PRESENT: Matt Corron, Dave Larkin, Mona Colton, Patty Haskins, Tim Hunt, Dot Williamson, Ray and Lynda Colton, Roger Stevens, Bill Oren, Rebecca Steward, Martha Beyersdorf, Greg Martin, Erica Hurd
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #6 E-mail from Rebecca Steward, #7 VLCT News-Snowmobiles on Town Highways, #8 Bill Oren request to record all meetings, #9 Pittsfield Demolition Project-G&N Excavation request; Old Business #3 Highway Garage door, #4 WRVA/Regional Ambulance update; New Business #1 Additional break-in at Highway Garage, #2 2017 PACIF Grant Application, #3 FairPoint EPAK 2 year contract, #4 VLCT workshops: Town Meeting Tune-up and Select Board Institute
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 12/20/16
Public Present:
- Ron L. Beaulieu & Company Merger
- Consolidated Communications acquiring FairPoint
- 2016 Equalization Study Results
- Request of payment scam
- Email from Ray Colton
- E-mail from Rebecca Steward
- VLCT News-Snowmobiles on Town Highways
- Bill Oren request to record all meetings
- Pittsfield Demolition Project-G&N Excavation request
Old Business:
- Budgets Review
- Stephens v. Haskins, Pittsfield et al update
- Highway Garage door
- WRVA/Regional Ambulance update
New Business:
- Additional break-in at Highway Garage
- 2017 PACIF Grant Application
- FairPoint EPAK 2 year contract
- VLCT workshops: Town Meeting Tune-up and Select Board Institute
Next Meeting Date: January 17, 2017
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Dave seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Agenda modifications: Correspondence #6 E-mail from Rebecca Steward, #7 VLCT News-Snowmobiles on Town Highways, #8 Bill Oren request to record all meetings, #9 Pittsfield Demolition Project-G&N Excavation request; Old Business #3 Highway Garage door, #4 WRVA/Regional Ambulance update; New Business #1 Additional break-in at Highway Garage, #2 2017 PACIF Grant Application, #3 FairPoint EPAK 2 year contract, #4 VLCT workshops: Town Meeting Tune-up and Select Board Institute. All board members were in favor of the agenda.
Minutes Approval: Mona motioned to approve the December 20, 2016 minutes; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
- Ron L. Beaulieu & Company Merger – Update on their merger and information on auditing services; no action.
- Consolidated Communications acquiring FairPoint – Update on impending merger slated to occur mid-2017 as they go through the regulatory process.
- 2016 Equalization Study Results – Pittsfield property valuation is 117%; when over 100% the value is above fair market value. Town Clerk and Listers reviewed results and all is in order.
- Request of payment scam – E-mail scam using town officials names to request payments from the town.
- Email from Ray Colton – Ray e-mailed the board on December 22, 2016 informing them the 500-foot buffer between homes and snowmobile trails is a guide for laying out trails on National Forest land.
- E-mail from Rebecca Steward – Rebecca e-mailed the board on January 2, 2017 to relay her disappointment in errors in the minutes; the noise and odor from snowmobiles passing her property along the re-route; the number of snowmobiles that are traveling along the route, gathering at the end of Lower Michigan Road, revving their engines and ignoring speed and stop signs; and the curfew. She requests they consider an alternate route. Minutes are a draft, are marked accordingly and are subject to change until the board approves a final copy. On behalf of the snowmobile club Tim Hunt stated they can arrange to have a Sheriff posted to help enforce the curfew. The club can also have members posted in problem areas to help with control.
- VLCT News-Snowmobiles on Town Highways – A timely article in the January 2017 VLCT News that addresses the use of town highways by ATV and Snowmobile operators. Board members will review this information.
- Bill Oren request to record all meetings – Bill submitted a written request to the board to record all meetings. He asked the board to re-consider decision on the snowmobile re-route; he questions Mona’s vote, and information in the board meeting minutes as well as the board’s actions. He stated a complaint has been submitted to his attorney and the town will be hearing from the court; he then left the meeting.
- Pittsfield Demolition Project-G&N Excavation request – The contractor will need access to property January 4, 2017 to take an inventory of contents to be removed. Access approved.
Old Business:
- Budgets Review – Martha and Erica presented board with a detailed budget for the Library. They are not requesting additional funds above the proposed $940. They want the board to be aware of the actual costs for the Library. Currently they raise money through fundraisers and have capital funds to offset the cost. Patty provided draft budgets for the board to review additional figures entered since the last review, address blank line items, and finish salaries. Reviewed preliminary Budget Summary and Anticipated Expense used to determine tax rate. Reviewed updated draft of Warning. All reports will be reviewed again at the next meeting to reach a final version.
- Stephens v. Haskins, Pittsfield et al update – PACIF attorney notified the town on December 27, 2016 that Judge Murtha dismissed the lawsuit in its entirety as it did not meet basic requirements for filing a lawsuit in federal court. The Plaintiff has until January 23, 2017 to re-file.
- Highway Garage door – Royal Group provided a quote and has installed a deadbolt. A new door is not needed at this time.
- WRVA/Regional Ambulance update – Dave has provided Regional Ambulance with information on Pittsfield First Responders. Mona gave Dave additional questions to ask regarding supplies. Dave will follow-up with Jim Finger at Regional Ambulance.
New Business:
- Additional break-in at Highway Garage – George reported on December 31, 2016 at 3:08 pm that the Town Highway Garage was broken into again. It occurred between 3:45 pm on December 30, 2016 and 2:00 pm on December 31, 2016. The new chainsaw and full gas can were stolen. He has reported to the State Police. Proposals for cameras and security system have been forwarded to the board.
- 2017 PACIF Grant Application – George submitted a draft for a security system and intrusion system grant available through PACIF. The preliminary estimate is $4,488 and the grant pays 50%. More information is needed to complete the application, Patty will give to George.
- FairPoint EPAK 2 year contract – EPAK provides a monthly credit. Contract approved by the board as savings are greater than early cancellation of the contract.
- VLCT workshops: Town Meeting Tune-up and Select Board Institute – Town Meeting Tune-up is February 8 at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier and Matt may attend; the Select Board Institute is in early March.
Next Meeting Date: January 17, 2017
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.; Dave seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: January 17, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Dave Larkin
Mona Colton