To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3UtyEW7
DATE: January 18, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Trish Abbondelo
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 4, 2024 and January 11, 2024
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:02pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented two Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the January 4th and 11th meetings. AJ seconded. All in favor. As Trish was present, Ann moved to take OB#1, 2, and 3 and NB#2 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Grants – MTAP for Capital Budgets. The Municipal Technical Assistance Program has sent a notice on using this program to look at the Town’s capital budgets and review ways to improve it at no cost. Ann said that she responded to TRORC with a copy of our Capital Improvement Budget requesting they review our Capital Improvement Budget and make recommendations.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
January 18, 2024
2. Grants – MERP Energy Assessment. Ann said that the contractor, CX Associates, will be coming on Wednesday, January 24th at 8am. The office will be closed to the public for several hours while the blower test is conducted. It will reopen at 10am. Trish will be present to explain the issues that have happened in the past. Ann said she would find out how long it will take to write up the report with recommendations.
3. Grants – Downtown Transportation Fund. Ann said that funding is available for Designated Village Centers to use towards transportation issues. This is a $200,000 with a 20% match. The application deadline is February.
1. Budget – Final Budget Approval. Trish opened by saying that the budget is complete. Undesignated Funds for the Cemetery and Highway have been added. The budget was reviewed a final time and there was some discussion and clarifications made. Ann moved to approve the FY25 proposed budget and accepting the Budget Summary which will result in a municipal tax rate of 0.4108. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Budget - Budget Summary. Trish explained that she didn’t add the Library and Fire Department figures to the Summary because they are already included elsewhere, so she left them out. Discussion. Trish pointed out the anticipated tax rates and noted how much of an increase there was in the education rate.
1. Warrant – approval. The Warning was reviewed and Articles were added pertaining to the Sand Shed Fund and cannabis retailers. Joyce moved to accept the Warning. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Trish noted that her name was incorrect. Ann said she would make the correction and leave a copy in the office for signatures. She then moved to approve the edited Warning. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. 113 Park Place – Deed Restriction Update. Ann said that she pulled the old deed and checked to make sure the changes that were needed were made. A question about the signatures on the corrected deed was discussed. Ann moved to approve the corrected deed. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Buyout – Update. Ann said that she sent the appraisal information for 593 Route 100 to the property owner and she came back with some questions. VT Mitigation Office responded and sent the answers to Ann who forwarded them to property owner. Work can be done in the spring. The Board reviewed the timeline of what needs to be done. An extension can be requested if any of the work approaches next winter. The State has said that we can start the process by contacting the Town’s Attorney. Ann moved to engage the Town Attorney to start the closing research on the property. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Annual Mileage Certificate. Ann moved to sign the certificate. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Finances – December Financials. The Chart of Accounts was reviewed with Trish and some changes/corrections made to descriptions and some categories. Joyce questioned the $25,000 budget in the Highway Garage line item. Trish said that $25,000 should be in the Garage Maintenance Reserve Fund and the line item should be $600.00. Joyce also questioned why the General Fund budget comparison shows a $215,551.47 deficit in total expenses for half the fiscal year. It was agreed Joyce will review numbers and the Select Board will discuss them at the next
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
January 18, 2024
meeting. Ann wanted to know if the $6,096.76 in the General Fund grants from the State paid in error was the reimbursement for the Highway Grants in Aid Pilot Project. Trish said it was and was included in the Highway Fund under Inter Fund Transfers. It was agreed that these reimbursements will go under the Grants in Aid Pilot Program line item to better track highway reimbursements. Ann wanted to know why $2,303.79 had been expended in the Fire Department Heating-Other line item which should reflect the pre-buy propane expense of $1,844.29. Trish determined that two expenses of $399.00 and $59.65 were erroneously included in that line item.
3. Town Hall – rental request. Ann said that a request has been received to rent the upstairs at Town Hall. Discussion about rental fees. The Board felt that the policy needs to be looked at again. In the meantime, the Board will let Trish know to add it to the calendar.
OTHER BUSINESS: Ann moved to cancel the meeting for January 25, 2024. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:32pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: February 1, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3UtyEW7
DATE: January 18, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Trish Abbondelo
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 4, 2024 and January 11, 2024
- OB#5 – Buyout Update
- NB#3 – Town Hall rental request
- Grants – MTAP for Capital Budgets
- Grants – MERP Energy Assessment
- Grants – Downtown Transportation Fund
- Budget – Final Budget Approval
- Budget - Budget Summary
- Warrant – approval
- 113 Park Place – Deed Restriction Update
- VT Agency of Transportation – Annual Mileage Certificate
- Finances – December Financials
- Budget – January 25, 2024
- Regular – February 1, 2024
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:02pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Ann presented two Agenda Modifications (see above). Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the January 4th and 11th meetings. AJ seconded. All in favor. As Trish was present, Ann moved to take OB#1, 2, and 3 and NB#2 out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Grants – MTAP for Capital Budgets. The Municipal Technical Assistance Program has sent a notice on using this program to look at the Town’s capital budgets and review ways to improve it at no cost. Ann said that she responded to TRORC with a copy of our Capital Improvement Budget requesting they review our Capital Improvement Budget and make recommendations.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
January 18, 2024
2. Grants – MERP Energy Assessment. Ann said that the contractor, CX Associates, will be coming on Wednesday, January 24th at 8am. The office will be closed to the public for several hours while the blower test is conducted. It will reopen at 10am. Trish will be present to explain the issues that have happened in the past. Ann said she would find out how long it will take to write up the report with recommendations.
3. Grants – Downtown Transportation Fund. Ann said that funding is available for Designated Village Centers to use towards transportation issues. This is a $200,000 with a 20% match. The application deadline is February.
1. Budget – Final Budget Approval. Trish opened by saying that the budget is complete. Undesignated Funds for the Cemetery and Highway have been added. The budget was reviewed a final time and there was some discussion and clarifications made. Ann moved to approve the FY25 proposed budget and accepting the Budget Summary which will result in a municipal tax rate of 0.4108. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Budget - Budget Summary. Trish explained that she didn’t add the Library and Fire Department figures to the Summary because they are already included elsewhere, so she left them out. Discussion. Trish pointed out the anticipated tax rates and noted how much of an increase there was in the education rate.
1. Warrant – approval. The Warning was reviewed and Articles were added pertaining to the Sand Shed Fund and cannabis retailers. Joyce moved to accept the Warning. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. Trish noted that her name was incorrect. Ann said she would make the correction and leave a copy in the office for signatures. She then moved to approve the edited Warning. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. 113 Park Place – Deed Restriction Update. Ann said that she pulled the old deed and checked to make sure the changes that were needed were made. A question about the signatures on the corrected deed was discussed. Ann moved to approve the corrected deed. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Buyout – Update. Ann said that she sent the appraisal information for 593 Route 100 to the property owner and she came back with some questions. VT Mitigation Office responded and sent the answers to Ann who forwarded them to property owner. Work can be done in the spring. The Board reviewed the timeline of what needs to be done. An extension can be requested if any of the work approaches next winter. The State has said that we can start the process by contacting the Town’s Attorney. Ann moved to engage the Town Attorney to start the closing research on the property. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. VT Agency of Transportation – Annual Mileage Certificate. Ann moved to sign the certificate. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Finances – December Financials. The Chart of Accounts was reviewed with Trish and some changes/corrections made to descriptions and some categories. Joyce questioned the $25,000 budget in the Highway Garage line item. Trish said that $25,000 should be in the Garage Maintenance Reserve Fund and the line item should be $600.00. Joyce also questioned why the General Fund budget comparison shows a $215,551.47 deficit in total expenses for half the fiscal year. It was agreed Joyce will review numbers and the Select Board will discuss them at the next
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
January 18, 2024
meeting. Ann wanted to know if the $6,096.76 in the General Fund grants from the State paid in error was the reimbursement for the Highway Grants in Aid Pilot Project. Trish said it was and was included in the Highway Fund under Inter Fund Transfers. It was agreed that these reimbursements will go under the Grants in Aid Pilot Program line item to better track highway reimbursements. Ann wanted to know why $2,303.79 had been expended in the Fire Department Heating-Other line item which should reflect the pre-buy propane expense of $1,844.29. Trish determined that two expenses of $399.00 and $59.65 were erroneously included in that line item.
3. Town Hall – rental request. Ann said that a request has been received to rent the upstairs at Town Hall. Discussion about rental fees. The Board felt that the policy needs to be looked at again. In the meantime, the Board will let Trish know to add it to the calendar.
- Budget – January 25, 2024
- Regular – February 1, 2024
OTHER BUSINESS: Ann moved to cancel the meeting for January 25, 2024. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:32pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: February 1, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben