Pittsfield Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 24, 2024
Meeting at Town Hall – present Jake Hunt, Ann Kuendig, Dave Fenity, Trina Hotchkiss, and A.J.
Jake called the meeting order at 6:18 p.m.
Ann reiterated the Open Meeting Law requirement that Recreation Committee meeting agendas
be posted prior to the meetings and that minutes be posted on the Town website within 5 days of
the meetings. Ann offered to help posting recordings of the Committee meetings online as well.
Jake moved to accept meeting minutes from September 17 th , Trina seconded all in favor.
Ann reported on Selectboard purchase of recreation equipment prior to October 1 st to obtain a
grant funded match. Ann reported the Selectboard will purchase a pickle ball net, balls and
paddles (net reviewed by Committee previously), two basket balls. A heavy duty tarp to cover
the court and line the hockey rink was discussed and the Committee agreed on that purchase by
the Select Board too.
Dave reported on efforts to find a different option to top coat and paint the basketball court. Dave
spoke with Killington Recreation Department who reported using the St. Johnsbury company
that gave Pittsfield the initial quote. Killington reported being very satisfied with the St.
Johnsbury company and noted a twenty-year positive relationship with that company. Dave sent
the RFP to another potential bidder, but that bidder declined to bid due to not having the requisite
expertise or materials. Jake moved to recommend to the Select Board that the Board use the St.
Johnsbury company and accept the initial approximately $9k bid, Dave seconded, all in favor.
Jake reported speaking with Dave Colton about the walking track. Dave Colton agreed to work
with Harvey’s to obtain material and estimated that $3500 in hard pack material would be
needed. Dave Colton offered to volunteer much of his time to the project. The Committee
extended its gratitude to Dave Colton for his generous offer.
The group discussed offering commemorative benches for donations in the new recreation area
and suggested buying and installing such benches to honor volunteers once the park is further
Jake showed the group photos of Manchester, Vermont’s recreational field and attributes,
including commemorative benches, playground with wood chip surface, and curved swing set
The group reviewed an historic graphic of a proposed Pittsfield recreational field complex and
agreed to display at the Bazaar both it and the newly created graphic of proposals for the new
recreational field complex that Jake is working on.
Jake discussed potential funding including obtaining a copy of Bethel’s successful VOREC grant
and contacting Mascoma Bank that may have grant money available for part of our recreational
The group discussed logistics for our presentation at the Bazaar this Saturday. Jake, Dave and
A.J. will set up in the morning, including tables, chairs (from the town hall), and easels for the
two displays. People will bring baked goods to entice interest in our presentation. Trina will be
available in the mid-day at the table. Jake will send texts to the full Committee for additional
scheduling for a presence all day at the Bazaar table. Jake will also finalize the graphic with
possible projects and descriptions.
Dave agreed to finalize a survey form after reviewing a draft by Trina and additional discussion.
Dave will send a draft to the Committee and request that Trish at the Town Office print out 100
copies for use on Saturday at the Bazaar. Questions will likely include what equipment and what
ground surface should be in the playground, interest in a walking path, pavilion, dog park,
community garden, kickboard, frisbee golf holes, a firepit/bbq, commemorative benches,
educational/fitness stations along the walking path, and signage for the pump track and other
recreational offerings. There will be a space for general comments as well.
Trina moved to end the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and Dave seconded, all in favor.
Meeting at Town Hall – present Jake Hunt, Ann Kuendig, Dave Fenity, Trina Hotchkiss, and A.J.
Jake called the meeting order at 6:18 p.m.
Ann reiterated the Open Meeting Law requirement that Recreation Committee meeting agendas
be posted prior to the meetings and that minutes be posted on the Town website within 5 days of
the meetings. Ann offered to help posting recordings of the Committee meetings online as well.
Jake moved to accept meeting minutes from September 17 th , Trina seconded all in favor.
Ann reported on Selectboard purchase of recreation equipment prior to October 1 st to obtain a
grant funded match. Ann reported the Selectboard will purchase a pickle ball net, balls and
paddles (net reviewed by Committee previously), two basket balls. A heavy duty tarp to cover
the court and line the hockey rink was discussed and the Committee agreed on that purchase by
the Select Board too.
Dave reported on efforts to find a different option to top coat and paint the basketball court. Dave
spoke with Killington Recreation Department who reported using the St. Johnsbury company
that gave Pittsfield the initial quote. Killington reported being very satisfied with the St.
Johnsbury company and noted a twenty-year positive relationship with that company. Dave sent
the RFP to another potential bidder, but that bidder declined to bid due to not having the requisite
expertise or materials. Jake moved to recommend to the Select Board that the Board use the St.
Johnsbury company and accept the initial approximately $9k bid, Dave seconded, all in favor.
Jake reported speaking with Dave Colton about the walking track. Dave Colton agreed to work
with Harvey’s to obtain material and estimated that $3500 in hard pack material would be
needed. Dave Colton offered to volunteer much of his time to the project. The Committee
extended its gratitude to Dave Colton for his generous offer.
The group discussed offering commemorative benches for donations in the new recreation area
and suggested buying and installing such benches to honor volunteers once the park is further
Jake showed the group photos of Manchester, Vermont’s recreational field and attributes,
including commemorative benches, playground with wood chip surface, and curved swing set
The group reviewed an historic graphic of a proposed Pittsfield recreational field complex and
agreed to display at the Bazaar both it and the newly created graphic of proposals for the new
recreational field complex that Jake is working on.
Jake discussed potential funding including obtaining a copy of Bethel’s successful VOREC grant
and contacting Mascoma Bank that may have grant money available for part of our recreational
The group discussed logistics for our presentation at the Bazaar this Saturday. Jake, Dave and
A.J. will set up in the morning, including tables, chairs (from the town hall), and easels for the
two displays. People will bring baked goods to entice interest in our presentation. Trina will be
available in the mid-day at the table. Jake will send texts to the full Committee for additional
scheduling for a presence all day at the Bazaar table. Jake will also finalize the graphic with
possible projects and descriptions.
Dave agreed to finalize a survey form after reviewing a draft by Trina and additional discussion.
Dave will send a draft to the Committee and request that Trish at the Town Office print out 100
copies for use on Saturday at the Bazaar. Questions will likely include what equipment and what
ground surface should be in the playground, interest in a walking path, pavilion, dog park,
community garden, kickboard, frisbee golf holes, a firepit/bbq, commemorative benches,
educational/fitness stations along the walking path, and signage for the pump track and other
recreational offerings. There will be a space for general comments as well.
Trina moved to end the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and Dave seconded, all in favor.