To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3XaqKQT
DATE: August 29, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Approval of Minutes for July 25 2024
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 25, 2024 Regular Meeting
1. VT 250th Anniversary Celebration
1. 583 Route 100: Demo Project Update
2. Dogs: Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement Update
3. Appointments: Green-Up Day
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update
5. Finances: CD Renewal Contingency Fund/Land Trust
6. Town Hall: Wi-Fi
7. Village Green: Green/Parks Use Policy
8. Recreation: Recreation Facilities Grant Invoices
1. Village Green: Fuster request to use
2. Town Hall: Library request to use
3. Grants: AOT Grants in Aid ‘25
4. Town Buildings: Maintenance
5. Finances: July Financials
6. Open Meeting Law: Posting
7. Insurance: PACIF inquiry
8. Town Fair 2024
9. Resignation: Lister
10. E911: South Hill Road renumbering
11. Village Green: Paving Invoice
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, September 5, 2024 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:32. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann added an Agenda Modification (see above). AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the July 25th meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. VT 250th Anniversary Celebration. Every community in Vermont is being encouraged to participate in the 250th anniversary celebration. At our last meeting we forwarded the correspondence to the Historical Society but have not heard anything back. We can look at the anniversary resolution, fill in the blanks and then pass it tonight or table it to the next meeting. We should contact someone in the Historical Society before the next meeting to see if they are interested in sitting on this committee. This would be a great project for them. Joyce was going to check with Pat Fuster.
1. 583 Route 100: Demo Project Update. Ann said that she met with Lisa though Vermont Emergency Management and reviewed everything. The checklist for everything required to close out the project was reviewed. The reimbursement for the remaining invoices can be paid. The only item remaining is an invoice from Harveys that was submitted and paid this week. AJ expressed his concern that campers could use the area. Discussion. It was decided not to deal with this until something happens. Keeping the area mowed is a concern. Discussion. The State is urging communities to do buyouts because there is money available. Ann said that Lisa would like to send other communities to Pittsfield to learn how to do this process because we have been so responsive. Futures use of the lot will be discussed another time.
2. Dogs: Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement Update. There has been no response to the letter that Trish sent out. Ann said that she attended a seminar and said it was highly informative. There was a brief discussion as to how the date of birth and driver’s license number can be obtained other than by the party involved. She added that it is okay to appoint a custodial officer and an enforcement officer who will write the ticket. A number of enforcement officers can be appointed but the enforcement officer who writes the ticket will need to be the one to go to the court. Doug Mianulli will be consulted as to his involvement. AJ said that he would be available to go to court. Ann said that she was also looking over the ordinances and wondered if once this was up and running, the parking ordinance could be reviewed and possibly revised to eliminate the towing. Perhaps the Judicial Bureau could be involved in the enforcement. Discussion.
3. Appointments: Green-Up Day. Joyce said that Olivia Grasso will continue with this. She added that Amelia Hurd might be interested also. It was decided to add these positions to the appointments in March following Town Meeting instead of September.
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update. Ann made a motion to table this to the next meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Finances: CD Renewal Contingency Fund/Land Trust. Ann said that the Contingency Fund was renewed on August 14, 2024 with Mascoma Bank. It’s for 26 weeks at 4.5%, 4.40% interest. The total investment was $65,000. This includes the original investment of $50,000 and interest of $551.73. An additional $15,000 was authorized for a total of $65.551.73. The Land Trust was also renewed with Northfield Savings on August 14, 2024 for 9 months for 4.5%, 4.40% interest. The total investment there is $109,140.76.
6. Town Hall: Wi-Fi. Joyce said that she reached out to Matt Wing, and he said that getting a repeater would probably solve the problem. Discussion. AJ said that he would look into this and purchase one, probably through Staples.
7. Village Green: Green/Parks Use Policy. Ann presented a handout of suggestions in anticipation of every kind of event that might take place. Discussion. AJ suggested editing it to say “created a nuisance or public disturbance. This will be tabled.
8. Recreation: Recreation Facilities Grant Invoices. Ann said that she has assembled invoices for reimbursement. Everything has to be submitted together. The lighting options were discussed.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
August 29, 2024
Joyce moved to approve the bid to get the court lights up and running from A+ Electric at $2,400 and that we also approve payment of $100 to Eric for the lift for this project. Seconded by AJ. All In favor.
1. Village Green: Fuster request to use. There is going to be a wedding on the Green on October 11, 2024 at 4pm. Approximately 125 guests are invited. Chairs will be needed. The Board expressed concern that a tent might be used, bathrooms available, a bar with alcohol, parking concerns, and the eventuality of renting the Town Hall. It was agreed that a waiver might be needed for the event. The Board discussed what might/might not be needed to cover the Town for this event. The Board was reminded that there is no formal policy in effect as yet. AJ moved to let the Fusters know that the Board acknowledges that there will be an event here and they will be expected to clean up after themselves. Ann seconded. All in favor. The only thing that will need to be done is to contact Trish and have the event added to the calendar.
2. Town Hall: Library request to use. No signatures will be required, just have them added to the calendar.
3. Grants: AOT Grants in Aid ’25. Ann explained that this is a standard grant that pays for projects that George does. George will meet in the spring and 3 or 4 projects will be chosen. The grant is for $7,000 to be used in 2025. Ann moved to have the chair sign the grant agreement and return it to AOT. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Town Buildings: Maintenance. Joyce prepared a list of things that she observed walking around both inside and outside the Town Hall and Town Office. The list was quite extensive, and it was decided to discuss this further at next week’s meeting.
5. Finances: July Financials. Tabled to next week’s meeting.
6. Open Meeting Law: Posting. Ann stated that the State law now says that we have to post on the Towns’ website the process for filing a complaint of a potential violation of the Open Meeting Law. We also have to put a copy of the law 1VSA Section 3 of Chapter 314 and include the form to use.
7. Insurance: PACIF inquiry. Ann said that she received a call last week stating that it came to their attention from someone who called from WRVA that the fire department and the EMS response may not have the proper certification from the Department of Public Health. That means that the people who volunteer to provide emergency medical response need to be certified through the Department of EMS Operations. It is a 3-year license. Ann said she spoke with Dave Colton and he thought that they were operating under WRVA’s certification. She also talked with Matt Parrish, Exec Director at WRVA. He said that he wasn’t aware of anyone at WRVA who called their insurance agency to alert them that Pittsfield doesn’t have certification. Matt said that the only person on the squad who is legally able to offer medical services is Rachel Hunt, and she’s certified through WRVA because she is an EMT. Matt added that WRVA offers courses. The Board discussed ways to get more people involved.
8. Town Fair 2024. Ann said she wanted to make the Board aware that this event will be held at the Killington Grand Hotel. There will be vendors, workshops, and discussion groups on topics important to municipalities. More information and registration can be found at vlct.org.
9. Resignation: Lister. This resignation is from Betty Warner and is effective September 30, 2024. She proposes a smooth transition to the new appointee. Ann moved to accept Betty’s resignation. AJ seconded. All in favor. This position will be addressed at the next Select Board meeting on September 5th.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
August 29, 2024
10. E911: South Hill Road renumbering. Martha opened the conversation by saying that the State is requesting that Pittsfield either rename South Hill Road or renumber all the properties to continue with Stockbridge’s numbering. The Board’s questioned why Pittsfield and not Stockbridge do all this. In addition, addresses would need updating with credit card companies, anyone who sends mail, property deeds, etc. Martha was asked to relay this information to the E911 Board in Montpelier. There will be more discussion on this at a later date.
11. Village Green: Paving Invoice. Ann said that invoices have already been paid, but this is just to acknowledge where we got the funds from to pay these invoices. She said that there was $39,008 in the paving fund to pay most of the Wilk invoice for paving Village Green. The remainder of the money $991.85 came from the GF. The court paving invoice came from the Recreation Reserve Fund. Ann moved the Board approve and acknowledge the source of funding payment. AJ seconded. All in favor.
OTHER: Joyce said that she was excited about the Recreation Committee. Keeping excess water off the court was discussed and removal with a giant squeegee. The giant squeegee could also be used in the winter to smooth out the ice in the ice rink.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, September 5, 2024 5:30pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:37pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: September 5, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here: https://bit.ly/3XaqKQT
DATE: August 29, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Approval of Minutes for July 25 2024
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 25, 2024 Regular Meeting
1. VT 250th Anniversary Celebration
1. 583 Route 100: Demo Project Update
2. Dogs: Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement Update
3. Appointments: Green-Up Day
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update
5. Finances: CD Renewal Contingency Fund/Land Trust
6. Town Hall: Wi-Fi
7. Village Green: Green/Parks Use Policy
8. Recreation: Recreation Facilities Grant Invoices
1. Village Green: Fuster request to use
2. Town Hall: Library request to use
3. Grants: AOT Grants in Aid ‘25
4. Town Buildings: Maintenance
5. Finances: July Financials
6. Open Meeting Law: Posting
7. Insurance: PACIF inquiry
8. Town Fair 2024
9. Resignation: Lister
10. E911: South Hill Road renumbering
11. Village Green: Paving Invoice
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, September 5, 2024 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:32. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann added an Agenda Modification (see above). AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the July 25th meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. VT 250th Anniversary Celebration. Every community in Vermont is being encouraged to participate in the 250th anniversary celebration. At our last meeting we forwarded the correspondence to the Historical Society but have not heard anything back. We can look at the anniversary resolution, fill in the blanks and then pass it tonight or table it to the next meeting. We should contact someone in the Historical Society before the next meeting to see if they are interested in sitting on this committee. This would be a great project for them. Joyce was going to check with Pat Fuster.
1. 583 Route 100: Demo Project Update. Ann said that she met with Lisa though Vermont Emergency Management and reviewed everything. The checklist for everything required to close out the project was reviewed. The reimbursement for the remaining invoices can be paid. The only item remaining is an invoice from Harveys that was submitted and paid this week. AJ expressed his concern that campers could use the area. Discussion. It was decided not to deal with this until something happens. Keeping the area mowed is a concern. Discussion. The State is urging communities to do buyouts because there is money available. Ann said that Lisa would like to send other communities to Pittsfield to learn how to do this process because we have been so responsive. Futures use of the lot will be discussed another time.
2. Dogs: Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement Update. There has been no response to the letter that Trish sent out. Ann said that she attended a seminar and said it was highly informative. There was a brief discussion as to how the date of birth and driver’s license number can be obtained other than by the party involved. She added that it is okay to appoint a custodial officer and an enforcement officer who will write the ticket. A number of enforcement officers can be appointed but the enforcement officer who writes the ticket will need to be the one to go to the court. Doug Mianulli will be consulted as to his involvement. AJ said that he would be available to go to court. Ann said that she was also looking over the ordinances and wondered if once this was up and running, the parking ordinance could be reviewed and possibly revised to eliminate the towing. Perhaps the Judicial Bureau could be involved in the enforcement. Discussion.
3. Appointments: Green-Up Day. Joyce said that Olivia Grasso will continue with this. She added that Amelia Hurd might be interested also. It was decided to add these positions to the appointments in March following Town Meeting instead of September.
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update. Ann made a motion to table this to the next meeting. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Finances: CD Renewal Contingency Fund/Land Trust. Ann said that the Contingency Fund was renewed on August 14, 2024 with Mascoma Bank. It’s for 26 weeks at 4.5%, 4.40% interest. The total investment was $65,000. This includes the original investment of $50,000 and interest of $551.73. An additional $15,000 was authorized for a total of $65.551.73. The Land Trust was also renewed with Northfield Savings on August 14, 2024 for 9 months for 4.5%, 4.40% interest. The total investment there is $109,140.76.
6. Town Hall: Wi-Fi. Joyce said that she reached out to Matt Wing, and he said that getting a repeater would probably solve the problem. Discussion. AJ said that he would look into this and purchase one, probably through Staples.
7. Village Green: Green/Parks Use Policy. Ann presented a handout of suggestions in anticipation of every kind of event that might take place. Discussion. AJ suggested editing it to say “created a nuisance or public disturbance. This will be tabled.
8. Recreation: Recreation Facilities Grant Invoices. Ann said that she has assembled invoices for reimbursement. Everything has to be submitted together. The lighting options were discussed.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
August 29, 2024
Joyce moved to approve the bid to get the court lights up and running from A+ Electric at $2,400 and that we also approve payment of $100 to Eric for the lift for this project. Seconded by AJ. All In favor.
1. Village Green: Fuster request to use. There is going to be a wedding on the Green on October 11, 2024 at 4pm. Approximately 125 guests are invited. Chairs will be needed. The Board expressed concern that a tent might be used, bathrooms available, a bar with alcohol, parking concerns, and the eventuality of renting the Town Hall. It was agreed that a waiver might be needed for the event. The Board discussed what might/might not be needed to cover the Town for this event. The Board was reminded that there is no formal policy in effect as yet. AJ moved to let the Fusters know that the Board acknowledges that there will be an event here and they will be expected to clean up after themselves. Ann seconded. All in favor. The only thing that will need to be done is to contact Trish and have the event added to the calendar.
2. Town Hall: Library request to use. No signatures will be required, just have them added to the calendar.
3. Grants: AOT Grants in Aid ’25. Ann explained that this is a standard grant that pays for projects that George does. George will meet in the spring and 3 or 4 projects will be chosen. The grant is for $7,000 to be used in 2025. Ann moved to have the chair sign the grant agreement and return it to AOT. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Town Buildings: Maintenance. Joyce prepared a list of things that she observed walking around both inside and outside the Town Hall and Town Office. The list was quite extensive, and it was decided to discuss this further at next week’s meeting.
5. Finances: July Financials. Tabled to next week’s meeting.
6. Open Meeting Law: Posting. Ann stated that the State law now says that we have to post on the Towns’ website the process for filing a complaint of a potential violation of the Open Meeting Law. We also have to put a copy of the law 1VSA Section 3 of Chapter 314 and include the form to use.
7. Insurance: PACIF inquiry. Ann said that she received a call last week stating that it came to their attention from someone who called from WRVA that the fire department and the EMS response may not have the proper certification from the Department of Public Health. That means that the people who volunteer to provide emergency medical response need to be certified through the Department of EMS Operations. It is a 3-year license. Ann said she spoke with Dave Colton and he thought that they were operating under WRVA’s certification. She also talked with Matt Parrish, Exec Director at WRVA. He said that he wasn’t aware of anyone at WRVA who called their insurance agency to alert them that Pittsfield doesn’t have certification. Matt said that the only person on the squad who is legally able to offer medical services is Rachel Hunt, and she’s certified through WRVA because she is an EMT. Matt added that WRVA offers courses. The Board discussed ways to get more people involved.
8. Town Fair 2024. Ann said she wanted to make the Board aware that this event will be held at the Killington Grand Hotel. There will be vendors, workshops, and discussion groups on topics important to municipalities. More information and registration can be found at vlct.org.
9. Resignation: Lister. This resignation is from Betty Warner and is effective September 30, 2024. She proposes a smooth transition to the new appointee. Ann moved to accept Betty’s resignation. AJ seconded. All in favor. This position will be addressed at the next Select Board meeting on September 5th.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
August 29, 2024
10. E911: South Hill Road renumbering. Martha opened the conversation by saying that the State is requesting that Pittsfield either rename South Hill Road or renumber all the properties to continue with Stockbridge’s numbering. The Board’s questioned why Pittsfield and not Stockbridge do all this. In addition, addresses would need updating with credit card companies, anyone who sends mail, property deeds, etc. Martha was asked to relay this information to the E911 Board in Montpelier. There will be more discussion on this at a later date.
11. Village Green: Paving Invoice. Ann said that invoices have already been paid, but this is just to acknowledge where we got the funds from to pay these invoices. She said that there was $39,008 in the paving fund to pay most of the Wilk invoice for paving Village Green. The remainder of the money $991.85 came from the GF. The court paving invoice came from the Recreation Reserve Fund. Ann moved the Board approve and acknowledge the source of funding payment. AJ seconded. All in favor.
OTHER: Joyce said that she was excited about the Recreation Committee. Keeping excess water off the court was discussed and removal with a giant squeegee. The giant squeegee could also be used in the winter to smooth out the ice in the ice rink.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, September 5, 2024 5:30pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:37pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: September 5, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben