To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3BLDaIe
DATE: December 12, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben Joyce Stevens, absent
PUBLIC PRESENT: Wade Masure via Teams, Vern and Patty Haskins
MINUTES APPROVAL: December 5, 2024 Regular Meeting
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Tweed Valley Travelers
2. Veterans, Inc. – Informational correspondence
3. Green Mountain Power – Energy Innovation Team
1. Audit – RFP update
2. Fire Department – Fence update
3. Insurance – EMS
1. Listers – Errors and Omissions Document
· Regular & Budget: January 2, 2025 5:30pm Town Hall
· Budget: January 9, 2025 5pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:34pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. There was one Agenda Modification (see above). Ann moved to take NB#2 out of order and bring it to the top of the Agenda. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann moved to take Insurance – EMS out of order. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Tweed Valley Travelers. The group sent an email to the Select Board asking the Town to speak with Bruce Shaw about the firewood that’s been blocking the Lower Michigan Road and access to snowmobile trails They are concerned that the snowmobile trails open on December 16th and the sleds and groomers might be damaged unless it’s cleared. Ann said she spoke with George, and he said he’s also had conversations with Bruce. This section is Class 3 not a Class 4 road which makes it a town highway. Bruce has said that they have been ill and unable to move the wood to the house. AJ felt that if they cannot move the firewood, getting some volunteers to help would take care of the problem. He said he would speak with Bruce.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 12, 2024
2. Veterans, Inc. – Informational correspondence. Ann said that this correspondence is to inform Towns what can be done for homeless veterans. This notice will be posted.
3. Green Mountain Power – Energy Innovation Team. GMP can help the Town move to clean electric energy. Table until an action plan.
1. Audit – RFP update. Once company has decided not to take this on. No word from the 2nd. RFP was posted on VLCT Classified webpage. Ann said she would reach out to a 3rd company so that there are two competing.
2. Fire Department – Fence update. This project is progressing. Ann said the steel has been ordered and will be delivered to the school on Monday. Ann said she has purchased primer and brushes. Ann was going to touch base with the school regarding employment contract.
3. Insurance – EMS. Ann explained what has been going on with this issue. She explained to Wade what she had been told in conversations with Matt Parrish, the Executive Director of WRVA. Currently only Rachel Hunt is covered by WRVA’s insurance as she works for them. If she is responding with the Town’s rescue, WRVA is not covering her. Wade said that PACIF covers Pittsfield’s Fire and Rescue He said he will clarify and work with the underwriters. Discussion. Two separate things. Group to establish a squad to get licensed by the State Health Department EMS Division. The Board thanked Wade for attending.
1. Listers – Errors and Omissions Document. Ann explained why this is addressed annually. Ann made a motion for the Select Board to accept this. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Vern and Patty Haskins. Ann reviewed what the issue was. The Haskins had written to the Board and was discussed at the most recent meeting. Patty explained that the lights are shining in neighboring homes. AJ felt that a compromise could be made by turning the lights off when they aren’t in use. He felt they might be able to be adjusted. The Board thought they would have to hire someone to come in and adjust the light. The change in the hours would need to be publicized to make users aware. Ann said they will contact A-1 and get them to disconnect the light that’s facing Route 100 lights as a temporary measure while investigating reducing the brightness and/or re positioning the light head.. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
· Regular & Budget: January 2, 2025 5:00pm Town Office
· Budget: January 9, 2025 5pm Town Office
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben_____________________
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3BLDaIe
DATE: December 12, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben Joyce Stevens, absent
PUBLIC PRESENT: Wade Masure via Teams, Vern and Patty Haskins
MINUTES APPROVAL: December 5, 2024 Regular Meeting
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Tweed Valley Travelers
2. Veterans, Inc. – Informational correspondence
3. Green Mountain Power – Energy Innovation Team
1. Audit – RFP update
2. Fire Department – Fence update
3. Insurance – EMS
1. Listers – Errors and Omissions Document
· Regular & Budget: January 2, 2025 5:30pm Town Hall
· Budget: January 9, 2025 5pm Town Office
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:34pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. There was one Agenda Modification (see above). Ann moved to take NB#2 out of order and bring it to the top of the Agenda. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann moved to take Insurance – EMS out of order. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Tweed Valley Travelers. The group sent an email to the Select Board asking the Town to speak with Bruce Shaw about the firewood that’s been blocking the Lower Michigan Road and access to snowmobile trails They are concerned that the snowmobile trails open on December 16th and the sleds and groomers might be damaged unless it’s cleared. Ann said she spoke with George, and he said he’s also had conversations with Bruce. This section is Class 3 not a Class 4 road which makes it a town highway. Bruce has said that they have been ill and unable to move the wood to the house. AJ felt that if they cannot move the firewood, getting some volunteers to help would take care of the problem. He said he would speak with Bruce.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
December 12, 2024
2. Veterans, Inc. – Informational correspondence. Ann said that this correspondence is to inform Towns what can be done for homeless veterans. This notice will be posted.
3. Green Mountain Power – Energy Innovation Team. GMP can help the Town move to clean electric energy. Table until an action plan.
1. Audit – RFP update. Once company has decided not to take this on. No word from the 2nd. RFP was posted on VLCT Classified webpage. Ann said she would reach out to a 3rd company so that there are two competing.
2. Fire Department – Fence update. This project is progressing. Ann said the steel has been ordered and will be delivered to the school on Monday. Ann said she has purchased primer and brushes. Ann was going to touch base with the school regarding employment contract.
3. Insurance – EMS. Ann explained what has been going on with this issue. She explained to Wade what she had been told in conversations with Matt Parrish, the Executive Director of WRVA. Currently only Rachel Hunt is covered by WRVA’s insurance as she works for them. If she is responding with the Town’s rescue, WRVA is not covering her. Wade said that PACIF covers Pittsfield’s Fire and Rescue He said he will clarify and work with the underwriters. Discussion. Two separate things. Group to establish a squad to get licensed by the State Health Department EMS Division. The Board thanked Wade for attending.
1. Listers – Errors and Omissions Document. Ann explained why this is addressed annually. Ann made a motion for the Select Board to accept this. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Vern and Patty Haskins. Ann reviewed what the issue was. The Haskins had written to the Board and was discussed at the most recent meeting. Patty explained that the lights are shining in neighboring homes. AJ felt that a compromise could be made by turning the lights off when they aren’t in use. He felt they might be able to be adjusted. The Board thought they would have to hire someone to come in and adjust the light. The change in the hours would need to be publicized to make users aware. Ann said they will contact A-1 and get them to disconnect the light that’s facing Route 100 lights as a temporary measure while investigating reducing the brightness and/or re positioning the light head.. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
· Regular & Budget: January 2, 2025 5:00pm Town Office
· Budget: January 9, 2025 5pm Town Office
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens AJ Ruben_____________________