To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3XGmRDJ (no audio)
DATE: September 19, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben, Joyce Stevens
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Recreation Grant Reimbursement-OB#5
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Joyce seconded. She welcomed Geena Baber from TRORC and explained the 10-year Capital Budget project she has been working on. Ann moved to take OB#1 out of order, AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
September 19, 2024
1. Emergency Management – LEMP-VEM Changes. This correspondence from Vermont Emergency Management explains the changing ways towns will be updating their emergency management plans. Ann said copies were sent to Emergency Mgt Co-directors Ryan and Candace.
2. Road Inventory. This notice is to remind Towns that they need to conduct two inventories for VTRANS, one is for culverts the other for road erosion compliance. Ann will send the form to George for action. She noted that the last inventory recorded by VTANS was completed in 2016. Bridges also need review.
1. Appointments – Green-Up Day. It was suggested that perhaps Kristina would consent to work with Olivia as coordinator. Joyce said she would ask.
2. Town Hall – Wi-Fi Extender. Saguaro has quoted a price of $4,226 for extending WIFI to Town Hall from Town Office building. Joyce met with Saguaro ‘s Brian Davis who inspected the building and then revised the quote to $3,200. This quote also includes updating the current WIFI 5 to WIFI 7 which will create more capacity for extra devices. Joyce suggested waiting to act after the Board sees how much is in the Computer Fund. The Board plans to meet next week with more information.
3. Grants – MERP Project Implementation Grant. Ann explained the conversations she has had with Harry from TRORC who is filling out the energy implementation grant application that is now due September 27, 2024. Joyce got an estimate for installing heat pumps at Town Office between $25-$30K and will get estimates of converting lights to LED and replacing Town Office Windows next week to be forwarded to Harry so he will have accurate estimates of funds that will be needed for these projects.
4. Policy – Village Green Use Policy. Ann said she sent out one paragraph edit to the draft policy AJ amended. Ann moved to adopt the Village Green Policy for the Town of Pittsfield as well as the Liability Waiver for Vendors. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Recreation Grant Reimbursement. Ann reviewed the invoices to submit for the Recreation Facilities grant reimbursement. The court paving, lights and grant writer invoices came to $23,238.33. which is $1,196.67 short of full reimbursement. The board agreed to purchase a pickleball net, paddles and balls, two basketballs and a court liner to protect the asphalt to bring the total amount subject to ½ reimbursement $24,435.40.
1. Budget – Capital Budget Project: Geena Baber. Geena had questions regarding how we get money from the State towards the Highway budget and other grant programs the town has applied for. Geena explained the scope of her work in meeting with departments to come up with a ten-year capital budget that will be submitted to the town by October 31st for review with the departments.
2. Building Maintenance – Joyce said that she hasn’t had time to reach out to volunteers to coordinate work. Ann said that she will get more primer and white pain to begin painting the town hall outside basement window trims.
3. Budget – Pre-budget June Financial Report Review. The Board reviewed line items of the final June financial report to note overages and large unspent funds to help inform board in budget deliberations.
4. Budget – Pre-budget Service Contract/invoice review tabled for future meetings.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 3
5. Fire Dept – new fire truck delivery schedule. It was noted that the new truck was at the fire station and members are looking it over to get an idea of where to place the equipment when it is delivered in an estimated two weeks. The Board discussed the amount of funding available for payment on delivery. It was determined that the Town has enough for full payment. It was noted that there is still no word on the grant application which had been submitted last February,
1. Budget: Thursday, September 26 , 2024 5:00pm Town Office
2. Regular: Thursday, October 3, 2024 5:30pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:34pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3XGmRDJ (no audio)
DATE: September 19, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben, Joyce Stevens
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Recreation Grant Reimbursement-OB#5
- Sept 5, 2024 Regular Meeting. Tabled until the next meeting.
- Emergency Management – LEMP-VEM Changes
- TRORC – Road inventory
- Appointments – Green-Up Day
- Town Hall – Wi-Fi Extender
- Grants – MERP Project Implementation Grant
- Policy – Village Green Use Policy
- Recreation Grant Reimbursement
- Budget – Capital Budget Project: Geena Baber
- Building Maintenance –
- Budget – Pre-budget June Financial Report Review
- Budget – Pre-budget Service Contract/invoice review
- Fire Dept – new fire truck delivery schedule
- Budget: Thursday, September 26 , 2024 5:00pm Town Office
- Regular: Thursday, October 3, 2024 5:30pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Joyce seconded. She welcomed Geena Baber from TRORC and explained the 10-year Capital Budget project she has been working on. Ann moved to take OB#1 out of order, AJ seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
September 19, 2024
1. Emergency Management – LEMP-VEM Changes. This correspondence from Vermont Emergency Management explains the changing ways towns will be updating their emergency management plans. Ann said copies were sent to Emergency Mgt Co-directors Ryan and Candace.
2. Road Inventory. This notice is to remind Towns that they need to conduct two inventories for VTRANS, one is for culverts the other for road erosion compliance. Ann will send the form to George for action. She noted that the last inventory recorded by VTANS was completed in 2016. Bridges also need review.
1. Appointments – Green-Up Day. It was suggested that perhaps Kristina would consent to work with Olivia as coordinator. Joyce said she would ask.
2. Town Hall – Wi-Fi Extender. Saguaro has quoted a price of $4,226 for extending WIFI to Town Hall from Town Office building. Joyce met with Saguaro ‘s Brian Davis who inspected the building and then revised the quote to $3,200. This quote also includes updating the current WIFI 5 to WIFI 7 which will create more capacity for extra devices. Joyce suggested waiting to act after the Board sees how much is in the Computer Fund. The Board plans to meet next week with more information.
3. Grants – MERP Project Implementation Grant. Ann explained the conversations she has had with Harry from TRORC who is filling out the energy implementation grant application that is now due September 27, 2024. Joyce got an estimate for installing heat pumps at Town Office between $25-$30K and will get estimates of converting lights to LED and replacing Town Office Windows next week to be forwarded to Harry so he will have accurate estimates of funds that will be needed for these projects.
4. Policy – Village Green Use Policy. Ann said she sent out one paragraph edit to the draft policy AJ amended. Ann moved to adopt the Village Green Policy for the Town of Pittsfield as well as the Liability Waiver for Vendors. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Recreation Grant Reimbursement. Ann reviewed the invoices to submit for the Recreation Facilities grant reimbursement. The court paving, lights and grant writer invoices came to $23,238.33. which is $1,196.67 short of full reimbursement. The board agreed to purchase a pickleball net, paddles and balls, two basketballs and a court liner to protect the asphalt to bring the total amount subject to ½ reimbursement $24,435.40.
1. Budget – Capital Budget Project: Geena Baber. Geena had questions regarding how we get money from the State towards the Highway budget and other grant programs the town has applied for. Geena explained the scope of her work in meeting with departments to come up with a ten-year capital budget that will be submitted to the town by October 31st for review with the departments.
2. Building Maintenance – Joyce said that she hasn’t had time to reach out to volunteers to coordinate work. Ann said that she will get more primer and white pain to begin painting the town hall outside basement window trims.
3. Budget – Pre-budget June Financial Report Review. The Board reviewed line items of the final June financial report to note overages and large unspent funds to help inform board in budget deliberations.
4. Budget – Pre-budget Service Contract/invoice review tabled for future meetings.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 3
5. Fire Dept – new fire truck delivery schedule. It was noted that the new truck was at the fire station and members are looking it over to get an idea of where to place the equipment when it is delivered in an estimated two weeks. The Board discussed the amount of funding available for payment on delivery. It was determined that the Town has enough for full payment. It was noted that there is still no word on the grant application which had been submitted last February,
1. Budget: Thursday, September 26 , 2024 5:00pm Town Office
2. Regular: Thursday, October 3, 2024 5:30pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:34pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben