond to TRORC and their request to meet with the Select Board in February.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
January 16, 2025
4. AOT – Certificate of Mileage. Ann said that this is the follow-up to the discontinuance of the road. We
had 10 ¼ miles of Class 4 roads minus 367’ equals 10 1/8th miles. Ann said she pulled the Minutes that
they are requesting and attach a signed copy of the proceedings.
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2025 @5:30pm Town Hall
Respectfully submitted
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4h23Eod
DATE: January 16, 2025
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
· C#4 – Rochester Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
· OB#3 – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue
· January 9, 2025 Budget Meeting
· January 2, 2025 Budget and Regular Meetings
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Assessment Form
2. MERP COI Submission
3. Community Safety Project
4. Rochester LHMP
1. Insurance – EMS
2. Audit – RFP Update
3. Town Highway – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue. Their concern is that the widening of the road is encroaching on their property.
4. Hop-kins Right of Way
1. Financial – Treasurer’s Report December
2. Mahoney Artisan Fair
3. TRORC – Shared Services
4. AOT – Certificate of Mileage
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2025 @5:30pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting of the Pittsfield Select Board to order at 5:36pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. She had two Agenda Modifications (see above). Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce made a motion to approve the Regular and Budget meetings of January 2nd and January 9th. Ann seconded the motion. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
January 16, 2025
1. Vt Agency of Transportation – Assessment Form. Ann said that this is a new form AOT is sending out
to ensure that municipalities who are the recipient of grants are in compliance. Ann moved to
have Trish fill out the form. It’s due by January 24th. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Grants - MERP Certificate of Insurance Submission. Ann explained that when the grant was filled out
for the $15,800, a Certificate of Insurance needed to be enclosed. They are now requesting one for
2025. VLCT is in the process of providing them. This is just an acknowledgement that we understand
That it’s going to be late. Ann said she would forward this to Trish.
3. Community Safety Project – Ann said that she received an email asking if discussions between the Select
Boards of Pittsfield, Stockbridge, and Rochester to name a committee to work on this project. There
has been trouble finding emergency assistance. Need to do a better job of getting the word out. Should
there be an advertisement to form a committee to address this?
4. Rochester Local Hazard Mitigation Plan – Ann asked the Board to review this for any comments.
Discussion. It was decided to keep it as a model for when it next is addressed in five years in Pittsfield.
1. Insurance – EMS. This issue has not been resolved. Ann said that the last communication with Matt at
WRVA was a request to send over any documents that indicated that WRVA would provide ambulance
service to Pittsfield. What PACIF is really looking for is anything that says WRVA is going to provide insurance for our firefighters or EMS crews who are sent out. Discussion. EMS seems to be indicating Pittsfield Fire should apply for a license to operate EMS first response.
It was decided to invite PACIF to the next meeting as well as the
EMS programs administrator and Stockbridge Select Board and Fire Department.
2. Audit – RFP Update. Ann said that the ad ran for 30 days on the VLCT advertisement site. There were two negative responses and two positive ones. they came from a Chicago company, Roth and Company, that works nationwide and a Montpelier accounting firm. Sullivan.
3. Town Highway – Hopkins’ Right of Way issue. They spoke with the Select Board off the record last week siting their concerns over the widening of the road and its encroachment on their property. Discussion. They are willing to move their markers back one foot. The Board said they would remind George about
planning the second phase of a project to recondition the lower portion of Upper Michigan and discuss state road requirements.
1. Financial – Treasurer’s Report December. Discussion about traffic ticket income. A question regarding the increase in the school fund expense was asked, but was told it was just an estimate. Ann moved to approve the December financials. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Event – Joyce said that Trish Mahoney reached out and would like to hold a 1-day pop-up Artisan Fair
on the Green. This would be held in the summer. Discussion. Ann told Joyce that she could send out
the policy and have Ms. Mahoney return it with a date. Then Trish can add it to the Town Calendar.
3. TRORC – Shared Services. Ann said that she has been attending meetings over the last few years to discuss the idea of a shared position with other towns. A draft proposal
listing the items that towns need help with (grants, roads and highway positions, pre-incident command) were included. There was also some discussion about hiring someone for 6-8hrs per month to do administrative work.
Discussion. Ann said she would respond to TRORC and their request to meet with the Select Board in February.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
January 16, 2025
4. AOT – Certificate of Mileage. Ann said that this is the follow-up to the discontinuance of the road. We
had 10 ¼ miles of Class 4 roads minus 367’ equals 10 1/8th miles. Ann said she pulled the Minutes that
they are requesting and attach a signed copy of the proceedings.
As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2025 @5:30pm Town Hall
Respectfully submitted
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben