To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here:
DATE: July 25, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Craig Westling
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#5- Parking: Vet Center request
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 2, 2024 Special Meeting
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2024 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:37pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. There is an Agenda Modification (see above). Ann moved to approve the July 2, 2024 Special Meeting. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
July 25, 2024
1. GMNF Schedule of Proposed Action. This is the quarterly document outlining proposed action of the GMNF. The only ones that pertain to Pittsfield are the Telephone Gap and Forest-wide Opening Maintenance.
2. Declaration of Inclusion Survey is a follow-up to a request by a Grassroots Group two years ago to adopt the Declaration of Inclusion. They would like to know if the Town has done any of the projects requested. Ann reviewed them. AJ moved that Trish be asked to post a copy on the website and Town Office and that the survey be completed and sent in. Ann seconded the motion. All in favor. Ann will complete the survey and return it.
3. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. TRORC is reaching out to towns to submit a pre-application form for eligible projects for buying out flood prone properties. The State has released a significant amount of property. Steve Turner’s property is the only one Ann could think of, and he’s not interested.
4. VHCB Easement Monitoring. This is the email that Trish sent from Sophie Becker, and we have an easement on the Parmenter place property. They are doing sky monitoring. The Town had to do some erosion rip rap mitigation following the 2019 flooding. The property cannot be developed. The VHCB is looking for affordable housing. Ann will respond to them.
5. Vet Center request. The Veterans Outreach Project is a mobile drop-in center that would like to stop in Pittsfield once a month for 2-3 hours. They provide mental health services at no charge to eligible veterans and other aids to vets. They would like to use Pittsfield as a regional center and are requesting space to park the trailer and an additional 4-5 parking spaces. AJ moved to invite the veterans’ support group to set up in Pittsfield and if in the winter, if needed, the Town Hall could be utilized provided they fill out an application. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Board feels this would be good, so Ann will respond.
1. Route 100: Demo Project Notice of Acceptance/Tax Bill. Ann said that at the last meeting she was tasked with drawing up an acceptance notice for Harvey’s. Harvey’s returned it requesting a word change that spelled out the $500 credit for the fuel, furnace, and fuel tank. Harvey’s also sent an email asking if the Town could consider a $100 salvage deduction for the pellet stove. Ann moved that we accept this and sent it to the Town Clerk for the file and the additional $100 credit. So, the total bid is $22,504. AJ seconded. All in favor. Harvey’s is going to start the demolition of the garage on Saturday. Ann said that she received a tax bill from Trish that generated for this property. Trish asked Ann to speak with the Listers about changing the classification of the lister card. There should not have been a bill. Betty said it should be the property owner who applies for an abatement. The Town is the owner. The Listers can determine how best to do this. Ann said the Select Board would have to submit a formal notice to request an abatement. AJ and Joyce moved that the Listers do what they have to do to abate the tax bill. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement: Ann moved to sign the letter appointing Trish, Doug Mianulli and AJ as officials for enforcing the dog ordinance. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Town Appointments: Planning Committee/Green-Up Day. Craig Westling appeared and said that he would be interested in serving on the Planning Committee. Ann contacted Pete “Pasta Pete” Timpone and is interested. Mike Moran has offered to serve at a previous meeting. Ann moved to officially appoint Mike, Pete Timpone, and Craig Westling to serve on the Planning Commission. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Craig was also appointed to the White River
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July 25, 2024
Consortium which currently has Jordan Stevens and Dana Decker as delegates. AJ moved to appoint Craig to the WR Consortium and provide contact information for Jordan and Dana. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will send appointment letters.
Rebecca Steward resigned in May as an official on Green-Up Day. Discussion. Olivia Grasso will be asked if she will be in attendance in May or away at school. This will be added to the next agenda.
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update. Gina Babers at TRORC had a project to solicit opinions from all the departments and put together a 10-year capital budget. The Board signed a contract in which she would deliver a report at the end of July. She is requesting an extension to deliver the project at the end of November. Discussion. Ann moved to agree to the extension of November 1st. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Grants: Grants in Aid Construction Summary. Ann said that this is an update that we go through every year. The Municipal Roads Grant Permit, hydrologically connected roads, that inventory we have to do that we get grant money for. Ann spoke with George, and he will meet Rita and Pete at TRORC. He met with them and was able to find three segments so they can apply for pre-construction. The three segments are all on Townsend Brook Road. They include remove the greater berm, lowering the high road shoulder, and road crowning and additional gravel to meet roadway traveling standards. TRORC submitted this information to the Agency of Transportation, and they approved the projects and started construction. They much be completed by December 2024.
1. Financial: CD Renewal. Ann said there are 3 CDs with two of them up in November. Currently the Contingency Fund has $50,000 in it. Trish has recommended a 3/6-month CD renewal at 4.5% or a 9/12 month at 4.3%. Discussion. The Board felt 6 months was a safe option. Ann moved to have the Treasurer renew the $50,000 CD in the Contingency Fund for 6 months at 4.5%. AJ seconded. All in favor. Discussion about moving some additional money with the $50.000. Ann moved to add to the motion an additional $15,000 to equal a total of $65,000 in the Contingency Fund for 6 months at 4.5%. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Buildings: Building Maintenance. Ann said that she drafted a letter to send to all the abutting landowners informing them of the project. The paving project needs to be completed by August 31st. There was a discussion about the location of the new drop box.
3. Recreation: Commission Update. Ann said she put it on the agenda because they never determined how the commission is going to operate. Will they be more of an advisory commission and submit to the Select Board or seek funding and maintain contracts? AJ said the commission would be happy to serve in an advisory role, submit ideas to the Select Board, and seek funding. AJ explained what some of the commission’s ideas are.
4. Financials: Treasurer’s Report June. Discussion. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor. The report will be kept for budget time because this has end-of-year information.
5. Computer: IT Proposals. Ann reminded the Board of the request to have members of the Planning Commission have their own email accounts. Recently, Microsoft has required their business accounts to have a multi recognition program to authenticate email that goes to their server and
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
July 25, 2024
comes out. They are requiring a subscription to the exchange program for commercial accounts. Ann said she asked Brian what that means and he said that every subscriber will have to pay $4/month to maintain the emails. Ann reviewed the departments and came up to approximately 17-20 potential subscribers. This would amount to approximately $1,000 per year. The idea behind this is to get away from personal emails. A town official is subject to the open meeting laws and may be required to have any official correspondence kept separate and available if requested. Brian suggested an alternative method at no cost. He would set up a distribution list for each main email address. The users can send him the address they want to use, and he will set that up. The email would go automatically and not be passed on. The problem would be that someone for each main email would need to be responsible for responding to questions/requests, etc. A third option involves the computer when used downstairs. It’s slow. What would be involved in using the library’s Wi-Fi? Brian is assuming that they won’t be able to run between the two buildings. The cost for the parts and installation would be approximately $4,226. The Board agreed that the Town Hall needs a strong Wi-Fi system. Joyce said she would speak with Matt Wing, who works for EC Fiber.
6. Fuel: Pre-Buy Program. Discussion. The pre-buy program runs from August to the end of May. Ann prepared a history of previous years’ usage, etc. It was decided: Town Hall (Oil) – 72.42 gallons @ $3.60 utilizing credit,Town Office (LP Gas) 1400 gallons @ $2.19*; Town Garage (LP Gas) - 550 gallons @ $2.19; PVR (LP Gas) 850 gallons @ $2.19. *TH & TOB share LP. Ann moved to approve the pre-buy purchases as noted. AJ seconded. All in favor.
7. Open Meeting Law: Update. Ann said that all departments will be made aware of the updates that go into effect on January 1, 2025. The changes include: all non-advisory bodies must hold all special/regular meetings as hybrid meetings (must have a physical location and remote access); all State/Local decision making bodies must electronically record their meetings and a recording must be posted in a designated electronic location for a minimum of 30 days following the approval and posting of the official Minutes of the meeting recorded; State chairs of decision making bodies, local legislative body chairs, municipal managers and mayors must participate in an annual professional Open Meeting Law training starting January 1st; and we have to post on our website an explanation of the procedures for submitting notice of an open meeting law violation to the public body or the Attorney General and a copy of the text. We also have to have a copy of V.S.A. 314. Ann said she would circulate this before she sends a copy to Trish and also look for a template.
8. Town Office: Accessible Parking Spot. Ann said that we have a painted designated spot and AJ added that there’s supposed to be a sign posted. The problem with the posting of signage is in the winter, it’s in the way of the plow. Ann moved to ask George to post the handicapped accessible sign per Federal Regulations in the spot that’s already designated. AJ seconded. All in favor.
9. Village Green/Parks: Use. This was another request by a resident not living on the main road to be allowed to bring “free stuff” to the Green or designated green space before the bridge for one day. Discussion The Board felt that allowing this would open up the Town to potential liability issues. The Board decided that someone must attend the event all day and they must sign a waiver for free/for sale items. Ann asked AJ to draft a statement and the Board will formally adopt it.
10. Town Hall Rental: Brown. The event is for a memorial gathering for her grandmother, Evelyn Payette, who was a resident of Pittsfield to be held on August 3rd. She’s requesting a waiver from
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non-resident to resident. Ann moved to agree to the waiver request, $50 for clean-up fee and $50 for the rental fee AJ seconded. All in favor.
11. Executive Session: 1 V.S,A. § 313 (1) (A) Contracts. Ann moved to enter Executive Session at 7:18pm. Ann moved to re-enter the regular meeting at 7:35pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:36pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: August 29, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click here:
DATE: July 25, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Craig Westling
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#5- Parking: Vet Center request
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 2, 2024 Special Meeting
- GMNF Schedule of Proposed Action
- Declaration of Inclusion Survey
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
- VHCB Easement Monitoring
- Vet Center request
- Route 100: Demo Project Notice of Acceptance/Tax Bill
- Dogs: Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement
- Appointments: Planning Committee/Green-Up Day
- Budget: Capital Budget Project Update
- Grants: Grants in Aid Construction Summary
- Financial: CD Renewal
- Town Buildings: Building Maintenance
- Recreation: Commission Update
- Financials: Treasurer’s Report June
- Computer: IT Proposals
- Fuel: Pre-Buy Program
- Open Meeting Law: Updates
- Town Office: Accessible Parking Spot
- Village Green/Parks: Use
- Brown Town Hall
- Executive Session: 1 V.S,A. § 313 (1) (A) Contracts
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2024 6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:37pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. There is an Agenda Modification (see above). Ann moved to approve the July 2, 2024 Special Meeting. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
July 25, 2024
1. GMNF Schedule of Proposed Action. This is the quarterly document outlining proposed action of the GMNF. The only ones that pertain to Pittsfield are the Telephone Gap and Forest-wide Opening Maintenance.
2. Declaration of Inclusion Survey is a follow-up to a request by a Grassroots Group two years ago to adopt the Declaration of Inclusion. They would like to know if the Town has done any of the projects requested. Ann reviewed them. AJ moved that Trish be asked to post a copy on the website and Town Office and that the survey be completed and sent in. Ann seconded the motion. All in favor. Ann will complete the survey and return it.
3. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. TRORC is reaching out to towns to submit a pre-application form for eligible projects for buying out flood prone properties. The State has released a significant amount of property. Steve Turner’s property is the only one Ann could think of, and he’s not interested.
4. VHCB Easement Monitoring. This is the email that Trish sent from Sophie Becker, and we have an easement on the Parmenter place property. They are doing sky monitoring. The Town had to do some erosion rip rap mitigation following the 2019 flooding. The property cannot be developed. The VHCB is looking for affordable housing. Ann will respond to them.
5. Vet Center request. The Veterans Outreach Project is a mobile drop-in center that would like to stop in Pittsfield once a month for 2-3 hours. They provide mental health services at no charge to eligible veterans and other aids to vets. They would like to use Pittsfield as a regional center and are requesting space to park the trailer and an additional 4-5 parking spaces. AJ moved to invite the veterans’ support group to set up in Pittsfield and if in the winter, if needed, the Town Hall could be utilized provided they fill out an application. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Board feels this would be good, so Ann will respond.
1. Route 100: Demo Project Notice of Acceptance/Tax Bill. Ann said that at the last meeting she was tasked with drawing up an acceptance notice for Harvey’s. Harvey’s returned it requesting a word change that spelled out the $500 credit for the fuel, furnace, and fuel tank. Harvey’s also sent an email asking if the Town could consider a $100 salvage deduction for the pellet stove. Ann moved that we accept this and sent it to the Town Clerk for the file and the additional $100 credit. So, the total bid is $22,504. AJ seconded. All in favor. Harvey’s is going to start the demolition of the garage on Saturday. Ann said that she received a tax bill from Trish that generated for this property. Trish asked Ann to speak with the Listers about changing the classification of the lister card. There should not have been a bill. Betty said it should be the property owner who applies for an abatement. The Town is the owner. The Listers can determine how best to do this. Ann said the Select Board would have to submit a formal notice to request an abatement. AJ and Joyce moved that the Listers do what they have to do to abate the tax bill. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Judicial Bureau Dog Ordinance Enforcement: Ann moved to sign the letter appointing Trish, Doug Mianulli and AJ as officials for enforcing the dog ordinance. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Town Appointments: Planning Committee/Green-Up Day. Craig Westling appeared and said that he would be interested in serving on the Planning Committee. Ann contacted Pete “Pasta Pete” Timpone and is interested. Mike Moran has offered to serve at a previous meeting. Ann moved to officially appoint Mike, Pete Timpone, and Craig Westling to serve on the Planning Commission. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Craig was also appointed to the White River
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
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Consortium which currently has Jordan Stevens and Dana Decker as delegates. AJ moved to appoint Craig to the WR Consortium and provide contact information for Jordan and Dana. Ann seconded. All in favor. The Secretary will send appointment letters.
Rebecca Steward resigned in May as an official on Green-Up Day. Discussion. Olivia Grasso will be asked if she will be in attendance in May or away at school. This will be added to the next agenda.
4. Budget: Capital Budget Project Update. Gina Babers at TRORC had a project to solicit opinions from all the departments and put together a 10-year capital budget. The Board signed a contract in which she would deliver a report at the end of July. She is requesting an extension to deliver the project at the end of November. Discussion. Ann moved to agree to the extension of November 1st. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Grants: Grants in Aid Construction Summary. Ann said that this is an update that we go through every year. The Municipal Roads Grant Permit, hydrologically connected roads, that inventory we have to do that we get grant money for. Ann spoke with George, and he will meet Rita and Pete at TRORC. He met with them and was able to find three segments so they can apply for pre-construction. The three segments are all on Townsend Brook Road. They include remove the greater berm, lowering the high road shoulder, and road crowning and additional gravel to meet roadway traveling standards. TRORC submitted this information to the Agency of Transportation, and they approved the projects and started construction. They much be completed by December 2024.
1. Financial: CD Renewal. Ann said there are 3 CDs with two of them up in November. Currently the Contingency Fund has $50,000 in it. Trish has recommended a 3/6-month CD renewal at 4.5% or a 9/12 month at 4.3%. Discussion. The Board felt 6 months was a safe option. Ann moved to have the Treasurer renew the $50,000 CD in the Contingency Fund for 6 months at 4.5%. AJ seconded. All in favor. Discussion about moving some additional money with the $50.000. Ann moved to add to the motion an additional $15,000 to equal a total of $65,000 in the Contingency Fund for 6 months at 4.5%. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
2. Town Buildings: Building Maintenance. Ann said that she drafted a letter to send to all the abutting landowners informing them of the project. The paving project needs to be completed by August 31st. There was a discussion about the location of the new drop box.
3. Recreation: Commission Update. Ann said she put it on the agenda because they never determined how the commission is going to operate. Will they be more of an advisory commission and submit to the Select Board or seek funding and maintain contracts? AJ said the commission would be happy to serve in an advisory role, submit ideas to the Select Board, and seek funding. AJ explained what some of the commission’s ideas are.
4. Financials: Treasurer’s Report June. Discussion. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor. The report will be kept for budget time because this has end-of-year information.
5. Computer: IT Proposals. Ann reminded the Board of the request to have members of the Planning Commission have their own email accounts. Recently, Microsoft has required their business accounts to have a multi recognition program to authenticate email that goes to their server and
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
July 25, 2024
comes out. They are requiring a subscription to the exchange program for commercial accounts. Ann said she asked Brian what that means and he said that every subscriber will have to pay $4/month to maintain the emails. Ann reviewed the departments and came up to approximately 17-20 potential subscribers. This would amount to approximately $1,000 per year. The idea behind this is to get away from personal emails. A town official is subject to the open meeting laws and may be required to have any official correspondence kept separate and available if requested. Brian suggested an alternative method at no cost. He would set up a distribution list for each main email address. The users can send him the address they want to use, and he will set that up. The email would go automatically and not be passed on. The problem would be that someone for each main email would need to be responsible for responding to questions/requests, etc. A third option involves the computer when used downstairs. It’s slow. What would be involved in using the library’s Wi-Fi? Brian is assuming that they won’t be able to run between the two buildings. The cost for the parts and installation would be approximately $4,226. The Board agreed that the Town Hall needs a strong Wi-Fi system. Joyce said she would speak with Matt Wing, who works for EC Fiber.
6. Fuel: Pre-Buy Program. Discussion. The pre-buy program runs from August to the end of May. Ann prepared a history of previous years’ usage, etc. It was decided: Town Hall (Oil) – 72.42 gallons @ $3.60 utilizing credit,Town Office (LP Gas) 1400 gallons @ $2.19*; Town Garage (LP Gas) - 550 gallons @ $2.19; PVR (LP Gas) 850 gallons @ $2.19. *TH & TOB share LP. Ann moved to approve the pre-buy purchases as noted. AJ seconded. All in favor.
7. Open Meeting Law: Update. Ann said that all departments will be made aware of the updates that go into effect on January 1, 2025. The changes include: all non-advisory bodies must hold all special/regular meetings as hybrid meetings (must have a physical location and remote access); all State/Local decision making bodies must electronically record their meetings and a recording must be posted in a designated electronic location for a minimum of 30 days following the approval and posting of the official Minutes of the meeting recorded; State chairs of decision making bodies, local legislative body chairs, municipal managers and mayors must participate in an annual professional Open Meeting Law training starting January 1st; and we have to post on our website an explanation of the procedures for submitting notice of an open meeting law violation to the public body or the Attorney General and a copy of the text. We also have to have a copy of V.S.A. 314. Ann said she would circulate this before she sends a copy to Trish and also look for a template.
8. Town Office: Accessible Parking Spot. Ann said that we have a painted designated spot and AJ added that there’s supposed to be a sign posted. The problem with the posting of signage is in the winter, it’s in the way of the plow. Ann moved to ask George to post the handicapped accessible sign per Federal Regulations in the spot that’s already designated. AJ seconded. All in favor.
9. Village Green/Parks: Use. This was another request by a resident not living on the main road to be allowed to bring “free stuff” to the Green or designated green space before the bridge for one day. Discussion The Board felt that allowing this would open up the Town to potential liability issues. The Board decided that someone must attend the event all day and they must sign a waiver for free/for sale items. Ann asked AJ to draft a statement and the Board will formally adopt it.
10. Town Hall Rental: Brown. The event is for a memorial gathering for her grandmother, Evelyn Payette, who was a resident of Pittsfield to be held on August 3rd. She’s requesting a waiver from
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non-resident to resident. Ann moved to agree to the waiver request, $50 for clean-up fee and $50 for the rental fee AJ seconded. All in favor.
11. Executive Session: 1 V.S,A. § 313 (1) (A) Contracts. Ann moved to enter Executive Session at 7:18pm. Ann moved to re-enter the regular meeting at 7:35pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn at 7:36pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: August 29, 2024
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben