To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4cihxfu
DATE: June 6, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig; Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Cindy Metcalf – Bethel Area Food Shelf; Heather Finity – PCG
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the May 16, 2024 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The Public Present were tabled to the next meeting.
1. Community - Bethel Area Food Shelf – Tabled to the next meeting.
2. Dogs – Delinquent List. There are two delinquent owners currently. Ann said that she contacted VLCT regarding as to whether other towns use collection agencies. She suggested perhaps hiring the Town’s Delinquent Tax Collector. It was determined that enforcement goes through the Judicial Bureau of civil ordinance violations. Ann read the statutes pertaining to this. If the Board wants to take the next step, it be to file in the Judicial Bureau. There was some discussion as to how to procede. AJ offered to look things over. It was decided to table further action on this for the next meeting.
3. Recreation – Facilities Committee. Martha Said that the appointment letters were sent out and there have been no responses. Ridgeline was also invited. Discussion on how they should proceed. Joyce said she would contact the new members to determine the best time for an initial
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
June 6, 2024
meeting, which the Select Board will attend. Ann added that the Secretary is putting together a list of appointed officials with complete contract information.
4. Town Offices – Vacancies. Ann contacted TRORC regarding the Planning Commission vacancies. They responded that Commission can be reduced to three members and function until additional members can be found. Ann said that Suzanne Ellis has expressed interest and she would like to meet with her. The Energy Coordinator position is still vacant. There is no job description for this yet. Ann said she will research job descriptions. Joyce asked if the meetings would be virtual.
5. 593 Route 100 – Buyout Update. The Town closed on the property May 29th. They now have 90 days in which demolition must be completed by August 27th. The Board received a demo checklist from the State. Three bids for asbestos removal were received: Cliff Harber came in with $375 to $950 not including samples. Rich Finnegan came in with $1,850. Bradley Wheeler came in with $2,000 to $2,500. Joyce moved to accept the bid of $375 - $950 from Cliff Harper. Joyce moved to accept Cliff Harper’s bid. Ann seconded. All in favor. Ann said that she would take care of Act250. The demolition bid was updated and will be sent out June 7th without the report. The walk-thru will be on June 14th at 9am. Bids will be due by 9am on the 14th. Then reviewed by the Board on June 27th. A Special Meeting will be scheduled for Juiy 2nd to select the winning bid and set the tax rate. It will be awarded at the July 3rd’ meeting. Ann moved to approve the edited bid and have the Chair send an email out to the three contractors (Harvey’s, Mosher, Dave Colton) that we utilized. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
6. Community – Volunteer Appreciation. A date needs to be selected, signs/banners need to be obtained and a reception/party planned. It was decided the reception should be during the day. There was also some discussion about planting a tree. Joyce said she would speak with Ray’s daughter about the best tree to select.
1. Community – Garden Proposal. Tabled to the next meeting.
2. Town Buildings – Maintenance Report. Joyce wanted to know when the lock on the Town Hall door was changed and who did it as she wasn’t notified and has been trying to use her key. There have also been some complaints about the speed sign. Sometimes it works and other times, it doesn’t. There was an update to projects such as the exit doors and countertops. Ann said she is putting together a Maintenance Book on the Town Hall to include contractors used, paint information, etc. Some other or future projects noted were cleaning the oven, painting the windows and sills on the outside.
3. Financials – Financial Controls Checklist. This is something that needs to be done yearly as mandated by the Secretary of State’s Office. It asks us to document that we have internal financial controls in place and that the accounts are maintained by one person Ann moved that the Select Board receive and approve the internal controls checklist. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Contractors – Wilks Paving paperwork. The Independent Contractor paperwork was given to Wilks Paving.
5. Energy – Energy Assessment Report. Projects such as windows and doors, mechanical heating, and lighting were discussed.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
June 6, 2024
OTHER BUSINESS: Joyce expressed concern that Ann was taking on too much. Ann explained what she had been doing. Also brought up was the use of personal email addresses to conduct Town business, and provided Trish will all emails, etc. that have come directly to the Board. AJ mediated some of the conversation and expressed his concern that we are all working towards the same ends and that more cooperation between members of the Board is needed.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: June 20, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4cihxfu
DATE: June 6, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig; Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Cindy Metcalf – Bethel Area Food Shelf; Heather Finity – PCG
- Community Bethel Area Food Shelf
- Dogs – Delinquent List
- Recreation – Facilities Committee
- Town Offices – Vacancies
- 593 Route 100 – Buyout Update
- Community – Volunteer Appreciation
- Community – Garden Proposal
- Town Buildings – Maintenance Report
- Financials – Financial Controls Checklist
- Contractors – Wilks Paving paperwork
- Energy – Energy Assessment Report
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the May 16, 2024 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The Public Present were tabled to the next meeting.
1. Community - Bethel Area Food Shelf – Tabled to the next meeting.
2. Dogs – Delinquent List. There are two delinquent owners currently. Ann said that she contacted VLCT regarding as to whether other towns use collection agencies. She suggested perhaps hiring the Town’s Delinquent Tax Collector. It was determined that enforcement goes through the Judicial Bureau of civil ordinance violations. Ann read the statutes pertaining to this. If the Board wants to take the next step, it be to file in the Judicial Bureau. There was some discussion as to how to procede. AJ offered to look things over. It was decided to table further action on this for the next meeting.
3. Recreation – Facilities Committee. Martha Said that the appointment letters were sent out and there have been no responses. Ridgeline was also invited. Discussion on how they should proceed. Joyce said she would contact the new members to determine the best time for an initial
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
June 6, 2024
meeting, which the Select Board will attend. Ann added that the Secretary is putting together a list of appointed officials with complete contract information.
4. Town Offices – Vacancies. Ann contacted TRORC regarding the Planning Commission vacancies. They responded that Commission can be reduced to three members and function until additional members can be found. Ann said that Suzanne Ellis has expressed interest and she would like to meet with her. The Energy Coordinator position is still vacant. There is no job description for this yet. Ann said she will research job descriptions. Joyce asked if the meetings would be virtual.
5. 593 Route 100 – Buyout Update. The Town closed on the property May 29th. They now have 90 days in which demolition must be completed by August 27th. The Board received a demo checklist from the State. Three bids for asbestos removal were received: Cliff Harber came in with $375 to $950 not including samples. Rich Finnegan came in with $1,850. Bradley Wheeler came in with $2,000 to $2,500. Joyce moved to accept the bid of $375 - $950 from Cliff Harper. Joyce moved to accept Cliff Harper’s bid. Ann seconded. All in favor. Ann said that she would take care of Act250. The demolition bid was updated and will be sent out June 7th without the report. The walk-thru will be on June 14th at 9am. Bids will be due by 9am on the 14th. Then reviewed by the Board on June 27th. A Special Meeting will be scheduled for Juiy 2nd to select the winning bid and set the tax rate. It will be awarded at the July 3rd’ meeting. Ann moved to approve the edited bid and have the Chair send an email out to the three contractors (Harvey’s, Mosher, Dave Colton) that we utilized. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
6. Community – Volunteer Appreciation. A date needs to be selected, signs/banners need to be obtained and a reception/party planned. It was decided the reception should be during the day. There was also some discussion about planting a tree. Joyce said she would speak with Ray’s daughter about the best tree to select.
1. Community – Garden Proposal. Tabled to the next meeting.
2. Town Buildings – Maintenance Report. Joyce wanted to know when the lock on the Town Hall door was changed and who did it as she wasn’t notified and has been trying to use her key. There have also been some complaints about the speed sign. Sometimes it works and other times, it doesn’t. There was an update to projects such as the exit doors and countertops. Ann said she is putting together a Maintenance Book on the Town Hall to include contractors used, paint information, etc. Some other or future projects noted were cleaning the oven, painting the windows and sills on the outside.
3. Financials – Financial Controls Checklist. This is something that needs to be done yearly as mandated by the Secretary of State’s Office. It asks us to document that we have internal financial controls in place and that the accounts are maintained by one person Ann moved that the Select Board receive and approve the internal controls checklist. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Contractors – Wilks Paving paperwork. The Independent Contractor paperwork was given to Wilks Paving.
5. Energy – Energy Assessment Report. Projects such as windows and doors, mechanical heating, and lighting were discussed.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
June 6, 2024
OTHER BUSINESS: Joyce expressed concern that Ann was taking on too much. Ann explained what she had been doing. Also brought up was the use of personal email addresses to conduct Town business, and provided Trish will all emails, etc. that have come directly to the Board. AJ mediated some of the conversation and expressed his concern that we are all working towards the same ends and that more cooperation between members of the Board is needed.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, June 20, 2024 Regular Meeting
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to discuss, Ann adjourned the meeting at 7:04pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: June 20, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben