To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3T78nLO
DATE: February 15, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#6 – Independent Contractor paperwork :Novotny, Waterman Marshall
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 1, 2024
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. She said there was one Agenda Modification (see above) for Richard Waterman, Corey Novotny, and Don Marshall. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of February 1, 2024. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. As Herb was here regarding OB#7, Ann moved to take this out of order. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
February 15, 2024
1. VT Center for Independent Living – The Board received a brochure regarding onsite vaccinations. This was accepted and will be posted.
2. Endo International – This correspondence is regarding a solicitation letter from debtors to vote on a reorganization plan and the resolution for private opioid claimants. Ann said she contacted the VT Attorney General’s Office to see what the Town should do. They indicated that no action is required from local municipalities. It has nothing to do with the public settlement. AJ was asked to review this.
3. White River Natural Resources Conservation District – This is a notification of a local working group meeting to be held online on February 22nd.
1. Grants - EV Charging Grants. Ann said she is looking into this and there is a pre-application which must be submitted by February 29th. It asks for contact information and type of business. We would ask for a Level 2/1 charging station located in one of the overnight spaces in front of the office. Ann moved to sign and submit the pre-application. Joyce seconded. All in favor. If it were decided not to pursue this, nothing more would need to be done.
2. Grants - Energy Development Grants from Green Mountain Power. The deadline for applying is March 1st and involves a 41-page application. Ann said she contacted Paquette Plumbing & Heating for an estimate for heat pumps. The grant would involve 20% from the Town. Ann said she felt that there would be more grants like this forthcoming.
3. 593 Route 100 – Environmental Survey. Ann spoke with the owner and George. Carrie said she used propane, but George said the property did have an above ground oil tank that was used at one time. She added that Carrie has not yet signed the voluntary agreement. It was decided not to do the survey.
4. Town Meeting – update. Ann said she has cleaned the coffee pots and posted a notice about the brunch looking for volunteers. She said she has received some responses. She also said she is updating the brochure for volunteers. Discussion. Ann said she would write up the announcements for George. The plan is to set up the Town Hall on Friday the 8th.
5. Town Hall – Project Invoices/Maintenance. Ann said that the front door came to $1800.00. Paquette Plumbing & Heating has indicated maintenance for the heat pump would be $150/per unit per year. Ann explained what would be involved and whether the Board could do the maintenance.
6. Town Hall – Rental Policy/Management Procedure. AJ said that he contacted an insurance company regarding the use of alcohol. There was discussion regarding the wording of liquor useage in the rental contract. Ann said she would update the rental policy and bring it to the next meeting for approval. The cleaning schedule was also discussed.
7. Listers - Assessor’s Contract. The Board has been looking for someone who could do the computer work for the Listers. This is something that Betty has been doing. Joyce said that Trish said that she would be interested and could do the work on her off-days. Discussion. It was decided to table this to the March 14th meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
February 15, 2024
1. Town Roads – Town & Bridge Standards Certificate. This is completed annually. Ann moved to sign it. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Treasurer’s Report – January. Ann said that Trish has proposed a new way of reviewing this report. She would like the Board to review it prior to the meeting and send her any questions, so that she can respond. AJ moved to accept the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Town Office – Projects/Maintenance
· Don Marshall painting
· Proposal for stand-up desks - $2500.00 – unapproved
· Application to PACIF – loss control report done last year – new door
· Outside AC units need maintenance. Trish and Ann have been looking for a company to do this. Trish also wants the ductwork cleaned and this is a priority. AJ said he will work on finding someone for this.
4. Recreation – Basketball Court paving. Ann said she needs help finding someone. Joyce said she would take on this project and report back to Ann.
5. Select Board – Meeting Time. The Board discussed changing the meeting time to 5pm. AJ felt he might have to come late due to work. AJ made a motion to move the meeting time to 5:30pm starting March 14th. Ann seconded. All in favor.
6. Independent Contractor – paperwork x 3. Ann moved to accept the paperwork for Richard Waterman, Corey Novotny, and Don Marshall. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Special Meeting – February 21, 2024 @11 AM (Road Discontinuance). The Board will meet at the Town Hall before going to the site. The meeting will follow at the Town Hall.
2. Regular Meeting – March 14, 2024 @5:30pm
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 14, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3T78nLO
DATE: February 15, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#6 – Independent Contractor paperwork :Novotny, Waterman Marshall
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 1, 2024
- VT Center for Independent Living
- Endo International
- White River Natural Resources Conservation District
- EV Charging Grants
- Energy Development Grants – GMP
- 593 Route 100 Environmental Survey
- Town Meeting Update
- Town Hall Project Invoices/Maintenance
- Town Hall Rental Policy/Management Procedure
- Board of Listers Assessor’s Contract
- Town & Bridge Standards Certificate
- Treasurer’s Report – January
- Town Office Projects/Maintenance
- Basketball Court Paving
- Select Board Meeting Time
- Independent Contractor – paperwork x 3
- Special Meeting – February 21, 2024 @11 AM (Road Discontinuance)
- Regular Meeting – March 7
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. She said there was one Agenda Modification (see above) for Richard Waterman, Corey Novotny, and Don Marshall. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of February 1, 2024. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. As Herb was here regarding OB#7, Ann moved to take this out of order. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
February 15, 2024
1. VT Center for Independent Living – The Board received a brochure regarding onsite vaccinations. This was accepted and will be posted.
2. Endo International – This correspondence is regarding a solicitation letter from debtors to vote on a reorganization plan and the resolution for private opioid claimants. Ann said she contacted the VT Attorney General’s Office to see what the Town should do. They indicated that no action is required from local municipalities. It has nothing to do with the public settlement. AJ was asked to review this.
3. White River Natural Resources Conservation District – This is a notification of a local working group meeting to be held online on February 22nd.
1. Grants - EV Charging Grants. Ann said she is looking into this and there is a pre-application which must be submitted by February 29th. It asks for contact information and type of business. We would ask for a Level 2/1 charging station located in one of the overnight spaces in front of the office. Ann moved to sign and submit the pre-application. Joyce seconded. All in favor. If it were decided not to pursue this, nothing more would need to be done.
2. Grants - Energy Development Grants from Green Mountain Power. The deadline for applying is March 1st and involves a 41-page application. Ann said she contacted Paquette Plumbing & Heating for an estimate for heat pumps. The grant would involve 20% from the Town. Ann said she felt that there would be more grants like this forthcoming.
3. 593 Route 100 – Environmental Survey. Ann spoke with the owner and George. Carrie said she used propane, but George said the property did have an above ground oil tank that was used at one time. She added that Carrie has not yet signed the voluntary agreement. It was decided not to do the survey.
4. Town Meeting – update. Ann said she has cleaned the coffee pots and posted a notice about the brunch looking for volunteers. She said she has received some responses. She also said she is updating the brochure for volunteers. Discussion. Ann said she would write up the announcements for George. The plan is to set up the Town Hall on Friday the 8th.
5. Town Hall – Project Invoices/Maintenance. Ann said that the front door came to $1800.00. Paquette Plumbing & Heating has indicated maintenance for the heat pump would be $150/per unit per year. Ann explained what would be involved and whether the Board could do the maintenance.
6. Town Hall – Rental Policy/Management Procedure. AJ said that he contacted an insurance company regarding the use of alcohol. There was discussion regarding the wording of liquor useage in the rental contract. Ann said she would update the rental policy and bring it to the next meeting for approval. The cleaning schedule was also discussed.
7. Listers - Assessor’s Contract. The Board has been looking for someone who could do the computer work for the Listers. This is something that Betty has been doing. Joyce said that Trish said that she would be interested and could do the work on her off-days. Discussion. It was decided to table this to the March 14th meeting.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
February 15, 2024
1. Town Roads – Town & Bridge Standards Certificate. This is completed annually. Ann moved to sign it. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Treasurer’s Report – January. Ann said that Trish has proposed a new way of reviewing this report. She would like the Board to review it prior to the meeting and send her any questions, so that she can respond. AJ moved to accept the report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Town Office – Projects/Maintenance
· Don Marshall painting
· Proposal for stand-up desks - $2500.00 – unapproved
· Application to PACIF – loss control report done last year – new door
· Outside AC units need maintenance. Trish and Ann have been looking for a company to do this. Trish also wants the ductwork cleaned and this is a priority. AJ said he will work on finding someone for this.
4. Recreation – Basketball Court paving. Ann said she needs help finding someone. Joyce said she would take on this project and report back to Ann.
5. Select Board – Meeting Time. The Board discussed changing the meeting time to 5pm. AJ felt he might have to come late due to work. AJ made a motion to move the meeting time to 5:30pm starting March 14th. Ann seconded. All in favor.
6. Independent Contractor – paperwork x 3. Ann moved to accept the paperwork for Richard Waterman, Corey Novotny, and Don Marshall. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Special Meeting – February 21, 2024 @11 AM (Road Discontinuance). The Board will meet at the Town Hall before going to the site. The meeting will follow at the Town Hall.
2. Regular Meeting – March 14, 2024 @5:30pm
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 14, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben